Chapter Thirteen

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"You are mine and mine only. Fucking slut." He said firmly as he threw you to the ground, kicking you in the side.

Your eyes shot open as your breathing picked up, your body trembling as you felt something around you. Tears started dripping from your eyes as you pushed whatever was on you off, quickly moving away. That's when you realized it was only Ruv, who immediately woke up from you pushing him.

He looked at you, about to say something when he saw the state you were in. "Shit..I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else." You said in a shaky voice, wiping the tears from your face. "Don't apologize. Are you alright?" He asked, concern somewhat visible in his eyes. You nodded. "Y-yeah...I just-.."

At that point, you couldn't take it anymore and you just broke down. "I-..I'm scared Ruv...what if he finds me again..? What if he-..." You trailed off, wrapping your arms around yourself as you sobbed, not even wanting to think about what he would do if he ever found you again.

"He won't find you." Ruv said simply, gently putting a hand on yours. "H-how do you know..?" You asked, looking up at him. "I just know.." He said in a quiet, low voice.

"Wh-what do you mean by that..?" You asked, wiping away more tears. "I-..." He paused, planning his words carefully. "...Don't worry about that. I just know." He said, looking at the ground. "Oh." You said quietly, deciding not to push further.

You moved back to him, leaning your head on his shoulder as you tried to pull yourself together. The man wrapped an arm around you and gently rubbed circles on your back, putting the blacket back over your shoulders.

"What happened?" He asked, wondering why you woke up in such a way. "Just a nightmare." You muttered, looking down. You didn't want to remember it, but it kept repeating in your head. You hated having to relive everything he did.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" He asked, continuing to slowly rub your back. You hesitated before slowly nodding.

"I just..relived everything...everything he did." You explained, more tears welling up in your eyes. Ruv nodded before gently turning your head to look at him.

"Hey. It's ok (y/n). These sort of things will always be there, like a permanent scar. It hurts, I know, but you'll get through it. I know you will. You don't have to worry about him anymore. Never again. You're safe now." He said in a soft voice. He seemed like he wanted to say something else, but didn't.

You gently hugged him, and he hugged back before speaking again. "I'm sorry you had to experience that. You never deserved to. That man deserves to rot in hell for all eternity for everything he's done to you."

He then wiped away your tears before wrapping his arm around you once again. You smiled a tiny bit, the first genuine smile you've had in a long time.

"Thank you Ruv..I-" You paused.

'What was I about to say..-'

"I-..I really appreciate it." You finally continued. "You don't have to thank me. I'm just doing what I'm meant to do." He said.

'There is no way I was about to say that.'

'I can't feel this way for him. I just can't!'

'Not like he'd feel the same anyway.'

'I shouldn't be feeling like this..especially after all...that.'

'I don't. I can't.'

"Are you ok.? Is something on your mind?" Ruv's voice snapped you from your thoughts. "Huh? O-oh no. I guess I just...spaced out." You lied. You couldn't tell him. You weren't gonna tell him.

The man gave a small nod before closing his eyes, letting himself relax a bit.

~~Ruv's perspective~~

Ruv felt something vibrate in his pocket and took out his phone. It was a text from Sarv.

'Where on God's green earth are you!? I haven't seen you in forever! Is everything ok?'

He quickly typed out a response before sending.

'Calm down. I'm just in (y/n)'s room trying to comfort them.'

He got a reply almost instantly.

'Awwwwww that's adorable!'

He felt a small amount of heat rise to his cheeks as he sent another message.

'Shut up.'

Again, the reply was almost instant.

'Just admit it Ruv. You like them.'

He let out a huff before typing back.

'No I don't. Shut up.'

He felt that sting the second he hit send.

'God dammit Sarv. What the hell are you doing to me. Stop it.'

He recieved a confused reply.

'What are you talking about?'

He was starting to get frustrated. It was obviously her doing this. Right.

'That sting in my chest. I know it's you.'

Another confused reply.

'Ruv, I'm not doing anything to you. I really don't know what you're talking about. When did you start feeling this sting?'

He replied.

'Just a second ago.'

A small amount of tine passed before he got anither reply.

'Did it happen when you told me you didn't like them?'

He thought about it. It did in fact happen when he said that.

'Yes. Now tell ne what the hell you're doing to me.'

He was convinced it was her causing this sting. Then she responded again.

'Ruv I promise you I'm not doing anything.'

'I think you do like them but can't admit it. And it hurts to say you don't because you actually do.'

Ruv paused for a moment.

Was that what was happening?

'No. It can't be that. I can't like them.'

He then heard you speak.

"Who's that?"

He looked down at you, which you had looked up to see him texting someone. Fortunately, you weren't able to see who or what he was saying.

He put his phone back into his pocket before speaking. "Just Sarv. She wanted to know where I was." He explained, letting out a quiet sigh.

"Ohh ok. Tell her I said hi." You said with a small smile before resting your head on his shoulder again.

Ruv took his phone back out and messaged Sarv once again.

'(y/n) said hi'

He put his phone back in his pocket and slightly leaned on you, wrapping his arm, which was previously rubbing your back, around you once again.

'God dammit..'

'Something's wrong with me.'

Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now