Chapter Eight

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~~Ruv/Sarv's perspective~~

Ruv entered the main room where Sarv was. She turned and smirked slightly as he entered, him raising an eyebrow when he saw this. "What?" He asked, confused on her expression.

"Ruv, do you like them?" Sarv asked with a soft giggle. Ruv still looked confused. "What are you talking about? Like who?" He asked, only for Sarv to giggle again. "(y/n), obviously!" She said, giving him a look. He shrugged a bit. "Yes, they're alright." He said casually.

Clearly he didn't know what she meant.

She chuckled before speaking again. "No Ruv. I mean do you like like them. Like, do you have feelings for them?"

Ruv paused, thinking about it for a moment before answering. "No. What brought this up?" He asked. "You've been acting different around them lately. You actually talk to them, AND you've been nicer to them. I've also noticed you've been watching them a lot." She explains. "Plus, you hesitated." That last part caught him by surprise. "No I didn't" He said a little too quickly, causing Sarv to giggle.

"No need to get defensive." Sarv said, giggling a bit. "I'm not getting defensive. What are you talking about?" Ruv said, but realized, he was getting defensive. "Look, it's not that I have feelings. I suppose I'm just...getting used to them. That's all." He said, wanting to end the conversation. The nun let out a small giggle before heading to the kitchen to cook dinner. "Alright Ruv." She said as she left.

~~Ruv's perspective~~

Ruv sighed and went into his secret room, where he sat on his chair, thinking about what Sarv had asked.

Did he really like them?

No. Of course not.

He couldn't.

But what if he did..?

He thought about his conversation with you before you fell asleep. That one thing he said.

"You didn't dusturb me, I was just-" He paused, figuring out how to word this properly. " didn't disturb me. Don't worry about that."

He knew what he was about to say then, and stopped himself from saying it. Why? Not even he knew.


He knew.

He didn't want to break his demeanor.

The truth was, he genuinely cared about you, and was concerned. It was strange. He'd never cared about anyone before, except Sarv.

But this was different.

He didn't know what it was, but it was different. He thought about what Sarv had said, the way he hesitated before he answered her question, and how he got defensive when she pointed it out.

'Maybe I do like them.'

He shook away the thought. 'No. It's not that. It can't be.'

~~Normal perspective~~

You were awakened by knocking on your door. "Come in" You said sleepily, sitting up and rubbing your eyes.

Sarv opened your door. "Dinner's ready." She said with a smile. "Alright. Thank you Sarv." You said with a small smile, getting up. Sarv then left your room, you following behind her. You weren't really hungry, but figured you'd eat at least a little to avoid concerning her or Ruv.

After dinner and dishes, you went to head back to your room, but felt a hand on your shoulder, startling you. You quickly turned around, calming down when you saw it was just Ruv.

"Hey Ruv. What's up?" You said, putting on a small fake smile. "Are you alright. You barely ate." He spoke quietly. You nodded. "Yeah. I just wasn't that hungry." You explained, earning a nod from him as he let go of your shoulder. You then went back to your room, closing the door behind you.

You sat at your desk and took out some paper and a pencil that was in one of the drawers. You then began drawing. You then heard a knock at your door. "Come in." You said, continuing to draw.

You heard the door open and close, then footsteps coming up behind you. You turned around to see Ruv standing there, looking at your drawing. "Hello. Need something?" You asked, looking up at him. The man simply shook his head and sat on the floor next to your bed. "Oh. Ok then." You said with a small smile before going back to drawing.

You didn't know how much time went by, but you finally finished your drawing. You set down the pencil and stood from the desk. Ruv was still there, just sitting on the floor by your bed, watching you. You raised an eyebrow. "Is..something wrong..?" You asked, pushing the chair back in. "No. I just don't have anything better to do." He said simply. "Oh ok." You said, shrugging. "Do you want me to leave?" He asked, starting to get up. "No no! You can stay." You said with a small smile. He nodded and sat back down.

You sat next to him, which seemed to shock him a bit. "Oh sorry. Do you want me to move?" You asked. He shook his head. "No, you're fine. Just didn't expect it." He said. He figured you would've sat on your bed rather than on the floor next to him, but he didn't mind.

The two of you sat in a comfortable silence. He seemed to be deep in thought. You then felt his eyes on you, and you turned your head to look at him. He looked away, an unknown emotion in his eyes. "You ok?" You asked, tilting your head a little. "Mhm." He said with a nod. You nodded and leaned on the bed, looking at the ceiling. You felt his gaze return to you, but decided to let it slide. You didn't really mind anyway.

~~Ruv's perspective~~

He watched as you seemed to space out before looking in front of him. The silence was comfortable. Relaxing even. It was nice.

He then felt something on his shoulder. He looked over to see you, asleep, leaning on his shoulder. He almost smiled, a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

'Damn.' He thought. 'They really are cute.' He thought, but immediately pushed away the thought. 'No. I can't be thinking these things.' He mentally scolded himself. 'Fuck. I don't like them. I can't.' He let out a quiet sigh.

He looked at you again, almost smiling again. 'This is nice.' He thought as he gently wrapped an arm around you, closing his eyes and drifting off himself.

Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now