chapter-67-until after I was already stuck.

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-I heard about the Illusionist.

A breeze brushed past Cale’s cheek as he was listening to the imposing old man’s voice.

Cale tightly grabbed the golden top’s whip.

-Based on what I saw through the crows, it is indeed an illusion.

“How do we break the illusion?”

Cale asked as he stood up. Cale and Choi Han made eye contact.

They then heard Gashan’s voice. The method to break an illusion.

-First, you must find the Illusionist. Cale-nim, shamans and illusionists use similar methods. We do not use mana.

The people called the mages of the Eastern continent were different than mages.

Cale could see crows slowly descending throughout the Dubori territory. The crow on his shoulder continued to speak.

-Unlike mages, shamans directly use the power of nature. We need a medium to do that.

Shamans like Gashan used ingredients from nature as mediums to use the powers of nature.

-Usually, we use things like staffs or talismans. Mysterious items from nature are the best.

“Are you saying that illusionists are the same as you?" He could hear Gashan’s laughter.

Cale couldn’t help but imagine the large white-haired old man laughing viciously.

-Cale-nim, please find the Illusionist and that bastard’s medium.
At that moment…

-Cale, Cale! I saw something weird inside the Lord’s Castle!

-Request to check the Lord’s Castle’s basement, numerous pits discovered.

-Oh, come on! I was about to tell him!

He heard the Wind Elementals’ voices. Gashan also continued to speak.

-And destroy them once you find them. Both the Illusionist and the medium.

The whispers of the Elementals continued as the crows cawed.

-Anyway, there were a ton of rats inside the pits! They seemed to be creating paths under this territory.

-Those pits are connected to paths throughout this small city’s underground!

-The White Star’s forces suspected to be inside the Lord’s Castle. Must break in and destroy. Chaos, destruction, speed battle.

Gashan resumed speaking again. Cale was recording both information at once.

-Ah, that Illusionist probably has an animal he controls like I do.

Cale started to speak. “Choi Han, underground.”

Choi Han’s sword quickly stabbed down.The ground they were standing on was overturned.

Choi Han grabbed a rat from the overturned ground. The rat was the same as the one from the desert.

One Wind Elemental continued to speak as that happened.

-There was a person standing in one of the pits in the Lord’s Castle’s basement! He was controlling the rats!

That should be the Illusionist. Cale started to speak. “They already found us.” ‘They know about Choi Han and me.’

Cale’s stiff gaze headed toward the Lord’s Castle. At that moment, A person at the center of one of the pits opened his eyes and started to speak.

“They found me.” “Really? It doesn’t matter.” The White Star touched his mask as he spoke to the Illusionist.

“It is as we expected. I confirmed Choi Han’s face as well, so it should be easy to cast an illusion on him.” “They are rats in jars this time.”

The White Star had a satisfied smile on his face as things were going as he wished for the first time in a long while.

Cale was silently smiling at that same moment. He know what white star was thinking.

"He really do underestimate me doesn't he." Cale mumble as he look at the rat while smiling.

Choi Han shutter while looking at Cale's smile. Because Cale smile right now look like he was planning to trun the whole continent upside down.

Choi Han pity the white star who that smile was meant for. He had heard about Cale from the others.

And from what Choi Han has heard he had an idea what Cale was going to do.

Choi Han then frown as he heard the squeaking of rats.

He looked around at the ground, the alley, on top of the wall, and then across the Dubori territory.

‘…We’re on top of the White Star’s palm! Since when…since when were we being observed?’

Choi Han had known the White Star was strong this whole time, but for some odd reason, he had not been afraid of the White Star.

He felt as if the White Star was an enemy they could defeat at any moment.

‘Why did I have such thoughts?’ The White Star and his subordinates were not people they could look down upon.

The White Star was revealing himself without hiding at all in the Caro Kingdom’s Dubori territory.

Which mean he is starting to get more serious. He is showing his cards without hiding.

‘…Shit.’ Choi Han finally started to feel a sense of danger. ‘I didn’t think I’d only realize I was stuck in a spider web until after I was already stuck.’

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