Chapter One

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Trigger Warnings for this story: Depression, swearing, self harm, mentions of suicide, panic attacks, mentions of abuse, strong abuse (especially for this chapter), mentions of r@pe, attempt murder (for this chapter)

I'll let you know if there are any others later.

You'd had enough of this. His harsh words, constant beatings, threats, everything. You were tired of your boyfriend coming home drunk every single day, just to beat you to unconsciousness before passing out on the sofa. This particular night however, was the last straw.

You heard your boyfriend had come home drunk, as usual, but something was different. Something was wrong. You quickly and quietly hid in the closet of your formerly shared bedroom in hopes of getting out of tonight's beating, but of course your attempts were futile as he stormed upstairs and checked every corner. He soon got to the closet and slammed the door open, revealing your shaking form. He yanked you out by your hair and threw you to the ground, punching and kicking you until you were barely conscious. That's when he pulled out a knife. Your eyes widened as he slammed it downwards. You managed to catch his wrist just before he plunged it into your stomach, but he wasn't giving up that easily. He pushed harder but you faught back, using all of your power. Adrenaline surged through your veins as you kicked him in the groin, stunning him long enough for you to push him off you. You then got up and punched him in the face hard enough to knock him out.

You were done with this. You'd had enough. You grabbed a backpack and put in the essentials. A few sets of clothes and your phone and charger. That was all he let you have anyway. You grabbed the money you'd hid from him (since he'd take it if you didn't), along with a good portion of his, along with some razor blades and a few rolls of bandages. You took out a sheet of paper and wrote a note for your boyfriend.

'I can't take this anymore. The constant physical and emotional abuse is becoming too much. We're over. Fuck you.'

You grabbed your black hoodie and ran outside, running as far as possible from what was once yours and his apartment. It was just his apartment now.

You'd been running for a while before the adrenaline rush finally wore off. You finally collapsed in the middle of a sidewalk in front of what looked kinda like a church, though you couldn't really make out your surroundings as you slipped into unconsciousness.

~~A few hours later~~

You woke up in a bed of some sorts. Your breathing picked up and you started shaking as you swiftly sat up and looked around, causing a sharp pain in your head. "Ahh.." You groaned, gripping your head as the memories of what happened came flodding back. You then heard a voice, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Oh! You're awake!" The voice sounded soft and sweet, clearly belonging to a female. You looked around to figure out where the voice came from when your eyes landed on a tall female, who was now standing next to you. She looked to be sort of a pinkish color with white eyes and she was wearing what looked like a nun outfit. You found her cute, but not in a romantic way.

"Wh-where am-" You started. "Are you ok? I found you unconscious outside my church. You look hurt. What happened?" The girl asked. "U-uh.." It was too many questions for you to process. "I- I think I'm ok." You said quietly. You didn't want to talk about what happened before.

The girl smiled. "I'm glad you're ok. I'm Sarvente, but you can just call me Sarv. I'm the head of this church. What's your name?" She asked, keeping her smile. "(y/n)." You said, still trying to process everything. "Well (y/n), would you like to join my church? You seem like a realy good person and I'd love for you to join." Sarv offered. 'Well, I suppose it'd be a place to stay.' You thought before answering. "Sure." You said, earning a huge smile from Sarv. "Yay! Let me get you your outfit and I'll show you where your room is and where you can shower." She said happily, taking your hand and leading you to a closet with nun outfits. "Here, you can pick one out of these."

After choosing your outfit, Sarv showed you your room. It was pretty empty other than a bed and a desk, but you'd eventually change that. You set your stuff down and afterwards, she showed you the bathroom and where everything was before leaving you to take a shower.

Once she left, you went to grab your blades and bandages from your bag along with your outfit before going back to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you. You sighed as you set the outfit and blades on the counter before undressing and starting the shower. You step in, closing your eyes as the hot water runs down your body. You look down at your body, at all the bruises and scars he left on you, at all the scars you left on yourself. You take one of your blades and raise it to your arm. You press it down and quickly slide it across your arm, watching as the blood begins seeping from it. For the first time in a long time, you feel relieved. You needed this. You repeat this process multiple times on both arms until both arms are coated with fresh cuts. Afterwards, you clean yourself off and wash your hair. Once you finish, you step out of the shower and dry off, being more careful when you reach your arms. You wrap the bandages on your arms and put on the nun outfit, which fortunately has long sleeves, before leaving the bathroom, putting your blades back in your bag.

You enter the main room of the church to see Sarv talking to someone on the phone.

"Guess what? I got someone new to join the church!" Sarv said, excitement in her tone. You heard a deep voice from the other side. You couldn't make out what they said, but they didn't sound too happy. 'I wonder who she's talking to.' You thought. "Come on! I'm sure they'd love to meet you! They seem like a good person!" She said to whoever she was talking to. You heard the voice again, still not too happy. "Don't be salty! I'm sure it'll be fine. Just get here!" She said, waiting a moment before hanging up.

"Who was that?" You asked, walking a little closer to Sarv. "Oh that was just a friend of mine. He should be here soon." She said. "He didn't seem too happy." You said, becoming a bit concerned. "Oh don't worry about that! He's just shy when meeting new people." She said, whispering that last part. "Oh." You said, wondering what this 'friend' would be like. Sarv smiled. "I think you two will get along fine. Hopefully." Said, muttering the 'hopefully' under her breath. That made you nervous, but you didn't have time to think about it any longer as someone hopped in from the roof.

You jumped in suprise as the man landed on his feet next to Sarv. He was was a grayish color, taller than Sarv, and wore a thick coat with fur coating the hood, along with a matching ushanka with a design on the front and the earflaps, along with what looked somewhat like combat boots. He seemed to just be wearing black underneath. An eyepatch with a design on it was covering one of his eyes but his visible eye seemed to be white, similar to Sarv's. Overall, he looked Russian.

"There you are!" Sarv said with a huge smile. The man didn't say anything. He just looked at Sarv, then you, then back to Sarv. "This is (y/n), the newest member of our church!" She said happily, motioning to you. The man looked at you with no emotion, and made a grunt sound to acknowledge your existense. You gave him a small wave and he looked back at Sarv. "How do you know we can trust them?" He asked quietly. His voice made your heart skip a beat. It was deep and you could clearly hear the Russian accent. "They're a good person. I can tell. I don't think they'll cause us any harm." Sarv replied with a smile. The man just responded with a "Hm." And went to leave, but Sarv stopped him. "At least tell them your name!" She said, pouting a bit. The man sighed and turned towards you again. "Ruvyzvat. Call me Ruv." He said quietly before (somehow) leaving the same way he came in.

'Ruvyzvat. I like it.' You thought, smiling a little.

"He'll eventually warm up to you. It'll just take some time. Don't worry. That's how he was with me at first too." Sarv said reassuringly. You nodded. "Well, I'm going to head to bed. Try and get some sleep ok?" She said with a smile, patting you on the shoulder. "Ok. Goodnight." You said, hesding towards your room. "Good night." Sarv replied, heading to her own room.

You went into your room and closed the door, laying on your bed. You grabbed some comfy clothes and your phone out of your bag. You changed into the clothes and checked your phone.

99+ missed calls
99+ messages

You sighed and opened the messages. They were all from your now ex boyfriend, most of them asking 'Where the fuck are you' or 'When I find you, you're so dead'. You didn't care though. You plugged your charger into an outlet and plugged in your phone before laying down on your bed and drifting off to sleep.

Soooo I've been seeing the comments, and I'm happy to announce that I will be updating each chapter to add gender neutral pronouns for the reader! I'll also fix any spelling errors I see, but I may miss something. :D

Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now