17 ♡Epilogue♡

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It was just before midnight, Free was already in bed and about to fall asleep. The side of the bed to his left was empty as Lui wasn't home yet but that was okay. He heard the rain pounding against the window pane, which had another calming effect on him and made him even more tired. He slowly closed his heavy eyes and was ready to fall asleep.

"Goldy!" Free was startled when his little partner came into the room screaming. "What?! Did something happen?!" "No, everything is fine with me" Free sighed in relief but then he looked back at Lui. "Then why are you screaming like that?" "Because something very important is going on" "Can't it wait until tomorrow?" "No! Tomorrow it will be over again! Come quickly, Goldy!" Free sighed in frustration but got up anyway. Lui grabbed his hands and pulled him with himself. "Where do you actually want to go?" "Up" "Why?" "Same time every year, remember?" If Free's head wasn't clouded by his tiredness, he would probably know what Shirosagi wanted from him. The two ran up the stairs of their small mansion and the blue-haired opened the door to the roof terrace. "But Bambie, it's raining" But Lui pulled the blonde into the rain. "Bambie! Is this really necessary?!" "You'll forgive me as soon as you see it" "And why should I forgive you? I was showered and freshly dressed!" "It doesn't matter" "It doesn't matter?!" "Yes, because" Lui pointed to the sky and when the blond looked up, he knew why Shirosagi had dragged him out of the house. The Shooting Star Rain. When they first watched it 7 years ago, it became a tradition that they watched it every year. And today it was time again. Free stepped forward to be even closer to the spectacle.

"Still angry, Goldy?" "You could have told me you wanted to check it out" "That would probably have been easier but not in the way I thought it would be." De La Hoya looked at his soulmate. "Why? What did you imagine?" "Don't you remember? 9 years ago today?" Free pondered. 9 years ago? "I don't know" "In Pakistan?" The blond thought again before remembering what his partner meant. "You mean when we found each other after we broke up?" "Yes, it was raining too back then and it was also a shooting star rain that night. We confessed our love to each other back then and I want to do it again today." Lui approached his partner. "You know I'm not good with words...so this won't be as romantic and grandiose as you might have imagined, but I still want to show you how much I love you." Shirosagi reached into his jacket pocket.

"Free De La Hoya...I know I didn't always make it easy for you and you weren't always happy with my ideas, but I'm eternally grateful and appreciate that you're always by my side, nonetheless were and hopefully continue to be...You are more than my soulmate...You are my second half...My partner...My best friend and my world...I know what I give you can't do much but you appreciate every little thing and that means everything to me...that's why the decision to ask you this question today wasn't a difficult one and I hope your answer seals how lucky I am with you" Lui took with his free hand Free's. "Free De La Hoya, I want to be with you forever and that's why I'm asking you to be my husband"

Free was totally surprised but in a good way. Lui had done everything right. It was unexpected and perfect. Free felt tears running down his cheeks along with the raindrops. "Yes...Yes of course I want to be your husband!" Lui smiled and took Free's hand. He pulled a ring from his jacket pocket and slipped it over Free's ring finger. Free looked at the ring. It was silver and had a light blue jewel in the center. "It's beautiful" "Before you admire it, didn't you forget something?" Free looked at Lui and smiled. "It's alright" The two got closer and Lui joined their lips in a deep kiss. Lui wrapped his arms around Free's neck while the blonde wrapped his arms around his partner's waist. "I love you Free" "I love you too Lui" Lui smiled and kissed his partner again.

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