Chapter Twelve

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It was quiet for a moment before Ruv spoke again.

"You won't have to deal with him anymore."

You were confused by his words. 'What does he mean by that..?' You thought as you looked at him, his expression returning to normal. That's when you noticed, he wasn't wearing his coat, hat, gloves, or even his eye cover. Your eyes widened, this being the first time you've seen him like this.

He must've noticed your expression, as he looked down at himself, remembering his stuff was in the wash. "I..made a mess." He said, looking back up at you. "Oh." You replied with a nod.

You then slowly reached a hand up to him, who raised an eyebrow. "..Can I feel your hair..?" You asked hesitantly. He nodded and moved his head down a little so you could reach easier. You touched his hair, your eyes immediately lighting up.

"It's so sooooffft!" You said, running your fingers through his hair. He let out a fast exhale, almost like a chuckle, though his expression remained the same. That's when a thought came over you.

'I've never seen this man smile.'

You brought your hand back and just looked at him, hesitating for a moment before speaking.

"Hey Ruv?" You started, him giving a 'hm' in response as he looked at you. "How come you never smile?" You asked, tilting your head slightly. "It hurts." He said with a small shrug. "Oh." You said quietly, nodding.

It was silent for a while as the two of you sat there. Ruv then looked at the floor before speaking.

"I' sorry I let that happen to you..I.." His voice almost started to sound shaky. He cleared his throat before continuing. "I should've been there to protect you.." He said quietly, his eyes glued to the ground.

Your eyes widened for a moment. Ruv never got emotional, so this was strange coming from him. You looked at him with a confused expression.

"What? No no, it's not your fault. It was completely out of your control. If anything, it's my fault." You said, muttering that last part under your breath. "Don't blame yourself Ruv." You continued, slowly moving closer before gently wrapping your arms around him.

The man sighed and nodded, leaning slightly into the hug. He closed his eyes for a moment, gently wrapping an arm around you.

You stayed like this for a moment before Ruv took a breath, letting out a tired sigh as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He put his arm back around you and just blankly stared at a wall.

"You should get some sleep. You seem tired." You said, looking up at him. Though you secretly wanted him to stay with you, you knew he hadn't slept in days and probably needed to get some rest.

You went to sit up and let him go, but to your surprise, he shook his head and pulled you back to him. "What're you doing? You need sl-" He cut you off. "I don't want to leave you." He said. Your heart skipped a beat, and heat rushed to your cheeks. He looked away as he gently pulled you a litte closer to him, not saying anything else.

~~Ruv's perspective~~

He hadn't meant to say that.

He stared at the floor in the opposite direction of you as his face heated up. His heart was racing. Why?

'Why the hell did I say that..'

He mentally slapped himself, letting out a quiet sigh as he regained his composure, looking back where he was looking before once again.

"You ok?" You asked, looking at him with a concerned expression.

'No. I don't know what the hell is happening to me.'

"Mhm." He said with a small nod. You smiled a little and nodded as well before gently leaning your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes.

His heart skipped a beat and he glanced to the side, trying to keep his face from heating up again.

'Why is this happening..'

'Why am I like this..'

He shook his head before looking at you.

'Why do they have to be so cute..?'

'God dammit. Shut up. I can't think like this.'

The conversation he had with Sarv several days ago came back to him.

"Ruv, do you like them?" Sarv asked with a smirk. Despite his heart rate going up a little, he still refused to believe it was that. "Sarv, we've been over this. I see them as nothing more than a friend." He said, looking at her once again with his usual expression.

He remembered that sting he felt when he said that.

'Why was that so hard to say then? I really do only see them as a friend.'

He felt the pain again when he thought that.


~~Normal perspective~~

You looked up at Ruv, who seemed to be deep in thought. "Whatcha thinkin about Ruv?" You asked, snapping him out if his thoughts. He looked at you before shaking his head.

"It's..nothing important. I'm just trying to figure something out." He said, looking to the side. "Oh. Well maybe I can help you." You said, becoming curious about what's going on. The man looked away, shaking his head again. "Uhh..No, it's alright. It's not inportant." He said, clearing his throat before looking at you again.

"Oh..ok then." You said, resting your head on his shoulder once again. You still wanted to try and help him, but decided not to keep pushing.

The silence returned and you closed your eyes again. You weren't sleeping, just relaxing, something you haven't really been able to do ever since that happened. You were terrified that he would find and kidnap you again, but you felt safer with Ruv around. You knew he would do what he could to protect you.

After a while, you felt the man gently leaning on you. You looked up and saw his eyes were closed. He had fallen asleep, his arm still around you. You smiled and chuckled a little. He needed this.

You grabbed your blanket and wrapped it around both of you before laying your head back down on his shoulder, eventually drifting off yourself.

Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now