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It was 7am when something wet ran down the blue haired boy's face. He opened his purple eyes and met red ones. He was still half asleep, so he was licked again. "LUINOR!" The boy was wide awake. He ran to the bathroom and washed off the silver dragon's drool. When everything was gone he went back to his room. "Not in the morning! We've already talked about that!" The silver dragon tilted its head to the side and looked at its owner. The boy sighed, but then smiled. "You're hungry, aren't you?" He scratched his dragon's head. "I'll bring you your breakfast. Go back to the garden and wait for me there." The dragon went through the big door with his body again. The blue-haired boy changed and then left his room. He made his way down to the kitchen to bring fish to his spirit animal. His parents were already at work, like every morning.

"Lui, don't forget to eat. Mom ♡"

Lui sighed. It annoyed him that his mother treated him like a little kid. He opened the fridge and took out the fresh fish before heading out into the garden. "Luinor, breakfast" The dragon came running towards him. "No! Luinor! Stop!" But it was too late. Luinor had pulled Lui to the ground and eaten the fish out of his hands. "You are exhausting" Lunior licked Lui's cheek. Luinor was quite a playful dragon while Lui was more of a reserved boy. Despite this, the boy loved his spirit animal more than anything, but secretly Lui hopes that this phase will pass when he finds his soul mate...if he finds one. So far, Luinor has been behaving normally. "Luinor, please get off me" Luinor let go of his owner and Lui sat up. His dragon came to him and snuggled up to him. "It's okay. I love you too." Lui scratched the dragon and smiled. "I'll make myself breakfast and then we'll go jogging, what do you think of that? Spread your wings a bit" Luinor nudged his human and Lui disappeared into the house to prepare everything. Finished with everything, the two set out to jog around the block. It was the weekend, the only days Lui could switch off. Even if most weekends were always the same. In general, life in the city wasn't really varied, but you get used to it, especially if you didn't know anything else. Lui would love to know how life outside the city was like, but he hasn't had the chance yet. Sure, he's been outside of Japan before, but then only for vacation and it took a few more years before he could emigrate.

But to be honest, Lui didn't have any plans for the future yet...at least not concrete ones. He had resolved not to rush into anything as long as he hadn't found his soul mate... Around him, more and more people his age were finding their soul mate...The pressure was great...Well, the pressure he made himself. He actually had all the time in the world, but Lui often put pressure on himself. His parents ran one of the biggest companies in all of Japan and he, as their son, had to be above average, at least by his own standards. Lui was definitely not a average kid, he was smarter than most his age, knew business pretty well, and could survive on his own. In addition to his exceptional intelligence, Lui was just as athletic as others. When he wasn't drifting from his daily routine, his day would actually start at 3am with training, then he would go to school at 7am and as soon as that was over between 3-4pm he would train again until his evenings does homework and got his 8 hours of sleep. He also had a healthy diet and ate 7 times a day. He had made this strict routine his own and repeated it day after day since he was 10 years old. Many would call him a child prodigy, but Lui didn't feel special. He was just living his life, appearing extraordinary to others, but to himself he was just a child living in appearances. He didn't want to be the prodigy everyone thinks he is. He was just Lui Shirosagi. A normal teenager with a big dream to see the world.

Lui spent the rest of the day training and hanging out with Luinor before meeting up with his best friend, Gabe. "Have you made any progress on soulmates yet?" Gabe handed the blue haired a bottle and Lui took a sip from it. "No, Luinor doesn't move a bit...I'm starting to feel like there's nobody for me" "Since when do you give up so easily? The world is big and everyone will one day meet their soulmate" "You know the Records of people who have wasted their entire lives trying to find their soul mate with no success" "And you really want to waste your entire life on this?" Lui looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Why don't you let fate bring you together?" "Please, Gabe, that's silly. There's no such thing as destiny." "If you say so." "But you're right. Maybe I shouldn't be specifically looking for that person." Gabe put a hand on his shoulder. "There will be someone for you and you will find them one day" "Yes...hopefully" "Now don't be like that! It will happen one day so let yourself be surprised and until then, you should concentrate on other things" "I want to stay away from studying at least on weekends and holidays" "I don't mean that either. We both are going to party now" "I don't want to get drunk and be groped by some girls" "Choose it: study or party" Lui made a little face. "Then I'd rather study" "And if we stay here and the others come by? I'm sure a distraction will do you good" "Okay..." Lui knew that Gabe meant well, but he wasn't really in the mood to celebrate. After a good 30 minutes, the five of them were sitting in Gabe's living room. While Gabe, Shinki, Katana, and Kyo talked, Lui sat next to them and looked out the window where Luinor was tussling with Gaianon. Lui got up and went to the balcony. It was cool and a light breeze was blowing. When Luinor spotted his owner, he came towards him. Lui reached out and touched the dragon's head. "Where do you think that one person will be? Or do they even exist?" The dragon looked at him. "I know I still have many years ahead of me but I'm scared of being alone..." Luinor came even closer to him and licked his face. Lui laughed and tried to push his kite away. "Yes, I know you will always be by my side...I get it, Luinor" Luinor looked at his boy and Lui smiled. "Nothing and nobody will separate us" The dragon made a head movement that resembled a nod. Lui stroked it's head and smiled. "Shall we go home?" The dragon nudged him. "I'll be right down" Lui went back into the apartment.

"Hey Gabe" Gabe looked up. "I'll go" "Already?" "Yes" Gabe nodded at him. The blue-haired briefly raised his hand before walking to the door, putting on his boots and exiting the apartment. When he reached the bottom, Luinor was already waiting for him. He stroked the dragon's head one more time before they left. It was already quite late and there were still many people on the streets. As the two walked through the city, Luinor nudged his master. Lui looked at the silver dragon, which was pointing towards the late market. The boy knew what his spirit animal wanted, so he made a quick stop at the market and bought some fish. On the further way he kept throwing fish to the dragon. Just as Lui was about to throw him another fish, Luinor lifted his head. "Luinor! Here" But Luinor didn't look at him. "Luinor?" Lui looked confused at his dragon. "Luinor!" No reaction. "So what's going on?" Luinor sniffed the air before suddenly running. "Wha-?! Luinor! Stay here!" Lui ran after his dragon. He had never behaved like this before. Lui ran after him until Luinor stopped. "What's the matter?!" Lui looked past his kite and was surprised. In front of them stood a gold and blue dragon. The two dragons immediately began sniffing each other. "Luinor! Stop!" Lui tried to pull his kite back. "Luinor, that's disgusting! Stop sniffing him!" "Is that yours?" Lui looked up. A boy sat on the golden dragon. He looked weird. Blonde hair with a single strand of red, black eyes and he wore only an overskirt. "Sorry but my dragon is acting weird" The boy jumped off the dragon. "He's never acted so weird before" Lui looked at Luinor. He guessed he know what had gotten into him. The blonde looked at his dragon. "What is it?" It looked like the other had no idea what was going on. "He must have smelled the fish my dragon ate earlier. Come on Luinor, let's go home" Luinor looked at his owner. "Luinor! Don't defy me!" The two walked on. Luinor looked back at the golden dragon. "Luinor! Stop!" Luinor looked at his master and snorted. Shirosagi suspected it, but didn't want to believe it. He ignored his dragon's snort.cAt their house, Lui threw the remaining fish to Luinor and disappeared into the house. He went up to his room and threw himself on the bed. He put his pillow over his head and sighed. It was all a bad joke, wasn't it? The one from before couldn't... No! Never! Lui didn't want to believe that! He didn't accept it! He didn't want to accept it!

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