Chapter Eleven

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Trigger warning! Murder and death

You saw rage flash through Ruv's visible eye. You tensed up in fear, not knowing what he'd do, but were shocked when he pulled you closer to him.

"I'm sorry.." He said quietly, hugging you tight, but not too tight. He knew you were hurt as well, and didn't want to injure you further.

You shook your head and buried your face in his chest once again, eventually drifting off to sleep for the first time in days.

~~Ruv's perspective~~

Ruv looked down when he heard you quietly snoring. He knew you needed sleep and was glad you were finally able to get some.

The man grabbed your phone, putting in the passcode he'd seen you type a few times.

'If she's smart, she would've blocked him.' He thought as he looked to find deleted conversations. He then found the archive and went through it, finding what he needed.


He knew he'd found your ex just by how he had spoken in messages. He looked at the name, noting it, along with the number, in his head.

"I'll make him pay for what he did to you.." He muttered as he set your phone down. He then slowly laid you down and covered you up.

"I'll be back.." He said quietly before leaving your room and heading to his secret room.

He closed and locked the door behind him before pulling out an old computer. He had some tricks up his sleeve. He used the guy's name and number to find his location, and though it took a while, he eventually found it.


He closed the computer and opened up his closet, taking out a pistol and a few bullets. He loaded the pistol and grabbed a few extra, just in case, before slipping them in his coat pocket.

'This is my fault.'

He grabbed a sheet of paper, writing something down on it, before going to the kitchen, where he set the paper on the table.

'I let this happen to them.'

He then walked out of the church without a word, heading to the abandoned house.

'I wasn't able to protect them..'

'But I'm ending this now.'

~~Sarv' perspective~~

Sarv heard rustling in the kitchen, then the front doors slamming. "Goodness! What's going on?" She went to the kitchen, where she saw a note on the table.

'I'll be back later. I need to take care of something.


This was strange. Usually he'd tell her personally where he was going. This concerned her, but she knew that he was capable of protecting himself if it came to that.

She sighed as she began to cook dinner, just hoping everything was ok.

~~Ruv's perspective~~

Ruv approached the abandoned house, walking to the door and putting an ear to it so he could hear what was going on inside. There were footsteps and rustling, followed by glass shattering. Then, a voice.

"God dammit! How the fuck did I let them get away!?" The voice yelled from inside. Ruv wanted so badly to kick down the door and kill him right then and there, but stopped himself.

'I'll make him suffer..just like he did to them..'

He knocked on the door, the man inside opening it and looking up at his 'guest'.

"What do you want huh?" The man asked, his speech slurred. He'd clearly been drinking.

Ruv stared down at the man for a moment before grabbing him by his neck, lifting him up to his level.

"You've fucked with the wrong person." Ruv said in a low voice before throwing the man to the ground. He entered the house before kicking the man in the stomach and sides as hard as he could, the man yelling out in pain.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" The man yelled, coughing up a bit of blood.

"I'm making sure you suffer as much as they did.." Ruv said before kicking him again. He then took out his pistol, pointing it at him.

"Woah woah! I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding!" The man slurred, raising his arms over his face. Ruv only glared at him. "There is no misunderstanding here." He said before shooting him a few times in nonvital areas, the man screaming in agony.

Ruv let the man lay there, groaning in pain for a while, before finally pointing the gun to his head.

"You filthy scum." Ruv said before taking the shot, killing the man.

Ruv then left the house, heading back to the church.

~~Sarv's perspective~~

Sarv paced around the main area. Ruv still hadn't come back and she was starting to get worried.

'What if something happened?' She thought.

That's when the door opened. She looked up to see Ruv entering the church, blood splattered on him.

"Ruv! What happened!?" She asked, running up to him. "I did what had to be done." Was all he said before heading off.

~~Ruv's perspective~~

Ruv went to his secret room, where he put away his gun and remaining bullets. He then grabbed some clean clothes before going into his bathroom to take a shower.

Afterwards, he went to put his blood stained clothes in the wash before heading to your room once again.

~~Normal perspective~~

You shot up after a nightmare, completely reliving all he had done to you. Your hugged your knees as your body started trembling, tears falling down your cheeks. You looked around. Ruv was gone.

That's when you heard your door open, then the familiar voice.

"Oh, you're awake." Ruv said. He was about to come in, but stopped. "Do you want me to come back later..?" He asked. You shook your head, not knowing why he left in the first place.

The man entered your room, closing the door behind him, and sat on the edge of your bed where he was before.

"Why did you leave..?" You asked, wiping the tears from your face. You noticed his expression change slightly before he spoke, his voice low.

"I did what I had to do.."

Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now