Hɪs Assᴀssɪɴ, Vᴏɪᴅ

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Bard, Finny and Tanaka gazed at Mey-rin with sparkling auras and determined expressions. She had told them her brilliant plan and now all they had to do was prepare before Nagisa wakes up.

Whenever that is.

"Alright! We've got this!!" And so, they hurried to their respective stations for the day and worked at the speed of light.


Sebastian opened the curtains with a flourish. When the sunlight hit Ciel's closed eyes, he groaned and turned around. With his plastic smile glued to his face, Sebastian stepped over to him and ripped the blankets off of Ciel's body.

"Young Master, you will be late for your violin classes if you sleep in any longer," he chided. Ciel mumbled incoherently under his breath, thoughts of strangling Sebastian then and there flashing in his mind.

"What was that?" Sebastian raised a hand to his ear mockingly.

"I said, why do I have violin lessons?! I'm not even good at it!" Ciel exclaimed as he flopped onto his back in a starfish position (and almost slapping Sebastian in the process). Sebastian sighed and ignored the blunet's question, aware that Ciel already knows the answer and is just being a prat*. The lanky butler let the options for breakfast roll off his tongue in a smooth, velvety tone and Ciel quickly chose his preferences.

"That's exactly why you have lessons," Sebastian sighed, "Your tutoring with Nagisa for today has been cancelled. He's taken most of the day off for personal reasons. You can use that free time to think about how you'd like to go to Madam Red's funeral, as it's only a few days from now." Sebastian stated nonchalantly. Ciel nearly choked on the scone he was munching on.

"What? Why?" For whatever odd reason, he was actually worried. Nagisa had taught him many interesting things and he was very passionate about everything. His lessons were easy to follow and stuck in Ciel's mind. Nagisa had proved himself to be hardworking and talented time and time again, never missed work and even had a genuine smile stretched across his face all day. To say that Ciel was shocked would be an understatement.

Sebastian observed the worry that briefly crossed Ciel's features with a quiet hum. "It is not my place to say." Sebastian closed his eyes to help him focus on the immense pleasure he felt when toying with his Master. "But if he wishes to tell you later, then so be it." His lips twitched upwards for a fraction of a second when he heard Ciel's relieved sigh.

"Fine." He grumbled. As Ciel continued to eat, Sebastian moved around the room and tidied up a bit. When he noticed Ciel entering the bathroom, he mentally prepared himself for the rest of the day.


Mey-rin, Finny and Bard spent their break conversing in hushed whispers.

Tanaka, standing proudly in his normal form, was the one to start the conversation. "It's still early in the morning and I doubt that he'll wake up too late so we have enough time to plan."

"Yeah, but what are we planning?" Bard, ever the morning glory, grumbled as he toyed with his flamethrower.

"Ways to help him through his grief! And show that we're there for him, yes we are!" Mey-rin fist pumped, her glasses shining in the peeking sunlight. Her enthusiasm instantly corrupted Finny and he beamed excitedly.

"Ooooh! That sounds great!" He cheered as he clapped his hands, "But...how do we do that?" Mey-rin chuckled and pushed up her glasses.

Slamming her foot on the bench, she confidently announced, "I was waiting for this question! First, we most likely ask Sebastian to help us make Japanese meals to help him feel like he's home! And maybe some sweets since he has quite the sweet tooth. Second, we apologise-"

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