chapter-94-can only sigh.

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-Are you ......Eruhbane Eruhaben-nim?

"Ho" Eruhaben was amused. It seem like this man know who he is. Cale must've told him about him.

"And you must be the other worlder that Cale have told me about." Eruhaben could see the man nodding.

-Where is Cale?

The man asked as he look around behind Eruhaben. Kim rok soo can see Eruhaben frowning at his words.

His mind started racing. Did something happened to Cale? If so then what happened.

He swore if this is the radish's doing he is going to be pissed. How dare he hurt his child.

"He got capture by white star." Eruhaben finally managed to say it. He can see the other man face darken at his words.

"And there will be an attack in puzzle city in three days." Eruhaben don't know why but he felt like he could trust the man.

-That motherfucker white star and that even bigger motherfucker sealed God.

Eruhaben heard Kim rok soo swear. "Sealed God?" Eruhbane repeated those words.

Kim rok soo sigh at this. He really is pissed. According to the brief explanation from the God of death, in the last volume of the birth of a hero the white star will preform a ritual using sacrifices to summon the sealed God, the God of despair.

However that fucking annoying God of death didn't explain him in detail and just briefly ran over some important informations so Kim rok soo didn't know exactly everything.

-And how did you know about the attack?

"The vampire." Those words were enough to know what happened.

Unlike the birth of a hero version, in this timeline Cale even though wasn't able to save Locks siblings he was able to make sure they can't be used as a sacrifice.

So the white star would need something else other than the wolves as a sacrifice.

So where will he find it? Easy. He would used the kingdom he manipulated in the years.

That must be tha reason why Fredo was here and not with white star. This is getting complicated.

Eruhaben look at the man who was deep in thought before asking.  "What is your name?"

-Kim rok soo. My name is Kim rok soo. I am Cale's hyung.

Eruhaben nodded. Cale did say this man raised him. "Then Kim rok soo. Do you mind explainning?"

Kim rok soo sigh. What a pain. Then Kim rok soo explain about what was going on and what white star intended to do.

"Tch." Eruhaben clicked his tongue as he heard Kim rok soo explanation.

-We don't have much time.

"I know."

-Eruhaben-nim, right now I am the one next to Cale who know more about the situation. But I cannot reveal myself.

Eruhaben look at the man who as on to something. He nodded in understanding.

-Eruhaben-nim can I please make a request?

Eruhaben look at the man in front of him with an amused expression.

-Please act as my proxy.

"Ho." Eruhaben couldn't help but let out a scoff. They really are similar.

Not just their looks but also their mindsets and their personalities are similar.

"What an unlucky bastard. " Eruhaben couldn't believed what was happening in his last years.

Little did he know this isn't going to be his last years. But that is a story for the near future.

Contrary to his words. Eruhaben was smiling. Kim rok soo still have his poker face on.

"I guess I will be generous enough to comply with your request." Eruhaben was feeling quite excited right now.

-Thank you Eruhaben-nim but first of all we need string new allies.

Eruhaben raise an eyebrow. "Allies?" Kim rok soo started smiling a familiar smile.


Only one words left his mouth. Eruhaben couldn't help but raised the corner of his lips.

"Ho it's seem that you two are really similar. " Eruhaben mumble as Kim rok soo tilted his head.

-Excuse me?

"Nothing." Eruhaben shake his head and look at the child in front of him. They are both crazy bastards.

Eruhaben made a mental note as he listen to Kim rok soo.

-According to Cale the mayor of the city of life seem to have met a dragon in the past. We will need their help.

Eruhaben didn't say anything and just nodded. It seem like Kim rok soo know what he was doing.

-We will also need to join all our allies. Eruhaben-nim tell the crown prince to make a declaration to the whole continent.

Eruhaben look at the man in front of him. He has a calm expression on his face.

"Anything else?"

-There is a lot of things we need to get done on during these three days we have. So please bear with me Eruhaben-nim.

Eruhaben can only sigh.

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