chapter-30-a golden plaque please.

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Cale has been staring at Alberu quite a while now. Alberu tried not to show that he was nervous.

I mean who wouldn't be nervous when the person you had a crush was drilling holes into you with their stares.

Alberu couldn't take it anymore as he turn to Cale with his usual smile to his the nervousness.

"Is there something wrong young master-nim." Cale just keep staring at him more intensely than before.

Then Cale look away and sigh. To be honest Alberu was quite disappointed.

"Also your highness when are you planning to revealed your true face and not the one of that magic."

Alberu was shocked he knew that Cale had already figure out about his brith when he talked about the dark elves last time.

But right now he just outright ask him to show his true form. Alberu was surprise.

He was also happy that Cale didn't react anyway to how he was a dark elf but he was also nervous on what Cale would think.

Alberu look at Cale to see him looking at him again with a tilted head and curious eyes.

Alberu started chuckling. Then he took his necklace off. His hair and eyes change.

His princely appearance turn into his dark elf appearance. Cale lean in closer to his face.

Alberu lean back as Cale face got closer. The whole room was quiet as the only sound was Raon eating cookies.

Cale stay like that for a moment before sitting back down like he didn't just harassed the crown prince.

While on the other hand alberu feel like his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

He swear he had stopped breathing for a second when Cale got close. Alberu tried to catch his breath as he calm himself.

He turn back to his princely appearance and turn to Cale trying to hide his nervousness.

"What... What did you do that for." Alberu curse at himself for shuttering.

"Hmm just confirming something." Cale said as he went back to munching the cookies.

Alberu was confused as he was about to ask what Cale meant but Cale beat him to it.

"Your highness I actually came here for three things. One why the hell did you throw your mutts at me."

Alberu frown. He knew Cale was talking about Choi Han and the others. How could he not when he and Cale are very similar.

He knew that he did sent Choi Han and the others to Cale without discussing with him first but he did it out of worried.

When he heard about what happen his anger boils as he want to immediately went there to make sure Cale was ok but he rationality says otherwise.

So he use count Henituse to keep Cale safe by forcing Cale to keep Choi Han and the others by his side.

Even though he knew the bad history that the two of them shared.

He was scared that Cale might be mad at him and he just ruined his relationship with him.

So Alberu was about to coax Cale but Cale cut him off again. "I will accept them for now but until everything is over.

Secondly, I want you to keep my existence a secret no matter what. I don't want to be a fucking wannabe hero."

Cale sternly said leaving no room for negotiation. So Alberu just nodded.

When Cale got the answer he smile as he keep continuing to eat the cookie and tea that the crown prince prepare for him when he barge in here uninvited.

Alberu was satisfied to see Cale enjoying the tea he prepare but he still has work to do.

"So what is the third reason you came here for?" Alberu knew Cale come for work.

But deep down he kinda wish Cale just came here because he wanted to see him.

Even though he knew their relationship is not that close yet. What? A blind boy in love can dream you know.

Then Cale spoke snapping Alberu out of his daydream. "Your highness I am not like your loyal dogs.

I am me, and I don't work for you as we are coorparating. So as a deal shouldn't I also receive something in return."

Cale smile his best smile at Alberu. Alberu love to see Cale smile and thinks that Cale smile is beautiful but why does he get an ominous feeling from this one.

He feel like he was about to trade with a devil for his soul. Alberu ignore the iffy feeling as he asked Cale.

"So what should I comprehend you with young master?" Cale smile widen even more.

Alberu unconsciously swallow his saliva. "Oh the generous shining sun of the Roan, I would like a golden plaque please."

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