chapter-55-a death sentence to me.

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Cale arrived at the garden of super rock villa. He had a cloak on as he plan to quickly returned.

Cale didn't just go to Sherrit's castle to find out about the text. He also went there to hide from those 'crimson rose hero-nim'.

Even in his own house Cale didn't felt safe and he also have been having a bad feeling.

After many examples Cale had learn to never ignore his instincts. So Cale didn't want to take any risks as he teleport here quietly.

But before he could take a step he felt a cold sensation run through his body as something cold was pressed to his nape.

Cale quickly turn around. He saw that the cold thing that was pressing his nape before was a sword.

That said sword was held by the hero of the plaza incident, Choi Han. Choi Han glared at the cloaked figure.

"Choi Han?" Cale asked. Choi Han immediately recognize the voice. It was the voice that he had been longing to hear for the last 3 days.

Choi Han's pupils started to shook. At that moment the wind blew and it knocked the hood down.

Then Choi Han saw the reddish brown orbs and the crimson red hair that he was desperate to see.

Then something else caught his eye it was something red that drop to the ground.

It was blood to be precise Cale's blood. Choi Han's eyes widen as soon as he saw the droplet of blood.

His mind become numb as he throw the sword away as far as he could. Then he hurriedly approach Cale.

"Ca-...Cale...Cale-nim" Choi Han shakily said as he tried to reach out to Cale's neck which has been scratch by his sword.

His hands hover over Cale's neck. Choi Han didn't know wether he should reach out or not.

He has been hurting Cale all this time. It was his fault. He was scared that his hands might hurt Cale even more.

He was scared that his hands might break the already easily breakable Cale.

At that moment Cale's warm hands squeeze his shoulders. "Choi Han I'm fine. It would heal soon anyways.

More over why does my villa felt like a funeral or something. It feel so gloomy and dark. Did someone die."

Cale was confused. He was just gone for three days and why does his villa felt like a graveyard or something.

It's so gloomy that it's giving him chills. He then return to look at Choi Han who was shaking.

'Is he angry?' Cale though as he remember what happen the first time they meet.

Then Cale could feel Choi Han's hand suddenly tracing his injury. He flinch at the coldness of the hands.

Cale felt like he just touch an ice cube. On the other hand Choi Han's heart shatter when he saw Cale flinch at his touch.

Cale could see Choi Han started shaking even harder. He got worry about something ahppening so he squeeze Choi Han's shoulders harder.

"Choi Han look at me and tell me what is going on." Choi Han obey Cale as he lift his head to meet Cale's reddish brown eyes.

Cale flinch for a second time when he met Choi Han's eyes. They were glistening with droplets of tears.

His cheek were also stained as more years were flowing out. Choi Han was crying.

Cale hot flustered as he panicked and froze on the spot. Cale was not a very emotional person thus he do not know how to handle these kind of situations.

His kids also didn't cry so Cale has never consolidated a person before. So Cale just stood there.

Choi Han jeep crying for a few second until he suddenly kneel down and held Cale's free hand with both of his hands like he was holding something so precious.

He then put Cale's hand on his forehead. "Cale-nim I'm so sorry. I am so sorry. *Sob* I promise I won't do it again.

Cale-nim please forgive *sob* me. No you don't have to forgive me. I'm sorry. I am so sorry.*sob*"

"Huh?" That was the only thing Cale could say at the confusing moment. He didn't know why Choi Han was apologizing.

But Choi Han wasn't finished as he continue. "Cale-nim. if you're mad it's fine. If you're angry it's fine.

If you hate me it's fine. If you want to hit me it's also fine.

I'll let you hit me as much as you want but please please don't send me away please don't.

I'm begging you please don't abandon me. I ...can't so.

Please don't abandon me. I'd rather have you kill me than abandon me. Being abandoned by you is like a death sentence to me."

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