Chapter Fifteen

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Shoutout to Total_Bookworm3003 for ideas in this chapter :D

~~Normal perspective~~

You were confused by the random squeal and Ruv's reaction to said squeal, but figured it was best not to question it. He didn't look like he wanted to talk about it anyway.

You stood up and gave a small smile before heading to your room, closing the door behind you before turning on some music.

~~Ruv/Sarv's perspective~~

Ruv sighed before heading to Sarv's room, only to run into her as he exited the kitchen. In the blink of an eye, he was dragged into her room, the door shutting behind them.

Sarv happily jumped around Ruv, as if she were a fangirl of sorts. "Is it true Ruv? Do you really like them?" She asked excitedly, a wide smile on her face.

Ruv sighed and looked away. "I-...I don't know." He said quietly, shifting his gaze to the ground.

Sarv smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Well, how do you feel when you're around them?" She asked.

The man thought about it for a moment. "I feel...surprisingly nice when they're around. I suppose it's a..warm, fluttery feeling. If it wasn't painful to smile, I would around them. They're just...pleasant to be around. I like being near them. It's like..nothing could go wrong, and if something does, I want to protect them. I hate seeing them hurt.." He explained, his face heating up a little.

"Awww Ruv you're blushing!" Sarv said with a giggle, earning a glare from the other. "I am not." He muttered, looking away again which made the nun giggle again.

"Well, judging by what you're telling me, I really think you do like them!" She said with a smile as she clasped her hands together.

Ruv sighed and nodded. "I might be right." He muttered under his breath. Sarv squealed and hugged him. "Yay! I'm so happy for you Ruv!" She chirped, smiling brightly.

"Are you gonna tell them?" She asked, tilting her head a little as she let go of him. Ruv shrugged. "I'm not sure." He said, shifting his gaze to the floor as he out his hands in his pockets. "Well, they seem to enjoy your company. Maybe you should." She suggested, her smile still bright. She then got an idea.

"Ooh! Maybe you should try asking them on a date! Take them to a nice resturaunt, or a cafe or something! I'm sure they'd like that!" Sarv beamed.

"Hmm...maybe." He muttered. He looked up at Sarv, giving a nod. "Thank you Sarv." He said before turning to leave. "You're very welcome Ruv!" She replied with a wave as the man left.

As he passed your room, he heard music and quiet singing. He stopped and stood outside the door, just listening to what was happening inside.

'Their voice is lovely..' He thought. He paused before knocking on the door, frowning a bit when you stopped singing. "Come in" He heard you say from the other side of the door.

He opened the door and entered, shutting it behind him. He felt his heart skip a beat when you smiled.

'God they're adorable..' He thought, but quickly shook it away. He gave a nod for a greeting and sat on the floor next to your bed.

'Maybe I should try Sarv's date idea. But..would they even want to leave the church..? Especially after what happened.' He thought.

"Is something wrong?" You asked, snapping him out if his thoughts. He shook his head, pausing for a moment.

'I suppose it's worth a shot.'

He looked up at you, keeping his composure despite how nervous he was. "(y/n)," He hesitated.

"Would to go out and get something to eat? There's...this really nice cafe nearby." He asked quietly, shifting his gaze to the side.

~~Normal perspective~~

You were shocked by his sudden question and his body language. 'Is he...asking me on a date?' You thought, feeling your cheeks heat up.

You smiled a little, nodding. "S-sure." You said, but realization hit you. 'Wait..what if-..' You hesitated before asking. "W-wait..what if he finds me..?" You ask quietly, your hands starting to tremble as your thoughts raced.

It stopped when you felt a hand on yours. You looked up to see Ruv, sitting on the edge of your bed and calmly looking into your eyes.

"He won't find you. I promise. He's gone." He said quietly as he gently gripped your hand. "It'll be ok. I will protect you from any harm my-" He paused, shaking his head as he silently cursed. This confused you, but you decided not to push on it.

"O-ok." You muttered, gripping his hand.

You took a shower and got dressed, wearing something decent, yet casual, though, you had to borrow the clothes from Sarv as you didn't have much to work with. Fortunately, the clothes had long sleeves.

You fixed your hair and went to your room to grab your phone and the money you had, putting then in your pocket before heading to the main area, where Ruv was patiently waiting.

He was dressed as he usually was, having gotten his jacket, ushanka, and eye covering back from the wash. His hair looked a little wet under his ushanka though, showing he showered as well. You smiled a little, and the two of you exited the church.

Ruv then held out a hand, looking away. You smiled and took his hand as the two of you walked to the cafe. You were apprehensive, but knew that if anything happened, Ruv would protect you.

Ruv held the door open as you entered the cafe. "Thank you." You said with a smile, in which he replied with a nod, entering as well.

The two of you went to the counter and placed your orders. You took out your money to pay, but he stopped you, taking out his own money and paying for the both of you. "Oh, thank you. You didn't have to do that." YOu said with a small smile.

You two then at a table across from each other. You smiled, fidgeting with your hands a little.

It was quiet for a bit until the barista brought your orders to the table. "Thank you." You said with a small smile. The barista smiled back and gave a small nod before heading back to do their job.

You took a sip of your drink before looking up at Ruv. He calmly took a sip of his black coffee before looking at you. "Is it good?" He asked quietly.

You nodded and smiled, taking another sip before taking a bite of the snack you got. "It's really nice here. Calm and peaceful, like nothing could go wrong." You said, taking another bite. The man nodded, seeming happy despite his expression.

You and Ruv headed back to the church after finishing up at the cafe. You gently took his hand in yours, looking up at him with a smile as your cheeks hested up a little.

That's when you suddenly heard a loud bang, and your vision went black.

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