Chapter Four

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Ever since that night, you noticed Ruv's been keeping an eye on you. He never mentioned the events of that night though. Everything was pretty much the same as before.

You couldn't stop thinking about it though.

Your mind raced as you laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling.

Why did he check up on you that night? Was he annoyed by your screaming? Did you wake him up? Did Sarv send him?

But it seemed like he genuinely cared. The tone of his voice, his eyes, they had a hint of concern. Did he really care?


You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" You called to whoever was out there. Sarv opened the door and entered your room. "Hey (y/n). Are you feeling any better?" She asked, still concerned after what happened yesterday. You nodded. "Yeah. I was just really tired." You half lied. You were tired after all, just not for the reason she thought. "That's good! I'm glad you're ok! We we're pretty worried about you." She said with a smile. You smiled back and chuckled. "Thanks."

That's when it hit you. 'Wait..' You thought. She said 'we'. Not, 'I was pretty worried about you.' No, she said 'We were pretty worried about you.' "Wait...'we'?" You asked, tilting your head a bit and raising an eyebrow. Sarv nodded. "Mhm!" She then lowered her voice to almost a whisper and leaned closer to you. "Ruv was actually quite concerned. He didn't show it, but I could tell he was." You felt your cheeks heat up as she stood back up and smiled. "I just wanted to check up on you. I'm glad you're feeling better!" She said before heading back towards the door. "Thanks Sarv. I really appriciate it." You replied. You waved at each other and she exited, closing the door behind her.

You were still processing the whole 'we' thing. 'Ruv was concerned about me? Why?' You thought as you laid back down. You needed to clear your head. You grabbed your phone and earbuds, plugging them into your phone before putting them in. You chose some music to listen to as you laid there, staring at the ceiling, trying not to think too much about it.

~~Ruv/Sarv's perspective~~

After leaving your room, Sarv went into the main room, where Ruv was sitting on one of the pews, seeming to be deep in thought. He snapped out of it as soon as he heard her enter the room. He looked at her with his usual expression, but she could tell he wanted an update on the situation.

"Well, they seem to be feeling better. They're talking again. They still sound tired and look a little pale, but I think they'll be alright." She explained, earning a nod and a 'hm' from the man. Sarv gave a small smile before going to tend to nun business.

~~Ruv's perspective~~

After Sarv left, he went back into his thoughts. He knew this couldn't have been an illness causing this, as it would take more than a single day to recover. He'd seen similar situations like this a few times in his life, even experienced it once or twice himself, but he didn't want to believe it was that. What would've caused it amyways? He sighed as he pushed that thought away. He refused to believe it was that.

His mind then wandered to the events of last night.

He had been laying on the bed in his secret room in the church, just about to doze off, when he heard screaming. He thought it was Sarv at first and jumped to his feet. This scream was different though. It wasn't Sarv. He walked out of his room, following the sound of the screams until he reached your door. It was coming from there. He entered your room to see you shaking and crying, tossing and turning. You started screaming again and he quickly approached you. He was concerned, but even he didn't know why. "(y/n)?" He asked, but didn't get an answer, as you were asleep. He then grabbed your shoulders and started shaking you to wake you up. "(y/n)! What's going on? Wake up!" He said in almost a yell. He saw your eyes open slightly as you started freaking out and trying to get away from him. He let go of you and backed up a little to give you some space.

As you slowly calmed down, realizing who was there, he looked at you, almost looking concerned. He managed to keep his demeanor though. "Wh-" "I heard screaming, so I came to see what was going on." He cut you off. "O-oh.." You muttered as you wiped the tears from your eyes. You didn't want him to see you cry. It was silent for a while until he finally said something. "Nightmare..?" He asked, recieving a nod from you. You didn't really want to talk about what it was about, which he understood, as he'd had many, many nightmares in his life. He knew how troubling they could be on a person.

After he made sure you were ok, he left and went back to his secret room, eventually falling into a light sleep himself.

Since then, he's been somewhat keeping an eye on you to make sure you're ok. He never told Sarv about what happened that night.

He didn't know why he decided to check on you. He didn't have any reason to be concerned, yet here he was. He didn't understand why, but he accepted that there was nothing he could do about it. He wouldn't show it though, nor would he even think about telling Sarv.

You were gaining his trust though. After that day Sarv lost the rap battle against that kid and the two of you comforted her, he started to trust you a little. He didn't fully trust you yet of course, but it was a start.

He'd never admit that though.

Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now