Hɪs Assᴀssɪɴ, Sᴜsᴘɪᴄɪᴏᴜs

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Nagisa and Ciel stared in horror as an all to familiar crimson liquid gushed out of Sebastian's wound. Nagisa swore he saw the scene in slow motion: Sebastian falling backwards, Grell grinning like a maniac and her weapon still swinging due to her momentum.

"Come!" Grell exclaimed hysterically. "Let me view a Cinematic Record peppered with dramatic memories!" Rolls of film burst forth from Sebastian's wound and whirled around in the sky. From where Ciel and Nagisa stood, the Cinematic Record hid part of the moon from sight. The downpour had long since stopped, leaving puddles of water in its wake.

Nagisa, like Grell, was curious about what would be shown in Sebastian's Cinematic Record. However, he was more concerned about the demon than intrigued at the time.

"Ho, ho, ho," Tanaka laughed.

Grell froze at the memory. What on Earth was that? Why would a demon's memory be an elderly man laughing while drinking tea?


Where was the drama? Her rivals for Sebastian's love? The other attractive butlers?!

"After adding in 23 cups of detergent, the bubbles started to overflow!!!!!!!" Mey-rin explained, panicking. Unintentionally proving her point, bubbles clung to her clothes and her hands were wet.

"Cooking is an ART!" Unsurprisingly, Bard's hair was messy and singed and his clothes were burnt as he spoke. Behind him, the kitchen was on the brink of becoming ash.

Who even were those people?! And why were they so incompetent?! Her beloved Sebas shouldn't be around such fools!

"Five more minutes," Nagisa groaned as he turned away from Sebastian. He snuggled deeper into his blanket, relishing in the warmth it provided. A sigh - Sebastian's sigh - was heard before the blanket was cruelly ripped off of Nagisa's body.

"You said that five minutes ago, Nagisa-kun," lectured Sebastian, "If you don't get up now, then you might as well consider yourself fired." Nagisa remained still. Sebastian stared at the blunet before sighing again. "If you get up now, I'll let you have a slice of chocolate cake."

Nagisa bounded out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Sebastian chuckled at his gleeful humming, neatly spreading the blanket on the bed before leaving.

Grell wanted to scream in frustration. Meanwhile, Nagisa was plotting ways to commit sewerslide and pinning the blame on Aleister Druitt. At his side, Ciel was snickering silently. 'Cute,' he thought absent-mindedly. In the blink of an eye, his cheeks glowed scarlet. 'Not the time! Not the time!' Ciel shook his head to rid his head of his (well, what he considered) inappropriate thoughts.

More memories of Mey-rin, Finny and Bard causing pure chaos flashed across the Cinematic Record. Each one pushed Grell's buttons more and more and more. Eventually, she snapped and finally screamed her thoughts. "WHO THE HELL ARE THEY??!! Your memories aren't dramatic at all!!!!!!!"

Sebastian finally grasped his bearings and regained his balance. Blood spilled out of his mouth, slowly dripping onto the shingles below him. "That's because my life for the past year has been like this..." He smirked. "And then Nagisa joined us." His eyes briefly shifted to Nagisa's relieved and stunned face before returning to Grell's.

Ciel sighed softly. Sebastian was always so dramatic. 'That flair of his is quite irksome...' He inwardly growled. 'Luckily, Nagisa isn't like that.'

"I'm not interested in these common folks!!! Show me something more interesting!!! They're not pretty at all!!!" Grell wailed, flailing her arms childishly.

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