Chapter Nine

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~~Normal perspective~~

When you woke up, you felt something around you, along with a slight weight on your side. Your body tensed as you slowly opened your eyes and looked to see what held you hostage. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw Ruv there, his arm wrapped around you, and his body slightly leaning on you. His breathing was slow and he overall seemed relaxed. He was asleep.

You felt heat rush to your cheeks as the realization of the moment set in. Ruv, the cold distant Russian, was asleep with his arm wrapped around you.

'He's kinda cute when he's asleep.' You smiled as your cheeks turned red, but pushed down the thought. 'No. I can't think like that.' You thought, shaking your head a bit. 'But..he really is attractive..... No. Shut the fuck up.' You mentally argued with yourself before feeling the man shift slightly.

You looked up at him to see his uncovered eye open, looking at you, a hint of sleepiness in it. 'Shit-' You thought, your cheeks flushing pink again.

"M-morning." You said quietly, getting a soft 'hm' for a reply. The man closed his eyes again, breathing out a tired sigh. It was quiet for a bit before Ruv spoke, opening his eyes again.

"Did you sleep alright?" He asked, his voice raspy and slightly deeper from having just woken up. You smiled and nodded. "Mhm. Did you though?" You asked, wanting to make sure he slept well too. The man only nodded, comfortable silence returning once again.

That's when you realized, he still had his arm around you. You blushed and looked at Ruv, who had closed his eyes again. He wasn't asleep though, just resting. He seemed a lot more relaxed than usual, and it's not like you minded his arm there. You actually liked it.

After a while, you heard a knock at the door. Ruv didn't even stir. You looked at him to see his breathing had slowed again. 'He fell back asleep.' You thought as you smiled lightly.

The door, which you'd immediately forgotten about, then opened, and Sarv stood there, her eyes widening when she saw the sight.

"Awwwwww Ruv's holding you in his sleep. That's adorable!" She said quietly, as to not wake the sleeping man. Your face turned red when she said that. "U-uh.." You didn't know what to say.

"Anyway, I came to say I made breakfast and couldn't find Ruv, but it seems I found him, or, you found him." She explained with a giggle. "Y-yeah." You said, your cheeks still burning.

"Well, if you're hungry, I'll bring some food to you." She said, smiling. "Thanks. I'll get something later though. I'm not hungry right now." You said, Sarv nodding.

"Well, I'll leave you two be now. Have fun!" Sarv said with a smile and wave before closing the door once again.

You looked at Ruv, seeing how peaceful he looked while asleep. You smiled lightly and relaxed, just enjoying the moment while it lasted.

After a while, you felt him stir, his grip tightening around you. You looked at him, thinking he was waking up again, but he was still asleep. 'Huh?' You thought. You then realized he no longer looked relaxed, but distressed, like something bad was happening. You noticed his other hand ball into a tight fist and his body starting to tremble a bit as his breathing picked up.

His eyes then shot open and he looked around sharply, his breathing still fast and heavy. Once he realized where he was and saw you though, he calmed down, almost looking relieved as he regained his composure.

"Are you ok?" You asked, clearly concerned. Ruv nodded, loosening his grip on you when he realized how tightly he was holding you.

"Nightmare?" You asked quietly, him nodding in response. "Wanna talk about it?" He shook his head and you nodded, understanding. You then gently wrapped your arms around him in a hug, which he returned.

"Sarv made breakfast if you're hungry." You told him, in which he nodded and stood up. He stayed there for a moment, as if he were waiting. "I'm not hungry right now." You said, but he didn't seem to like that answer.

"Eat." He said, not moving. "But I just said I'm not-" He cut you off, getting closer to you. "Eat." He repeated. You were intimidated by this so you just nodded and got up, following him to the kitchen.

After breakfast and dishes, you went to your room to grab your nun outfit before heading to the bathroom for a shower. Afterwards, you headed into the main area, where Sarv was.

"Hey Sarv." You greeted her with a wave and a small smile. "Hi (y/n)! How are you?" She asked, smiling back. "I'm fine. What're you doing?" You asked, tilting your head. "Oh just nun stuff. Would you like to join?" She asked with excitement, clearly hoping you'd say yes. You chuckled a bit before nodding. "Sure." You said, joining her in doing whatever she was doing.

(Idk what the fuck nuns do, let alone what Sarv herself does in her free time.)

After dinner and dishes, you headed to your room, where you laid on your bed and stared at the ceiling until you fell asleep.

~~Ruv/Sarv's perspective~~

Sarv giggled as she sat next to Ruv in the main area, the latter raising an eyebrow. "What?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Sarv giggled again and smirked, turning to him. "Did you sleep well?" She asked with a small chuckle.

'So that's what I heard while I was asleep.' Ruv thought as he shifted, looking away. 'So she saw.' He thought, feeling a small amount of heat rise to his cheeks. 'What is this? Why is my face hot?' He felt his face, thinking maybe he had a fever.

"Aww you're blushing!" Sarv exclaimed, pointing to him and giggling a little. 'Is that what this is?' He thought. "No I'm not. It's probably just a fever." Ruv said simply, shrugging despite feeling his face heating up more.

Sarv just chuckled and shook her head. "No Ruv, you're blushing. Fevers are when you're sick." She explained, though he didn't want to believe it.

"Ruv, do you like them?" She asked with a smirk. Despite his heart rate going up a little, he still refused to believe it was that. "Sarv, we've been over this. I see them as nothing more than a friend." He said, looking at her once again with his usual expression.

'But why did that hurt to say...'

"Are you suuuuuure? You were holding them pretty close while you slept." Sarv persisted, moving closer to him with that same smirk.

"Positive. I see them as nothing more than a friend. That's it." He repeated.

'Why? Why does it hurt to say it that way?'

Even if it stung, he stood his ground. He refused to believe he had feelings for anyone. Even if it was you

He couldn't like you.


Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now