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Lui woke up the following night. He was actually a person who never woke up at night, but something inside him seemed to have woken him up. Lui turned on the other side so that he was looking into the room. He saw that the small lamp he put on the table for Free was on and there was also light behind his curtain. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that Free wasn't lying on the sofa, so he sat up. Inwardly, the blue-haired hoped that his roommate hadn't left, but as long as there was no indication, he didn't believe it. Carefully, Lui got up from his bed and when he stood on his injured leg, he grimaced slightly. It still hurt, but he didn't let it stop him. He hobbled over to the window and pushed the curtain aside. In the garden lay the big silver dragon, behind him, Lui could see golden scales, so Fafnir was still there. Lui opened the sliding door and stepped out into the cold night. He wanted to go straight to Fafnir to see if Free was with him, but stopped when he heard the blonde's voice.

Free couldn't fall asleep all night, which mostly led to him talking to Fafnir about his problems. Even if his spirit animal couldn't answer, he knew that his dragon understood him.

"I hope Lui isn't mad at me...I should have taken better care of him." Free stroked the golden dragon's head while it lay partly on his lap. "He would probably say now that it wasn't my fault, but I knew the dangers and should have informed him. I could have prevented it..." Fafnir snuggled up to his owner. "I know I can't go back but I still feel bad. I don't want to lose Lui as a friend...He may be grumpy but I know he's a lovely person...So caring, nice, helpful...handsome...sweet...I really like him a lot" Free laid his head a little on Fafnir's. "I'd like to have him as my soulmate...But I don't know what signs you're giving me for that...I haven't been in the tribe long enough to know...Do you think Lui would tell me if he knew we were meant to be together?" Fafnir looked back a little. He felt the other boy's aura. "I'm sure he definitely would" Free yawned and snuggled up against his kite. Fafnir gave off a pleasant warmth that was slowly making the blond tired. "We'll be moving on soon. As soon as Lui gets better and the four of us have gone on a trip, we'll move on." Free noticed Fafnir's gaze, which lay on the sleeping silver dragon. "I know you will miss Luinor...So will I..." De La Hoya closed his eyes. "The last few days here will be beautiful, I promise you." Finally Free fell asleep.

Lui didn't know how to feel. He felt a look at him and when he looked up he saw the green eyes of the golden dragon. He knew that Fafnir suspected that he very well knew the answer to Free's question. But Lui felt like he was finally too deep into this lie to tell Free the truth. Free thought so well of him and what did he do? He continued to consciously lie to his face, how could Free forgive him then?

Fafnir could sense the blue-haired boy's discomfort, which is why he woke up the dragon next to him. Luinor looked up and saw his master. He got up and walked towards his boy. Lui looked up and met his dragon's pink eyes. Luinor stretched his wings to shut out the world around them. Shirosagi smiled a little. He knew his spirit animal meant well, but he just felt bad. Luinor tilted his head to the side and watched the boy a little. Lui kept trying to keep his smile up, but the more he tried, the more his smile deformed and the smile turned into a sad face. Now he tried to hold back his tears, which didn't work either. Luinor retracted his wings. He brought his head closer to Lui so his human could put his arm around him. "Am...am I really a bad person?" Lui sobbed while squeezing his eyes shut to hold back tears.

"You are a wonderful person, Lui"

Shirosagi released his kite and looked around. He looked at Free, but he was still sleeping. Was that just an illusion? No, that sounded too real to have been an illusion. Lui looked at his dragon, which just looked at him. It wasn't him, was it?

Connected Souls {Free x Lui}Where stories live. Discover now