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"You won't get me!" Laughing, a blond boy with black eyes ran through the gigantic jungle, behind him a large golden dragon. The boy looked back to make sure there was still enough distance to the dragon, but the dragon was a way faster than him. "Waah!" The dragon tore him to the ground and began to snuggle up to him and drool on his chest. "Stop! That tickles, Fafnir!" The boy laughed and tried to get the dragon off of him. "You get the fish...Just please...Stop it" Fafnir stopped and looked at the boy. He pulled the fish out of his pocket and held it out to Fafnir, who grabbed it and devoured it with one bite. "You are a hungry dragon" The blonde boy petted the dragon and stood up. "Let's go home" The two made their way to the tribe in which they lived. "Hello Free" "Hello" Free raised his hand. "Good evening, Free" "Hello" The residents greeted him warmly and Free greeted them back. "How are you and Fafnir?" "Good, thank you" The two arrived at the largest tent and Free entered it. Fafnir tried to get through the opening, but was too big. "You stupid dragon. You can't come in here" Free laughed while Fafnir just snorted and waited outside. "Hello Free" "Hello mother, hello father" Free bowed and then took a seat next to his mother, who was cooking food. "Free, you know that you shouldn't stray too far from the trunk!" "I was just at the river and bathed Fafnir." "That's how you look" Free patted the dust and dirt off his overcoat. "It's important that you make a good impression. You will soon be old enough to become a chief. You can't afford to leave the tribe just to bathe your dragon." Free bowed his head. "Forgive me, father"

For as long as Free could remember, he had known that one day he would have to take charge of the tribe. His father was the chief and it was Free's duty to inherit from his father. It's always been like that, even when Free didn't want it. From an early age he was treated differently than ordinary children of the tribe. He received many gifts and the residents literally worshiped him. He was something special to them, even though Free didn't want it to be this kjnd of person. He didn't feel special and he didn't want to be either. He wanted to live a free life, doing whatever he wanted. He never was a child which listen to their parents. He always ran away with Fafnir and explore everything...But he couldn't choose his destiny. He didn't know whether he was capable of this, but the very fact that he had not yet found his soulmate cast a bad light on him. It was tradition that they found their soul mate by their eighteenth birthday at the latest. However, Fafnir made no move and Free was soon eighteen.

After dinner, Free was back outside. He was lying across on the back of Fafnir, staring at the sky. "I don't understand...Why can't I find my soulmate? What does that mean?" Fafnir snorted, he couldn't answer the question, even if Fafnir was the only one who knew the reason. Free turned on his stomach and looked at Fafnir. "What do you mean, Fafnir...Is there really nobody here who is my soul mate?" Fafnir turned his head so he could look at Free. His six green eyes stared at him. Free wrapped his arms around the kite's neck. "If I would go, would you go with me?" Fafnir nudged Free with his head. "I know you will never leave me" Free scratched his kite and smiled. "We'll go. I'll find the person, which is made for me, no matter what. I know this person is out there somewhere...Out of this island" "Free, it's late" His mother stepped out of the tent. "We are coming" They went to the tent where they slept. Free packed all his belongings in a small bag. At sunrise they would leave. Out into the world, outside the walls of the tribe he had never left. He wasn't allowed to because then you could never go back, but Free didn't want to be without his soulmate anymore. He didn't care if he would get punished by the gods.

When the sun was about to rise the next morning, Free left the tent with his bag. Free climbed onto Fafnir's back and threw him a fish. "Let's go, my friend" Fafnir nodded and flew into the air. "Let's get out of this place" Fafnir took off, but their departure didn't really go unnoticed. Free loved the feeling of the cold wind blowing in his face. Together with Fafnir he was able to enjoy the feeling of freedom a few times, but that certainly wasn't all. Free wanted the full charge of that so-called freedom, regardless of whether he was defying the law of his tribe. The two came closer and closer to the end of the island. "Free!" Fafnir stopped abruptly. The boy looked down and saw his father, mother and warriors of the tribe. "What are you planning to do?!" "I'm going to leave this place and look for my soulmate" "Your soulmate won't be out of bounds! Stay, yoy know what will happen if you leave now" "I've been waiting forever for them but Fafnir isn't responding to anyone. I want to finally find the person who is mine and nothing and nobody will stop me!" "If you leave now, you can never come back! Consider your decision well, my boy! The eldest will decide your destiny, when you go!" Free knew the consequences of his decision. He only knew life in the tribe and if he left now and didn't find his soul mate, he would have to adapt to this completely new world. "Go Fafnir" The dragon flew further and the two left the island. Nothing could stop Free from searching for his soulmate. He wanted to find them. Free didn't look back, there was no turning back anyway. He clung tightly to Fafnir. "...Now there is just you and me..." Fafnir looked at his owner. Free smiled a little. "No matter what comes, we will make it together."

Connected Souls {Free x Lui}Where stories live. Discover now