Chapter Five

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A huge thanks to ghosthime_ for helping me come up with ideas for this chapter!

~~Ruv/Sarv's perspective~~

Ruv was helping Sarv cook dinner for the three of you, her cutting up some vegetables and him making a side dish. He was lost in thought when the sound of a knife being dropped and Sarv hissing in pain snapped him out of it. He looked at her to see her clutching her hand, some blood seeping through her fingers.

"Are you alright Sarv?" He asked quietly, putting aside what he was doing and quickly walking up beside her. "Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about it." She said, brushing it off. He looked at her hand. "You're bleeding." He plainly said as he went to grab a small bandage.

When he came back he turned Sarv to face him. "Let me see." He said, looking at her hand. She chuckled again. "It's really noth-" She was cut off by Ruv grabbing her hand and gently moving her other hand off to reveal the cut, causing her to flinch a little from the pain. He slightly nodded, mostly to himself, as he turned on the water and rinsed the cut, along with the blood from her other hand. She winced as the water hit the wound.

Ruv froze.

This was....familiar.

The way she winced.
The way certain movements hurt her.
The way it hurt her when something touched her hand.
The pained expression she made.

It was familiar.

That's when it hit him, and his eyes widened.

It was the same as you

Sarv noticed he'd just been standing there, holding her hand under the water for quite a while and looked up at him, seeing his shocked expression. "Ruv? Are you alright?" She asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He returned to his usual demeanor and turned off the water. "Mhm." He said with a nod, getting a towel and patting her hand dry, causing her to flinch slightly. "Sorry." He said as he put the small bandage on her cut. "There." He said, letting go of her hand. "Thanks Ruv." She said with a smile.

She went to go back to cutting the vegetables but Ruv stopped her. He motioned her to step aside, which she did, before cutting then himself. Sarv chuckled a little before getting out the cooking dishes she'd need.

"Sarv." Ruv said out of nowhere. She was currently stirring the food in the pan. "Hmm?" She responded, waiting for him to continue. "When you cut your hand, it wasn't intentional." He stated. "Right. What about it?" She asked, turning slightly towards the tabke, where he was, and raising an eyebrow.

"What if it was? What would that mean?" He asked, causing Sarv to turn to him completely. She was surprused by this question. It was so sudden. Why?

"Um...Well, in order for someone to hurt themselves intentionally, they'd have to have a lot going on mentally. Most people who hurt thenselves intentionally have a mental health issue, like depression. They tend to do it either to feel something other than numbness, as a way of punishing themselves, or as a way to feel relief, or in control of themselves." She explained, wondering why this came up.

He thought about it for a moment, processing everything she said. He then asked another question. "How would one know if someone was doing such a thing?" He asked.

Sarv thought before answering. "There's really no way to know unless they were to tell you, but some ways to tell if they might be are if they have scars or wounds that don't seem to heal, always wear long sleeves, even in hot weather, are secretive, or seem like they're in pain a lot of the time I suppose." She said.

He pondered this for a bit. While you always wore long sleeves, him and Sarv did as well except when sleeping. He then realized you wore long sleeved shirts to sleep in as well. Other than that, he wasnt sure about the other things.

He still had one more question. "How would one help someone doing that to themselves..?" He asked, quieter than before.

"The only thing you can really do is encourage them to stop, but I think it's easier said than done. The best someone could do for someone going through that is to just be there for them." She said, earning a nod from the man, followed by silence. She assumed that's all he wanted to ask, but she still wanted to know what brought this up.

"Why did you want to know this anyway?" She asked as she went back to stirring the food in the pan. "No particular reason. Just a book I've been reading." He lied. He hated lying to Sarv, but he didn't want to concern her.

~~Normal perspective~~

You heard a knock on your door and paused your music, taking out your earbuds. You went to the door and opened it, seeing Sarv. "Hey Sarv. What's up?" You said, giving a small smile. "Hi (y/n)! Dinner's ready!" She replied with a smile before heading back to the kitchen, you following behind.

Ruv watched you closely as you ate, though you'd pretty much gotten used to this. You tried not to flinch when you moved your arms but there were a few times where you moved the wrong way and you winced anyways. Each time you did, you silently hoped he didn't notice.

You and Sarv had the usual conversations, which fortunately took your focus off of the pain and him watching you.

The three of you finished and you washed the dishes. Your sleeves ended up getting wet, along with yoir bandages, but it wasn't too big of a deal. Annoying, but not a big deal. You and Sarv talked a little more before she went to her room.

"(y/n)." Ruv said suddenly, startling you and causing you to cut the palm of your hand on the knife you were washing. You forgot he was still there. "Yeah?" You asked, continuing to wash the dishes. You didn't even flinch when the knife cut you. You were used to it after all, so you paid no mind to it. Ruv noticed though.

"Your sleeves are getting wet...Shouldn't you roll them up..?" He asked quietly, not really sure exactly how to bring this up. You froze for a moment when he said that, panicking slightly. " I don't mind my sleeves getting a little wet." You said, hiding the panic in your voice. This caused Ruv to raise an eyebrow. He then saw the blood trickling off your hand and stood up, walking up to you. You tried not to pay attention as you kept washing the dishes, ignoring the cut on your hand.

"Does that not hurt?" He asked, remembering how much it hurt Sarv when she cut her hand while slicing vegetables. You shrugged. "Not really. I'm kinda u-" You paused. "Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow. "I...just have a high pain tolerance." You said, silently panicking.

He looked at your hand. This freaked you out a little since you weren't sure what he was looking for. You washed the last dish and turned off the water.

"Are those bandages?" He asked, pointing at your sleeve that'd slightly moved up when you didn't notice. You froze in shock before quickly moving your sleeve down and drying your hands. "No..just an..undershirt." You lied. You turned to leave when you felt a firm grasp on your shoulder, and you were turned around to face Ruv.

"(y/n). I hope you're aware I know when I'm being lied to." He said in a firm voice, looking dead in your eyes.

You were frozen in panic.


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