Hɪs Assᴀssɪɴ, Sʜᴏᴘᴘɪɴɢ

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Nagisa panted heavily as beads of sweat slid down the sides of his face. The moon was on full display and illuminated the area. The former assassin gazed at it with nostalgia clouding his hues.

How could he not? Every night when he sees the moon in a form that wasn't its crescent one, he remembered how his old sensei* destroyed the moon. Nagisa ignored the soreness he felt in his body as his mind replayed the events of his last year in Junior High.

Why was he sore, you ask? Simple.

Standing a few feet across from him was a certain ravenett who was also panting slightly. That was the first time Sebastian ever looked even remotely exhausted after sparring with Nagisa and the latter was very proud of his accomplishment.

While he knew that Sebastian won their spar regardless, the lanky adult actually looked a little exhausted. Nagisa's mind automatically engraved this moment deep in its depths.

If only he could brag to Karma about it when he returned to 2020.

Sebastian watched Nagisa stare at the sky silently. A ghost of a smile painted the blunett's lips at the sight of the full moon. The fire brick red-eyed male knew why he gazed at the moon in such a way; it amused him greatly that something as simple and insignificant as the moon affected Nagisa in such a way.

A chuckle erupted from the Head Butler and it snapped Nagisa out of his daze. He glanced at Sebastian only to see him with a somewhat unsettling expression plastered on his face.

"You know, Nagisa-kun," Sebastian made his way over to said male as the latter's orbs widened in surprise. He thought that Sebastian adding a Japanese honourific to his name was just a fluke. "you never fail to surprise me." Nagisa took that as a compliment, despite the uneasy feeling forming in his stomach. "First, you end up here and say that you're from the future. You have no way to go back to your time, nor do you even know how to return. Then, I find out that you're an assassin and in order to stay alive in this cruel world, you agree to the deal I offered you. After that, you told me about what happened in your final year of - what was it called again? Ah, right. Junior High - you told me about what happened then and now here you are: making a grown man like me who's twice your size at the very least pant slightly after just a few spars." Nagisa took a step back when he deemed that Sebastian was getting a bit too close for comfort with an unsettling appearance.

His irises were fiercely gleaming, his smile was wicked and the shadows casted on his face from the moon's rays made him look terrifying. His steps were unnaturally slow and precise - a loud crunch emitted from beneath his feet whenever he stopped on a dried leaf or twig.

Sebastian's raven locks danced with the wind and the trees in the distance whistled faintly. Nagisa felt the familiar cold fingers of fear seize his heart and mind and squeezed them.

His heart thundered against his ribcage, he knees shook slightly and he couldn't move his body no matter how much he willed it to. Tried as he might, he couldn't think properly. His mind went haywire - hatching up different routes of escape that didn't even have a 50% chance of success and thinking of ways to just end himself right then and there. In seconds, bloodlust began to leak from Sebastian's form as he continued his agonisingly slow walk.

"You tutor the Young Master on whatever you can and even make a decent servant. For a fourteen year old, you've surprised me more than I expected. But, I shouldn't get attached. After all, we should get started in looking for ways to get you back home soon and then 'poof'," Sebastian wiggled his gloved fingers as he slightly rotated his wrists, "You'll be gone."

Nagisa felt disappointment flood his heart. He didn't know why, but he did.

"But don't worry. I'll enjoy my time with you, Nagisa-kun," Sebastian continued.

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