Chapter Seven

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Little did they know....

Little did any of them know...

~~Ruv's perspecitive~~

He had a strange feeling.

Like they were being followed..

He glanced around, but saw nothing out of the ordinary, before looking at you. You didn't seem distressed by whatever he was feeling.

And he knew if anyone else would feel this, it'd be you.

Maybe he was just being paranoid.

He quietly sighed to himself and brushed off the feeling as the three continued on their way to the church.

~~Normal perspective~~

You felt uneasy. Something was wrong, but you couldn't tell what. You didn't show it though. You didn't need to worry the others any more than you already had.

You brushed off the uneasiness, figuring it was just from the events from earlier. Sounds about right.

No one said a word throughout the entire walk back to the church. Everyone was still pretty shaken up about what'd happened before, especially Ruv, considering he'd been the one to witness more of it.

That's when realization hit you.

He knew.

He knew everything now.

You wrapped your arms around yourself and gripped your sleeves, trying to keep yourself from shaking.

'Now you've done it..' You thought as you glued your eyes to the ground, your breathing starting to pick up.

'Not yet..'
'Just stay calm till you get back..'
You kept reminding yourself these things. You refused to have a panic attack in public.

"You alright?" A quiet voice snapped you from your thoughts. You looked up and saw Ruv looking at you. The concern in his eyes was barely visible, but it was there.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." You said in a whisper as the church finally came into view. Ruv gave a small nod before looking ahead once again.

The second the doors to the church were opened, you sped inside and went to your room, closing and locking the door behind you before collapsing beside your bed.

'He knows.'

'He knows..'

'He fucking knows...'

'He fucking knows EVERYTHING..'


Your breathing picked up again and you started trembling, tears beginning to run down your face as you shut your eyes tight, trying not to scream. You felt your throat tighten as you opened your eyes, your vision blurred from crying. You hugged your knees to your chest as you tried to catch your breath, but to no avail.

You heard a knock on your door and your eyes widened. You did everything in your power to silence yourself before grabbing a piece of paper and writing 'Later' on it, sliding it under the door. Fortunately, whoever was on the other side of the door saw it, as you heard their footsteps leave the area.

You just wanted this to stop.

You needed it to stop.

You reached for your bag and took out your blades before rolling your sleeves up and removing the bandages. You found a few areas that were healed up enough and cut there.

Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now