chapter-98-occur ouside.

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Right after he told Raon that Kim rok soo immediately activated one of his abilities.

'Instant' Cale body shots forward from Raon's barrier. Everything around him has slowed down.

Bruises started forming in his flesh as blood flow out. But he couldn't stop. No he wouldn't stop.

For Cale. For his child whom he has taken cared of since young. Kim rok soo wouldn't stop.

Cale have been through so much. And Kim rok soo has swear before that he would give Cale a peaceful life without anything harming him.

And Kim rok soo is someone who always keep his promised. Pain shot through his whole body.

As Kim rok soo arrived on the alter. He grabbed the seventh sculpture as he swing it toward the second sculpture.

The second sculpture broke as soon as it came in contact with the seventh one.

Then the time around him return to normal as Sayeru's shout ring in his ear.

'One more time.' Kim rok soo thought to himself as he use his ability one more time.

This time he swing it toward the first sculpture. 'These are even uglier than Freesia's.'

The first sculpture broke as some cracks form on the seventh one in his hand.

Then right before his time run out he swing it toward the eighth one.

The seventh one broke in his hand and the four wings on the eighth one broke.

Then the time return to normal as a barrier was created around him to protect him from Sayeru's arrows.

A loud explosion noise was made as soon as the arrows and the barrier made contact.

"O.. Other ... Human..." Raon was flying near him while keeping the barrier up.

The the eighth sculpture cracked as the grey mouth in the sky started creating eerie noises.

Sayeru's laughter ring out through the whole room as he look at the secen in front of him.

But right now Kim rok soo wasn't able to hear any of it as he was having trouble breathing.

"Other human enough." Raon eyes looked at him firmly. "You know the weak human once told me something."

Kim rok soo was trying to focus on Raon's voice. "He told me that decisions need to be made on times."

Kim rok soo couldn't reply. "And right now I have made a decision that is I am taking you back."

Then a bright light cover them as they disappear from there. But before they disappear Raon send a message to a single place.

The communication device of the crown prince. 'One.' Thats what the message say.

And that was enough for Alberu to know what it means. It mean that Kim rok soo wasn't able to stop one of the sculptures.

A loud noise ring out and the ground shook as the people look up at the monster that just appeared in horror.

"What the..." "My godness." "How are we going to defeat that thing." "We are going to die."

Sound of people shocked, scared or defeat ring through puzzle city as a monster with two wing and a holy appearance appear.

"Do not waver!" People turned toward the voice to see the crown prince and the sword master walking toward the monster side by side.

Alberu look at the monster in front of him as he listened to Taerang's explanation.

-That monster is called the lion dragon on Earth 3.

'Lion dragon.' Alberu memorize the name as they all hear some flapping noise.

"Those are." "What in the ..." "This is." Everyone let out an amazed gasps as they saw the sight in front of them.

While Alberu only just smile. "The dragons are here." In the sky the ancient dragon, Eruhaben-nim and Mila as well as Ryan, the bone dragon was flying.

And on the bone dragon, stand the last necromancer, Mary. Many can't help but look look the secen in wonder.

Clopeh smile while looking at everything that is happening. Dragons. He may not be able to create a legend but by following Cale.

He was able to see the legend being made. And Clopeh wasn't going to missed any of this.

Cale Henituse. The man who brought together all races together to fight against the forces of evil.

The man who protect the continent whiteout caring about race or blood, pretty or ugly, rich or poor.

The only man who will go doen in history. But what Clopeh didn't know is that the person who help Cale creat that legend is currently inside the city hall suffering from the overuse of power.

Kim rok soo breath heavily as blood flow out from all the cuts on his body.

Roan look at the lying body of Kim rok soo on the bed and back at the battle that's about to occur outside.

(Ps. The author will not be writing about the part where they will fight the lion dragon because of ......reasons. Not because the author suck at writing things like those. You all know what will happened and with a little adjustments. Since Cale is not here I will let Raon and Rok soo take his place. The white star won't be seal too for..... drama. And the Thames thing will not happened because the novel hasn't released much about the hunters. I'll leave it up to your imagination. ;) Thank you. Oh and I will be releasing side stories too. Bye.)

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