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Lui was awakened by a noise from outside. It was still early, so he pulled his covers over his head and tried to get back to sleep.

"No! Luinor! Stop it!"

When Shirosagi heard his dragon's name, he was awake. He got up and went to his patio door. He saw how Luinor and the golden dragon jumped through the plumbing system and also got the blond boy wet. Lui opened the sliding door because the pane was already wet and stepped out of his room. He had never seen Luinor so playful. He watched the three of them a little, especially Free. While he was watching the blond with concentration, he suddenly got a load of water in his face. Luinor had shaken off the water, which wasn't exactly a little. "Luinor!" All three looked at him. "Oh! Good morning Lui" Shirosagi grumbled while being completely soaked. He went to the faucet and turned off the water. "What will it be when it's done?" "Your mother said that dragons need to cool down on hot days and that I should take care of them. It wasn't my intention that you should get wet." Free walked up to him and handed him his towel. "Here" "That just doesn't help" Lui took the towel anyway because a cool wind was blowing and he didn't want to get sick. "I'm really sorry. That will never happen again." Lui looked at Free and sighed. "It's okay...It wasn't your fault. I'll dry off, change clothes and then we'll make us breakfast" "That would be great" "In the meantime you could bring fish to Fafnir and Luinor. You can go to the shed over there, there is a freezer where fish are stored. The code for the lock is 2512. But be careful that the two don't follow you, otherwise everything will be gone" "I can do that" Lui nodded and entered his room again.

Free was relieved that Lui wasn't angry with him anymore. He walked towards the shed and looked at the door. As Lui had said, there was a padlock on it. Free examined it and recognized the numbers. 7201, not the number Lui had told him. The blonde knelt in front of the lock and took a closer look. The one was shifted a bit so you could easily see a two. Free turned the two towards him and indeed it became more visible. "So that's how it works." De La Hoya thought again and then rotated the numbers as Lui had told him. 2512 and the lock was open. Free was a little proud of himself, after all he didn't really know about these newfangled things. He entered the small shed and closed the door to keep the two dragons out. Free found this so-called freezer and opened it. There were a lot of fish in there. He took out two handfuls and closed the freezer again. When he stepped out of the shed, the two spirit animals were already waiting for their food. When they saw the blond boy with the fish, they rushed towards him. "Whoa!" Before Free could react, he was pinned to the ground by both of them. "It's fine! One at a time! Boys get off me or I can't feed you" But Fafnir and Luinor didn't listen to him. They pulled the fish and snatched it from the blonde. Free couldn't help but let them go and let the dragons eat.

"That's enough now. Luinor! Fafnir! Get off him" Since the dragons had what they wanted, they left Free and looked for a place where they could eat in peace. "Everything's okay with you?" Free tilted his head back to get a better look at the blue-haired boy. "Sure, wouldn't be the first time." Lui walked a little to and offered his hanf to help Free up. De La Hoya took the blue-haired's habd and was pulled up by the smaller one. "Dry again?" "More or less, yes. Let's eat something." The two entered the house and Lui led Free into the kitchen. Free watched the blue-haired teen fetch all kinds of pots and food. "Can I be of any help to you?" "Do you know anything newfangled?" "No" Lui looked around. "You could toast the toast" "Toast the toast? What is that? And how do I do it?" Lui put a pan on the stove and handed the packet of toast to Free. "I'll show you" Lui got the toaster and put it in. "You have to plug in most technological devices. So you take this plug and plug it into an outlet." Shirosagi pointed to the things he was naming. "To toast bread, you first have to switch on the toaster and preheat it. To do this, turn this wheel and set it to level 5. Now you wait for the toaster to warm up. When it is ready, take two slices from the pack and put 'em in up there. Then push this lever down and wait for the toast to finish. I'll take care of the eggs and the baccon in the meantime."

Connected Souls {Free x Lui}Where stories live. Discover now