chapter-66-he has something to do.

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“The mana in the air is extremely chaotic right now. It is to the point that the shaking of the mana can be felt by a swordsman like me.”

His gaze headed toward Raon.

“I’m sure it is terrible for Raon and others who use magic.”

The soldiers on the walls, the residents of the territory, and Cale were fine because they could not feel mana.

Cale looked toward Raon as well while Raon stretched his wings open and confidently shouted.

“N, no! The great and mighty Raon Miru’s front paws do not shake because of mana disturbance like this!”

It’d be one thing if he wasn’t stuttering, but this young Dragon was not good at lying to Cale

As Cale can already see through it. Cale just sigh as he patted Raon.

He turned his gaze toward the city walls.  Cale and Choi Han looked at each other before they both looked toward Raon at the same time.

Raon urgently shouted as soon as he met their gazes. “I’m going in with you! I am great and mighty! I’m going to do it too!”

He then shrugged his shoulders and timidly added on after seeing Choi Han and Cale’s gazes.

“…I understand. The not great and mighty Raon Miru will be waiting outside.

I alone will be here unable to do anything. I am… not… great and mighty……”

Choi Han felt bad about this, but they could not enter into the city with Raon who could not maintain his invisibility and would continue to struggle because of the mana disturbance.

‘It probably feels like he’s extremely carsick.’ Choi Han was able to estimate the pain Raon was feeling while using magic right now.

‘…Anyway, this is bad.’

The fact that they could not enter with Raon would make things quite difficult for Cale’s group.

They would not be able to avoid the enemies’ gazes by being invisible nor would they be able to teleport away if they ended up in danger.

‘But it’s not like we can just not go in there.’ Cale’s voice reached the still mumbling Raon’s ears as Choi Han’s mind started to get complicated.

“To lose to this stupid mana disturbance… I am not great and mighty…

Even gramps or Rosalyn cannot overcome this level of mana disturbance… This is not possible

… This is closer to mana chaos than mana disturbance… For I, the great and might Raon Miru to be unable to do anything… This is shocking.”

“What do you mean you can’t do anything?”

Raon’s head quickly jerked toward Cale. Cale stood in front of the no longer invisible Raon and looked at his hair and Choi Han’s hair.

Raon’s magic was not completely undone. The dye magic was being maintained.

“The dye magic is still working?” “Of course! I am great and mighty! I can maintain at least one type of magic!”

“Is that so?” “…Human! Why are you laughing like that again?”

Cale did not answer Raon’s question and nudged Choi Han’s shoulder.

“Let’s climb over the wall. We have a lot of things to do.”

They had not noticed anything out of the ordinary during their trip to this alley from the city walls.

Everything was the same as the Dubori territory he visited last time. However…

“Yes, that does seem to be the Lord’s Castle. But we did not see any knights or mages on our way here.”

They had seen some Dubori soldiers but had not seen any of the Dubori knights.

“What do you think?” “I think the Lord’s Castle is the center of the mana disturbance.”

Choi Han and Cale were hiding in the shadows of the alley as they focused their gazes on the Dubori Lord’s Castle.

“Cale nim, something is weird. We didn’t see anyone on the way here, but at the Lord’s Castle entrance and the desert entrance-” “I know.”

Cale’s gaze headed toward the west. There were more soldiers than usual at the desert entrance.

Who could these soldiers be? The answer was easy to guess. “It looks like the White Star’s subordinates are disguised as soldiers.”

“That’s right.” Cale agreed with Choi Han and raised his head.

The crow on the wall cawed as it watched them before one of the crows that flew away returned and descended into the alley.

In a shaded part of the alley… The crow landed on the crouching person’s shoulder.


A familiar voice instead of a caw came out of the crow’s mouth. Cale started to smile and his gaze headed toward the crow on his shoulder.

-I met with Raon-nim.

“Gashan, it’s been a while.” The Tiger shaman Gashan’s crows had flown into the territory and finally reached Cale.

Cale has been waiting for him. As he has to do something.

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