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Well this is the 'special' chapter that I promise you all in the announcement.

I hope you like it. Also please take this. *hands out tissue.* *smile Ron's benign smile.*

Just for extra precautions nothing else. Also I will not be paying for anyone's therapy as I also need one for myself.

*still smiling* Also this chapter will be *cough* very very sad *cough*



In the super rock villa,

Everyone stand by the bedside of a certain red head. All has grim expressions.

The children who are now average 18 years old is standing by their guar- no their father's bedside.

Everyone has aged after the war. They have been living happily. It has been over nine years as the war with the white star ended.

Everything have been fine after they defeated the white star. Everyone has been happy until this one faithful day.

They know that there's nothing they can do. Not even a great and mighty dragon could escape time.

And that goes the same for the person lying on the bed with a pale face and a faith smile.

"Hahaha." A chuckle escape from the said person. His smile was beautiful as always.

But they couldn't enjoy it right now nor could they laugh with him because that said person is dying right now.

"Are you really going to send me off with those frowns." Cale asked jokingly.

He was dying but if possible he wish he could see his family smile before he die.

Due to the miscalculation during the war which result him getting captured and used, Cale body and soul have been injured severely.

To the point even the world tree can't heal him. "There has to be a way." Alberu mumble he was by the bed holding Cale's left hand.

"There just has to be." He wasn't looking at Cale. He can't. Normally he would love to look at Cale all day but not today.

"Dongsaeng please tell me There a way we could save you." Alberu beg the red head desperately.

Tears were running down his beautiful face as sobs were becoming more and more uncontrollable.

"I'm sorry." was all Cale could mutter up. He know they must be sad and he was the cause of it.

Alberu started holding on tighter to Cale's hand but he made sure Cale wouldn't be hurt.

It was not just him many in the room were sobbing their hearts out. Raon was on the bed hugging him while brawling his eyes out.

The kittens were standing near him swell with On hugging her brother.

How could they not when their father, their home, their savior was leaving them behind. And they will never see him again.

They won't feel his love or warmth or hear his loving and smoothing voice.

His caring gestures and his addicting hugs and pats. "Please."
Hong cried while clutching his sister.

On wanted to cried. On wanted to scream not to go but she have to be strong.

She had to be strong for Cale and her family. Then she felt a pat on her head.

"On you don't have to be so strong. Your a child and children should live like children."

That was it. That was all it needed to break down the walls she built to keep everyone safe.

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