chapter-84-let's start.

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Cale ignore the little dragon's words and turn back to the crown Prince.

Alberu also sit down on the couches qs Beacrox and Choi Han stand behind Cale.

Clopeh was also smiling on the side while glaring at the crown prince and Choi Han.

"Your highness-" "Hyung call me hyung." Alberu cut Cale off to fix his way of speech.

After everything he had done to become Cale's hyung he wasn't just going to be 'his highness' anymore.

"Hyung." Cale fix his speech like it was nothing. Well it really was nothing. Eric has been bugging him to be called hyung since they were young.

Now he also have Rok soo-hyung and Taylor who also demanded to be called hyung.

Cale couldn't understand why everyone want to be called hyung or noona by him.

Who would want to do anything with a trash like him.

He was actually glad that his parents didn't force him to call them papa or mama.

"As I stated in the letter the final war is just around the corner. I just received news not long ago.

After this I will be revealing the northern alliance. I also planned on flipping the eastern continent soon."

Alberu eyes widen at Cale's last words. Flip the eastern continent. What the hell was this crazy bastard saying something scary like it's about the weather.

Alberu look at Cale in disbelief but flinch as he look at Cale's eyes. Alberu immediately know what Cale was thinking.

The illusionist and the allies of Arm this is what Cale mean by flipping the eastern continent.

Alberu sigh. Well what did he expect this is Cale. "Anything else I should know about?"

Alberu smile brightly. Cale think for a second. "Oh right it's about time we started to gather our allies."

Cale started smiling his 'bright' smile. Alberu felt chills. But he tried to cover it up.

"I will take care of that." Cale also nodded. They would need to held a meeting since the final battle is getting near.

He didn't want to do anything with this meeting. He is only going to help them gather.

And let them do all the work. Cale also have to find a way to kill the white star.

Cale sigh. He still have too much to do. "Also hyu-" But before Cale could finish his sentence a bright light cover the room.

Cage immediately step out as she rush to Cale and held him by the shoulder. "Your ok!"

Cage yells with teary eyes and hugged Cale. Meanwhile Alberu was dumbfounded.

Why are all these people barging into his bedroom. The bedroom of the crown prince like they are barging into a community park.

"What do you mean by Ok?" Cale asked Cage who just let him go. ©That fucking god of death."

Cage mutter. As she sit down beside Cale. "The god of death said that he felt the presence of death near you."

The room temperature dropped as Cage said that. Cale look around at eveyone.

'Huh? Why are these vicious people looking like they are about to kill someone. How scary!'

Cale calm his heart. "You mean I am about to die?" At Cale's words the room become even more colder as the eys of the individuals inside looked dark.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING. I WON'T LET IT HAPPENED!" Cage immediately shouted at her stupid little brother.

"I don't plan to die anyway." Cale sigh. "He just told me to be careful." Cage sigh also as she shake her head.

Cale nodded. Cale look at the clock. "We are running behind schedule." Cale stand up as well as Cage.

"Your highness can you also contact your aunt I will be needing their strength.

Tell them to meet us near the lake of despair." Alberu just nodded. "Be careful Cale."

Cale bow and smile. "I said I don't plan on dying your highness." Cale people started gathering near him and they teleport away.

Alberu was left alone in his office. Alberu sigh. "It seem like I need to take counter measurements."

Alberu said in a low voice. He might need to do something to ensure Cale's safety.

While Cale was back at the black castle. Clopeh has already gone back to the Paerun kingdom.

Cale saw everyone waiting and he also saw the person he had sent Ron to go fetch in the eastern continent.

"Your here." The dragon half-blood greeted him. "It seem like you have made up your mind."

The dragon half-blood just nodded. Cale already knew that he had made up his mind the moment Cale got reports that the dragon half-blood had dyed his hair red.

The same color as Lord Sherrit's other child, Raon's sibling. Cale walk past him. "Let's start."

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