Chapter Sixteen

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~~Ruv's perspective~~

There'd been an explosion, and Ruv was sent through the air, hitting a building. He groaned in pain as his body hit the ground, his vision going in and out of focus as he fought to stay conscious.

He took a few breaths and shakily stood up, using the wall for support before limping over to your unconscious form. "Shit.." He muttered, looking up to see what happened.

What he saw was a resturaunt that was mostly collapsed and burning. Inside were three people, two he recognized as the ones who came to the church a while back. The other, he couldn't properly make out, but he could tell they were angry, as they were yelling.

Clearly, this was intentional.

Ruv focused his attention back on you and quickly felt for a pulse, sighing in relief when he found one. It was faint, but it was there.

He carefully picked you up and ran as quickly as he could with his own injuries back to the church, the adrenaline being the only thing keeping him going.

"Don't you fucking die on me. Don't you dare fucking die on me! I love you too damn much to lose you."

As he opened the church doors, Sarv came running up to him. "What happened!?" She asked, but he could barely hear her as vision went out of focus again. He handed you to Sarv as he collapsed to the ground. "" Was all he managed to get out, before his world went dark.

Ruv opened his eyes and winced as he felt a burning pain on his face. His vision slowly cleared, and he saw Sarv tending to his injuries.

"Oh Ruv! You're awake!" She said with a gentle smile. "Where's....where's (y/n)...?" He asked as she put a patch on his cheek. "Oh, they're in her bed." Sarv said as she cleaned and wrapped his arm.

"Are they ok..?" Ruv asked, not botjering to hide his concern. "Well...they're alive.. They're hurt pretty bad...I did what I could though. What happened?" Sarv asked as she wrapped a wound on his hand.

"There was an we were walking back, we passed a restaurant and it was blown up. I guess we were too close.." He explained, wincing as she removed a piece of debris from his side. "Sorry.." She muttered as she got to work trying tto stop the bleeding.

"There we go!" Sarv said happily as she finished cleaning and wrapping the man's injuries. Ruv winced as he tried to sit up, and Sarv gently pushed him back down. "You need rest Ruv...don't try to push yourself." She said in a worried tone. He sighed and nodded, knowing it was probably best, even though he wanted to check on you.

Sarv saw the look in his eye and sighed. "Don't worry. I'm sure they'll be alright. They're strong. I know it!" She said, giving a reassuring smile. "Just try to get some sleep, ok? You'll definitely need it if you want to recover." She said as she ruffled his hair. The man nodded and closed his eyes, soon drifting into a light sleep.

Ruv woke up the next morning to Sarv handing him a plate of food. "Here. You need to eat something." She said, giving a gentle smile as he took the plate. "Thank you Sarv." He said quietly before slowly eating the food.

"How's (y/n)..?" He asked as he gave Sarv the empty plate. "They still hasn't woken up yet." She answered with a sigh. He nodded and slowly sat up, wincing. "Ruv! Lay back down! You need rest!" She said, but he shook his head. "I'm fine Sarv. I need to check on them." He said as he stood up, using her shoulder to gain his balance.

He took a breath and let go of her, going to your room. When he opened the door and saw you, he felt his heart shatter.

You were covered in bandages, even more than him, and it looked like you'd been hurt pretty badly. He didn't even realize how bad it was before.

He sat on the edge of your bed and gently took your bandaged hand in his, letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.." He muttered, shifting his gaze to the floor.

He then felt a gentle grip on his hand, and he turned to look at you again. "(y/n)..?"

~~Normal perspective~~

You slowly opened your eyes, smiling weakly as you saw Ruv there. "Hi Ruv." You said quietly. You could've sworn you saw the corners of his mouth twitch. "You're ok..." He muttered as he gently gripped your hand.

"What...what happened..?" You asked. "There was an explosion when we were coming back." He explained. You nodded and looked at him, seeing he was pretty beat up as well. "Are you ok..?" You asked, looking concerned. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He said.

The two of you stayed in comfortable silence for a while, and you enjoyed it. Just his presence alone was enough to make you feel happy, something you hadn't felt for a while. You felt safe around him. You knew he'd do whatever he could to protect you, even if he didn't show it much.

"Are you in any pain..?" Ruv asked, breaking the silence. "Yeah, but it's not the worst thing. I'm used to hurting all over." You said with a slight chuckle. "I'm never deserved to go through any of that.." He said quietly, shifting his gaze away. "No, it's fine. At least it's over now." You said, giving a small smile.

That's when you realized, you weren't wearing any long sleeves. "Wait...Ruv..?" You said nervously, earning a 'hm' sound from him as he looked back at you. "Who...did you wrap me up..?" You asked, looking away. The man shook his head, though he seemed to realize it too.

"Don't....don't worry. Sarv is a very understanding person, and she's very supportive. She won't judge you in any way. She'll want to help." He reassured you as tears welled up in your eyes. You nodded. "Ok.." You said quietly, your voice cracking a bit.

The man nodded. "I can talk to her about it if you want. Tell her not to bring it up." He said. You nodded. "Please.."

Ruv nodded again and stood up, letting go of your hand. "I'll be back." He said. You smiled weakly. "Thank you.." You said quietly as he walked to the door and opened it.

"Я тебя люблю…" He said in almost a whisper, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

You tilted your head a little, raising an eyebrow.


Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now