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"Lui, dear...are you alright?" Lui could hear his mother's voice through the door. He only grumbled. "Are you hungry?" Lui could hear his stomach growling. He sat up and walked towards the door. He unlocked it and opened it. His mother smiled at him. He said nothing but walked past her and down into the dining room. His mom brought him a plate of food and Lui started eating right away. "How was your day?" "Fine, can you leave now?" The woman sat down opposite him. "Not until you tell me what's going on" "That's none of your business" "Lui" Shirosagi rolled his eyes. "I don't want to talk about it, okay?" "Are you having a fight with Gabe or one of your other friends?" "Like I said, I don't want to talk about it" "So you're having a fight with one of them" "No!" "Has Luinor caused trouble again?" "No" "Did you find someone?" "What do you think?" "Maybe your soul mate?" Lui almost choked when his mom said this. "What?! No! What makes you think that?!" "I know you and you've never been that tense towards me before. That's why I assumed that you have mood swings, which often occur when you don't immediately get involved with your soul mate" Lui grumbled and looked away. "I think I'm right" "And if so..." "Don't you want to talk about it?" Lui looked at his mother and sighed.

Free and Fafnir had found a new place to stay and were waiting for the night to begin. Free had decided to leave on the next day. There was no point in staying there forever if his soulmate was out there somewhere waiting for him. "How long will it be before I find him?" Fafnir snorted and laid his head on the ground. Free crossed his arms behind his head. "Even though it was my decision to leave the island... Am I afraid that maybe it was the wrong decision...What if I'll never find my soul mate? I can't go back home after all... What should I do if I stay alone?" Free rolled onto his stomach and closed his eyes. "I don't want to be alone..."

Lui sat in his room. It was dark outside and actually he was tired... But his mother's words didn't leave him alone...

"I can understand your having such thoughts. Even I had them when I first met your father. It's difficult to get involved with a total stranger, but you should give them a chance. Just because that person might not be from here, he or she doesn't have to be a bad person right away"

He should give Free a chance? Would probably be the fairest thing, but no matter how long they would have known each other, Lui would never have any feelings for the other. They just didn't fit together no matter how you shot it or put it together. Lui got a pad and a pen from his desk. Maybe there was a way to make his mother happy and give Free "a chance". The blue-haired thought, wrote things down, crossed out others and spent half the night thinking about a plan.

Free woke up to the sun shining directly on his face. He had hardly slept that night, constantly thinking about what would happen if he didn't find that one person. But since Fafnir and he would leave this place soon, he could sleep during the flight. He sat up and stretched himself. Fafnir looked at him, which made Free smile. "Good morning, big guy" Free scratched his kite. "Let's have a bite to eat before we leave." Fafnir got up and made his way to the park. Once there, the dragon let its owner off his back and then jumped into the cool water. The blonde got some of the water. "Fafnir, slow down" But his dragon didn't listen to him. De La Hoya sighed and sat down in the grass. He pulled the bag of food out of his pocket and ate the last bit.

"Hey" Free looked up and was surprised. "Lui" "Can we keep you a little company?" "Gladly" Lui sat down next to him and Luinor immediately rushed to Fafnir in the water. "How was the night?" "Quite good" Lui nodded and leaned back. "What are you planning to do today?" "Actually, we wanted to continue our journey after breakfast" "Already?" Free looked at him a little confused. "Yes why?" "Wouldn't it be beneficial for you to adjust a little to modern life here?" Free tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean by that?" "Well...For example your money, it would be useful if you have yen with which you can pay and you can also have them exchanged more easily" "Hm...Yes" "If you then have the right means of payment , you can buy better clothes and also food for the trip" "Is this yen really like that..." "Useful? Yes, it is. Money can buy many things." "Even those glowing things you all look at?" Lui raised an eyebrow. "Glowing things?" "They're so square." The blue-haired teen reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the glowing things. "You mean rhis?" "Yes" "That's called a cell phone" "Cell phone? And what can it do?" "You can do a lot with it. Write messages, make phone calls, listen to music, stream series and films..." Lui noticed that the blonde was a bit overwhelmed. "How about we change your Gold first and if you have enough money, we can buy you one" "I don't know..." "You'll see what a mobile phone can do" "I think, you know better than me" Lui nodded and got up. "Come with me." He offered his hand to Free, which the blonde took. He pulled him to his feet and together with their dragons they set off.

Connected Souls {Free x Lui}Where stories live. Discover now