chapter-60-money is water.

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Soon Clopeh arrived and they set their plan into motion when the white star bastard came.

Cale was just observing the play playing in front of him while hiding with Choi Han and the childern.

The white star was really desperate after all. He didn't even notice the trap.

White star move according to Cale's expectations. Cale was quite pleased with the results.

After the white star was gone. The whale siblings, Archie and Clopeh approach Cale who was coming out from hiding with Choi Han.

"Nice work everyone. I have to thank you again for helping me. I will take care of everything else."

Cale smile as he disappeared with a teleportation spell.

-Human are we going to smack the white star in the back.

Cale nodded at the dragon's worlds. They arrived at the Molan household. He saw Ron and Bud waiting for him there.

Ron smile as he saw Cale walking toward them. "Young mast you have arrived."

Cale shudder at the old man's smile but he didn't show it as he just nodded.

Then Ron handed him a cup. Of course it has to be lemon tea. Cale groan quietly.

Ron just ignore it as he waited patiently for Cale to take the cup which Cale did a second later.

Cale drink the lemon tea immediately when he saw the benign smile of the vicious butler.

Then they started walking inside. Cale noticed that Beacrox was nowhere to be seen and as if on cue, Ron explain.

"I sent Beacrox out to take care of the rats that have been lingering near the house."

Cale just nodded. By rats he must mean the Arm members. Cale felt chills on his back.

So he decided to change the subject. "Bud is everything ready?" Bud just nodded.

Unlike his usual self Bud wasn't holding an alcohol bottle. He was dress up in a formal clothes.

Since they have something to do after this. 'Freesia should already be there. Let hurry up and finish this.'

Cale and everyone else was walking toward the teleportation circle that they found before.

Since Cale have been keeping the white star busy for the past three months, Arm hasn't notice the Molan household.

And Cale wasn't going to miss the opportunity to smack that bastard in the back.

They arrived soon. Cale turn to everyone else. "I will only be taking Raon with me. On Hong stay with Ron.

Bud and Choi Han get ready to carry out the plan. Contact Freesia also we will be leaving immediately."

"Young master you could get hurt if you go alone." Ron frown his smile was nowhere to be seen.

Cale just shake his head. "I won't. This is also something I have to do.

So don't worry about me and make sure everything is ready. We will be leaving immediately."

"But Cale-ni-" Cale stop Choi. "Choi Han are you going to disobey right now."

Cale release a bit of dominating aura. Choi Han didn't back down as he stared Cale straight in the eyes.

"Cale-nim I won't back down if it involves your safety." Cale just stare indifferently.

Then Cale click his tongue which Ton, Choi Han and Bud flinch at. Choi Han thought that Cale would be mad at him.

So he was about to change his technique from disobedience to coaxing but Cale cut him off.

"Fine I will take Ron with me. Choi Han you can't come and you need to stay here to take care of the childern.

Ron would be more useful as he has stealth. He would also be faster. So I will be taking Ron and that is final."

Cale said sternly not giving any room for argument. Choi Han just nodded. Cale was stern after all.

He didn't want to make Cale mad then he already is. Even if he doesn't like Ron.

Ron was someone who took care of Cale since he was a child. So he had no choice.

Meanwhile Cale was not mad but frustrated becasue of the voices inside his head.

He was holding the top whip in his hand.

-Chaos, destruction, smacking the back. That white thing is in the desert.

-Cale as you expected the white star went to the desert first.

-Well he could've gone to the Roan kingdom first but thank God.

-Cale did you expected this to happen is that why you didn't say anything to the crown prince.

Cape just nodded unnoticeably. "Thank you I will contact you later." Cale whisper as he let go of the top whip.

-Cale are we going to follow the white star to the desert now.- Thief.

-Cale let's eat first.- Glutton.

-Cale don't push yourself.- Super rock.

-Cale let's throw money.- Cheapskate.

'Do you think money is water?'

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