chapter-19-he is targeting me.

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"Then I will start with-" As Cale was talking there was a light as something appear inside the room.

The others were alert except Cale. They all only calm down when they saw gold hair.

"Eruhaben-nim welcome. Did you had a nice chat." Cale smile. Eruhaben look at Cale with a complicated expression.

Eruhaben sigh and shake his head. "You unlucky bastard." Eruhaben just talk to Raon who had just fallen asleep.

Eruhaben heard a lot of things about Cale from Raon and he just couldn't believe it.

Cale life seem to be a real mess. The Thames bloodline power. That was the thing that caught Eruhaben's attention.

He had seen the threat but he didn't think it would be this complicated. Eruhaben just went to sit down beside Pendrick.

Meanwhile Cale was talking with some energetic little elementals.

-Cale we listen to their conversation.

-Chaos, destruction, love, that dragon is a big softy.

-Kheheehe Cale did you know that that dragon promised the little dragon to protect you.

Then the elementals started giving Cale a summary of what Eruhaben and Raon talked about.

It seem like Eruhaben will train Raon to be his successor. "That's good. Thank you." Cale whisper as he let go of the tops whip.

"What's good?" Choi Han asked as he glare at Cale. Cale just smirk. "None of your business."

"Wait so is Eruhaben-nim also doing the-" Rosalyn look at Cage. Cale shake his head.

"No." Rosalyn squinted her eyebrows in confusion. "Because unlike human, dragons are prideful creatures and they always keep they're words."

Eruhaben answered in a obvious manner. Then Cale let out a fake cough to get everyone's attention.

"Well now that that's out of the way let me talk. Arm the organization that you are facing right now is a much dangerous organization than you think.

Arm has many forces and allies all across the continent. The Mogoru empire is on Arm's side.

As well as the bear tribe, the lion tribe. The flame Dwarf tribe also. They also have many dead mana facility.

They also had black mages and alchemist, even dark elves and some other creatures.

In fact the Alchemist belltower is own by Arm and it is actually a dead mana facility where they produced dead mana using people."

As Cale said that they heard cracking. They all look toward the voice. Choi Han was holding onto the table so hard that it started cracking.

Cale sigh. "Please do not destroy my furniture. Anyways Arm's main base is inside the gate to the demon world, one of the forbidden regions on the eastern continent.

There is a kingdom called the Endable kingdom inside that black hole. Arm's main base is inside there.

That is also where that bastard the leader of Arm, the white star is staying.

The Molan household-" Ron's eyes become sharp. "-that is resideing beside in the mountains near the black hole is one of the watch bases for the Endable kingdom.

There is also a village like base beside the hole. That should be where the lion king is staying.

Arm has many forces. They also have already taken control of the eastern continent's underworld.

Not to mention many small kingdoms on the eastern continent has already allied themselves with Arm.

Now that's that. Now let's talked about that mother fucker white star and the real purpose of Arm as well as that fucking bastard's past and how everything come to be."

Cale swear as he smile. The words he is speaking right now does not match the sweet smiling face he was making.

Meanwhile Cage was looking at Cale like a proud older sister. Then Cale started talking again.

"The white star or should I say Cale barrow is the leader of Arm." "Cale barrow?"

Alberu asked. Cale nodded. "Don't remind me about it. I still can't believe it. How a person like me has to have the same first name as that mother fucking bastard.

Anyways he is a reincarnator. Someone who has died and reincarnated again with the memories intact, for about 1000 years?

That bastard was originally a dragon slayer." As Cale said that Eruhaben eyes widen.

Cale look at Eruhaben and nodded. "Yes Eruhaben he is exactly 'the' dragon slayer unlike what you mistaken me for."

Eruhaben and Cale has talk before as Cale explain somethings. Eruhaben notice the dominating aura and has asked Cale about it.

Then Cale continue. "He broke the vow that the first dragon slayer made with the dragon lord and is currently curse.

I will not explain in details. You can also asked Eruhaben-nim about somethings.

That bastard has only four of the five natural attribute thus his plate is not balanced like mine.

And now he is targeting me."

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