Chapter Six

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Thank you to ghosthime_ for ideas in this chapter!

It was silent for a moment before you backed up a little, avoiding eye contact with the tall man. "Look, it's...really nothing. Don't worry about it." You said quietly, earning a sigh and a small nod from the other. "Good night Ruv." You said before quickly heading to your room, closing the door behind you.

You sat on the floor, your back leaning against your bed. Your breathing picked up as your body started trembling. "Fucking hell.." You mumbled as you gripped your hair, tugging on it. "Why...why...Why god dammit!?" You almost yelled. You had to force yourself to not scream. The last thing you wanted was anyone, especially Ruv, to see you like this. Your breathing became more staggered and forced as you tried to hold back tears, to no avail. You clutched your chest as you feel a tight crushing pain, as if there were something heavy on top of you. Minutes felt like hours. You just wanted it to end.

After what felt like an eternity, you managed to gain control of your breathing again. You took in deep breaths as the shaking slowed to a stop.

It's ok.

You're ok..

You wiped the tears from your face and slowly stood up. You felt lightheaded, but it wasn't too bad. You took in another breath, letting it out after a moment before laying on your bed. You put on some music and plugged in your earbuds, putting one in each ear.

The music relaxed you. You were calm again. You let out a sigh of relief as you slowly drifted off into a light sleep.

It was the same cycle for about two weeks. Waking up from nightmares, eating breakfast, talking with Sarv, occasionally talking with Ruv, eating dinner, washing dishes, and going to bed. Some days you'd cut and others you wouldn't. It all just depended on how you felt. You were fine with the cycle though. It was better than what you had before after all.

You were awakened one morning by the sound of knocking. "(y/n)! Wake up and get ready! We're going out today!" Sarv yelled through the door. You groaned as you sat up, removing your earbuds. You walked to the door and opened it, seeing an excited Sarv. "C'mon (y/n)! Go ahead and get ready. I think we all need a little fresh air!" She said with a smile. You rubbed your eyes and nodded. Fresh air did sound nice.

You grabbed some clothes from your bag and went to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you. You turned on the shower set your clothes on the counter before undressing and stepping into the water. You let out a sigh as the water ran down your body. It was nice.

You cleaned yourself off before stepping out and turning off the water, drying yourself off and getting dressed. You didn't wear your nun outfit, as Sarv said it would draw too much attention.

Once dressed, you grabbed your phone before heading to the kitchen to eat breakfast with Ruv and Sarv.

"Do I have to go? You have (y/n) to go with you." Ruv asked as you entered the kitchen. "Yes Ruv. We all need some fresh air." Sarv said, though Ruv clearly wasn't convinced. "C'monnnn. It'll be fun!" Sarv begged. Ruv sighed in defeat, knowing he couldn't talk his way out of it. "Fine." He said reluctantly. "Yay!" Sarv yelled out.

Once the three of you were done eating, Sarv went to change into something more casual, which didn't take her too long.

The three of you went out and walked around town. Sarv took in a breath and sighed happily. "See? Isn't this great?" She gleamed as she skipped along. "No." Ruv huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Oh c'mon Ruv! It's not that bad!" Sarv groaned, puffing her cheeks. Ruv just made a 'hm' sound and kept walking.

Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now