chapter-33-mary seem to be the women's name.

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A blinding light appear inside the land of death a group of people appear.

"So this is the land of death." Cale said as he look around. Sand, sand and even more sand.

As far as he could see there are only sand. "Let's hurry miss Tasha." Cale said as he turn to Tasha.

Tasha nodded and lead the group to the underground city where the dark elves stayed.

They all got to the city safe and sound. Cale look around the vibrant and lively city.

"It is exactly as 'he' say." Cale mumble to himself. "Who's he?" Choi Han stern tone made Cale turn to him.

Cale just shake his head. "Let's go." Cale didn't answer Choi Han as Tasha lead them to the mayor office.

They arrive at the mayor office and talk with him about the war. The discussion went smoothly as they agree to help.

After they were done with the discussion there was a knock on the door.

“Mayor-nim, I am here. Shall I wait here?”

Cale turned around only to see a person who was covered from head to toe with a black robe.

At that moment, he heard Raon’s voice in his head.

– Hmm? She is a human, so why does she have the darkness attribute?

There were only a few ways for a human to obtain the darkness attribute.

Cale started to speak inside the quiet office.

“Raon.”Raon? The Dark Elves all looked confused.

It was because the word that Cale said with a serious expression.

_It is okay for me to appear? Raon asked in Cale's kind as Cale nodded. “Tada.” It appeared behind Cale.

“Why are you not coming out?” None of them heard Cale’s voice, as their focus was on the face that was peeking out from behind Cale.

Raon only peeked his head out from behind Cale. Cale let out a sigh before taking a step to the side.

As he did that, Raon was slowly revealed to the Dark Elves.

Cale looked toward the door to see Choi Han standing there like a guard with an awkward smile on his face.

The person who was wearing a robe, so Cale could not tell anything about her, was just standing there like a scarecrow.

At that moment, Raon stood in front of the three Dark Elves. ‘What is he trying to do?’

Cale looked toward Raon with curiosity. “I am the great Raon Miru!”

Cale could see Raon puffing up his chest. He took care of his self-introduction very well.

“I am a grand total of 6-years-old this year!” ‘Was there a need to tell them your age?’ Cale thought.

“Oh, great Dragon-nim!”

The Dark Elf mayor was already kneeling and responding to Raon’s every word like they were the words of a god.

‘What to do about this?’

Cale was starting to get a headache. However, Raon’s introduction was not over yet.

“And I am taking care of Cale Henituse because he is a weakling!”

‘…I don’t think that’s the case…’ Cale let out a deep sigh. “Let’s all calm down first.”

Cale pointed toward the couches like it was his office. “Everybody, please sit down.”

Cale avoided the chair reserved for the mayor and walked over to a three-person couch before he sat down.

“Dragon-nim, please sit over here.” It was the seat Cale had left open for the mayor.  “I don’t want to. You sit there!”

Raon flew over and sat down next to Cale. He then put his head on Cale’s knee.

“The Dragon is a secret.” Raon glance from behind Cale. Shawn bowed his head and responded back.

“I promise on my relationship with the Elementals that I will keep it a secret.”

A Dark Elf promising on their relationship with Elementals was similar to a vow of death.

An Elf who could not interact with Elementals would have to live in despair for the rest of their lives.

Raon looked toward the mayor and Tasha, who then made the same vow.

“I promise on my relationship with the Elementals that I will keep it a secret.”

“…I also promise on my relationship with the Elementals that I will keep it a secret.”

After that no one said anything. Then someone started to talk. “I am curious about the world.”

The voice was indifferent without any emotion, like the voice of a GPS.
It was the person wearing the black robe.

Cale’s gaze headed over to the black robe.“I wish to see the outside world.”
“… What?”

However, her words shocked both Shawn and Tasha. “Sigh.”

Tasha started to speak at that moment. She seemed to know the black robed person.

“Mary, what are you talking about?” Mary seemed to be the woman’s name.

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