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"It is important that your family is happy. No matter how you see the world now, not all people out there are like your father. They are just like us...they live, they laugh, they cry and they love and this love cannot be stopped, even not by the law of this island. It is stronger than anything else and cannot be forbidden. You must find a new way."

"You know...I really missed that" Lui looked up. "What do you think?" "This...With you...I've missed you" "As much as in these two years?" "Yes, I can't be apart from you for long. You are everything to me" Lui laughed a little. "No matter what comes, I won't let us be separated a third time" "Promise?" "I promise you." Free kissed the blue-haired man, who replied. "I won't let anyone stop me from loving you" "Before you can say anything against it, I will" Now it was Free who laughed. "I know that, that's why I'm sending you ahead, if there's trouble." "And when words don't help, there's beating." Free laced their fingers together. "No, there isn't" "Mhhh, but there is" "No. End of discussion" "I don't see that as the end" "But I'm and I'm older than you" "And you think that interests me" " But me" "But it doesn't interest me!" Lui stuck out his tongue in insult, which made the blonde laugh even more.

"I've never seen Free so happy"

The two turned.

"Do you really love him that much?"

"Do I love Lui? I don't even question that. I have never loved anyone as much as him. He's everything to me. He is my soul mate, my best friend, my partner...He is my world. I can't imagine life without him." Lui blushed. "Don't just say that..." "But it's true and you know it too" "Yes but...It's embarrassing..." "You were talking about being my soul mate before and now it's embarrassing when I confirm it?" Free loved his little partner's awkward manner.

"And you're sure he loves you too?"

The blush on Lui's cheeks disappeared. "Sorry, but wasn't that enough? I snuck into an island which shlould not to be entered! I attacked the chief and stood in front of Free when you aimed a poison arrow at us. I think this should be answer enough" "Relax, Bambie" "Yeah, no! I hate explaining obvious facts" "I know, but you still need to stay relaxed" "I'm deeply relaxed" "Of course you are" Lui snorted and folded his arms . "And now you're offended" "No, I'm not" "Yes, you are" "No. End of discussion" Free looked at Lui, who was still quite offended. When Shirosagi saw the grin on his partner's lips, he already knew what was in store for himself. "No....No! Don't do it! Free, don't make yourself unpopular!" The blonde moved closer to his partner. "Stay away from me!" Shirosagi wanted to flee, but the elder came forward and caught him in a hug from behind. "No! Goldy, I love you! Don't do it! Please!" But it was too late. Lui felt the blonde's fingers on his body and he began to tickle him. Lui burst out laughing while trying to stop Free. "No....Please...Haha...Stop it" Free smiled, his partner's hearty laughter making him so incredibly happy. Lui was trapped for a few minutes until Free stopped. "Oh god...oh god..." "Still offended?" "I wasn't-..." Shirosagi thought twice about what he was saying. "No, not anymore" "It's good" Lui rolled his eyes. "I saw that, Bambie" "You didn't see anything!" "One more time and I have no mercy. Do we understand each other?" "Yes, Goldy. Sir Goldy, Sir" The two looked at each other before starting to laugh.

They were such a happy couple.

"They are such a wonderful couple. I really don't understand how anyone would think of separating them."

Shu looked confused at Valt. Valt grinned at him and Shu understood what his partner was trying to point out.

"Yes, they are so harmonious, as if made for each other"

Connected Souls {Free x Lui}Where stories live. Discover now