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"We have to land down there" "I don't know...do we really have to?" "Lui, they are still your parents" "I can be rejected like you, right?" "Lui, the whole last year consisted of running away from your parents. You're slowly having to face your fear" "But I don't want to..." "You're not a small child anymore. Now come on." Lui sighed. "Okay...Luinor down" Luinor started to land and Fafnir followed him.

The two were on the road for two extra years. At first they only wanted to do one but Lui had always refused to see his parents again. While Free could understand his partner's insecurity, he knew that Lui couldn't run away forever. Also, he was 19 when he decided to leave, so he was old enough to know what he wanted. And honestly, what parent would despise their child just because they were looking for their soul mate? That just didn't make sense. Although Free was a bit scared of Lui's father's reaction but that was understandable.

The two dragons landed in the front yard of the Shirosagi house. Free dismounted, but Lui stayed on Luinor's back. "Bambie, don't you dare" "What? No...Of course not..." Free sighed and climbed onto the silver dragon. "Free, don't do anything rash!" The blonde wrapped his arms around his partner's body and slid off Luinor with Lui in his grip. "Free! Stop!" "No, you wanted to run away again but not with me!" De La Hoya carried the smaller one toward the front door. "No! Free! Let's talk about it again" But Shirosagi's entreaties and pleas fell on deaf ears. Free didn't let go of him. Even when they stood in front of the door, he still held the blue-haired. Free rang the bell while Lui kept trying to escape even though he knew it wasn't working.

When the door opened, the blue-haired young man closed his eyes. He didn't want to see whoever had opened the door for them. When nobody said anything, the blonde nudged his soulmate. "Say hello to your mother" Lui wanted to act like a stubborn toddler but he knew that Free had him under control. He opened his eyes slightly and saw his mom's purple eyes. Lui didn't know if and what to say...He had been gone for 2 years...Hadn't contacted her or anyone else for 2 years. What did she think about him? Was she angry? Disappointed? Did she even want to see him again?

As Terra took her son in his arms, he knew how she really felt. "Mom..." "It's so nice to know you're okay...I was worried..." Lui didn't know how to react. But the tears found their way on their own. He hugged his mother tightly and was glad to be home again. "Everything's okay?" "Yes...all good" Lui wiped away his tears. Free put his hands on Lui's shoulders. "See? Wasn't that bad after all" "Oh shut up" "Oh Free, it's nice to see you're here too and that you're fine too" "Lui was always ready to help me, so mo surprise that I'm doing great" "I told you to be quiet!" "Come in. You must be tired. Are you hungry?" "Mom, we're old enough to take care of ourselves" "Thanks, but we've already eaten, but I wouldn't mind a nap" "That's typical..." "Says the glutton" "I warn you, Free De La Hoya" "I'm not afraid of people who are shorter than me" "But you should!" Free approached Lui and picked him up. "FREE!!!" "We'll be up there then. Thanks Terra" Free went up while Lui desperately tried to get away from him. "Are you giving up?" "No! I never give up!" Free entered Lui's room and threw the smaller one on the bed. Then he climbed over the blue-haired and looked at him. "Are you sure?" "Yes!" Lui tried to get the upper hand but Free was stronger. "Just accept that I'm stronger" "No!" Shirosagi really tried everything to get the blonde away but it didn't work. Frustrated, Lui finally let it go and accepted his loss to Free. Noticing his small partner giving up, De La Hoya smiled and leaned down. "Nice that we agree~" He kissed the smaller one, which Lui replied, slightly annoyed. "That's pretty frustrating for you, isn't it?" Lui didn't say anything, just looked away.

Free lay down next to Lui and took him in his arms. "Oh Bambie. You're cute when you're annoyed" "Oh shut up and let me sleep" Lui turned his back to Free. "I thought you didn't want to sleep" Lui didn't say anything. "Okay sleep well Bambie" Free pulled the little one closer and then fell asleep. Shirosagi looked back for a moment, smiled slightly and then fell asleep as well.

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