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It was quiet. Neither of them said anything. They just looked at each other.

Luinor pushed Lui a little in the blonde's direction, which earned him a glare from Lui.

He took a deep breath and approached the blonde.

"It's...nice to see you again...Free..."


An awkward silence fell between the two again. Somehow they suddenly had  forgotten how to communicate with each other.

"That's so cringe..." Valt's statement was quiet, but both of them could hear it.

"What do you mean cringe? Sorry but this is a very important moment between him and me right now so could you shut up?!" "Lui, it's all good. He's a friend of mine, just like Shu" "I loke the other one, he knows when he should shut up. He's not tactless like this clown" "HEY! I'm not a clown" "Valt may be quite loud at times, but he's all nice" "Awww thanks Free" "At least they're talking "

The two looked at each other and silence fell again.

"Great job Shu" "Be quite for youself"

There were a short silence, before Lui breathed in and decided to talk.

"Free...Have you...read the letter?" "What would you say if I answered 'no' to that?" "I would tell you the truth right now" "What truth?" Lui took a deep breath and stepped closer to Free. He took one of the blonde's hands in his. He felt a bit uncomfortable knowing that others were starring at them but he had lied for so long...Free finally deserved to know the turth. "Free...I'm sorry...I lied to you all along...Your soulmate, that was me... I know it may be hard to believe but you gotta believe me that this is the truth. You're probably wondering why I never told you any of this...It's like...at first when we first met I was just focused on your looks...the way you looked with the disheveled hair, the scars on your body, the painting...I didn't know any of that and thought that if I let myself be shown with you like that, everyone would laugh at me...I care about my pride and my reputation but then, as we spent more time together, I realized that behind this strange look, there is a wonderful person...you have such an open and loving personality, I didn't know that...you have showed me the value of even the smallest things. I realized that I judged you way too quickly back then and that you are a much better person than I initially thought. But...I still didn't tell you I was your soulmate...I liked you a lot from a point on...I fell in love with you and you were so freaking important to me...Every time you said that I'm a wonderful person and that you're glad to have me as a friend, I was afraid that once, you find out I lied to you, you won't like me anymore...I was afraid you than losing my fairy and... That's why I still never told you anything... And that's why I let you move on then... I know it may all be many things at once but you have to believe me that I only wanted the best for you... At least I thought that was the best thing I should have done, but I've realized that the best thing is for you to know the truth, no matter if you still like me afterward or not. I'm sorry I lied to you...I can understand if you don't forgive me right away and it's okay if you don't want to hear from me anymore, but it was important to me that you heard the truth from me and for that I risk our friendship...I'm so sorry for hurting your feelings..."

Lui had lowered his eyes, he didn't want Free or anyone else to see how much this was affecting him.

He had never felt like this before. He was so afraid...He loved Free but knowing that he screwed up everything...Made that situation even worse...

Connected Souls {Free x Lui}Where stories live. Discover now