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The next morning was just as calm as the evening. Neither of them said anything. Lui's mom noticed the silence because the two usually talked a lot when she was around, she also knew that Free was Lui's soul mate and that her son had difficulties getting along with Free. "How was meeting Gabe and the others yesterday?" "Okay" "Free?" "Was quite good" And again it was quiet. Terra sighed. "Tonight your father is coming back" "Today already?" "Yes, he is there for the weekend and will fly again on Monday" "Nice for him"

Lui never had a good relationship with his father. It was often stressful with him and his father didn't like anyone...really nobody. He didn't accept that Lui had contact with "normal" young people and not with those who also had wealthy parents like him. Before Lui switched schools at the age of 12, he went to a private school that he didn't feel comfortable at. Uniforms, strict daily routine, no fun and Luinor was given a collar and put in a side room during class. It was his father's wish that Lui go to this school, but by the age of 12 he had rebelled. At this school, manners were extremely important, so Lui had started to be who he was. He had no respect for the teachers, had taken off Luinor's collar, even let him sleep in the classroom and had opposed the teachers more and more. At some point it was too much for them and they called Lui's father to school. Knowing his son, he didn't believe that his son had bad manners and defied rules. Despite this, Lui was dismissed from school, which meant consequences for her school. Since it was important to Lui's father that his son continue his education and he had to take entrance exams for private schools during the summer holidays, his father allowed him to choose a normal school. Since Lui always had good grades, he was allowed to continue going to this school. Nevertheless, his father was not enthusiastic about it, his son's education was more important to him than his social contacts.

"He wants you to be home these days and not at Gabe's like last time." "Never mind. Free is here anyway so I can stay here too. And yes, Free is staying here whether Dad likes it or not "I guess I can't say anything else" Lui got up and put his dishes in the kitchen. "I'm going to my room...Free, are you coming with me?" "Sure" Free also cleared away his dishes and the two then went into Lui's room. "That didn't sound like you were looking forward to your father..." "Neither am I. My father is exhausting" "Hm, yes I know that" "You are, yes?" "Yes, after all, my father is the chief of the tribe and I, as his son, have always had a lot of responsibility. It was very important to my father that I make a good impression on the villagers. It was difficult for me to always do what he wanted...I'd rather do what I enjoy, which my father often didn't like, he was often strict and wanted me to know about all the customs and traditions of our tribe" "Ha, our fathers must be similar. My father is CEO of his own company" "CEO?" "Something like a chief of the tribe...or something" "And should you also be the new chief?" "Yes, I had to learn a lot from an early age too" "And you probably want to do what you want too, don't you?" "Yes" "Well then, let's do it" Lui looked at Free. "What do you think?" "It's still early days, so why not do what we want? I think Fafnir and Luinor could use a trip. No accident this time, so what do you say? You, me and our spirit animals" Lui blushed slightly. "There would be a few places I want to see again." Free took Lui's hand. "Perfect" The blonde pulled the smaller one out into the garden with him. "Fafnir! Luinor! We're flying!" The dragons jumped up and ran towards their master. Free climbed onto Fafnir's back and Lui also climbed onto his dragon's back. "Let's go" Fafnir flew up. "Okay Luinor. Up" Lui still felt uncomfortable flying on his kite but it wasn't as bad as the first time. "Where should we fly first?" Lui looked around. He didn't really know where to go first. "Uhm...How about...uhm..." "Then let's just fly. Fafnir, go" Lui was overwhelmed when Fafnir took off. "Luinor" Luinor followed the golden dragon. "Do you know where you want to go?" "No, but that's the great thing" "But, how do we find our way back?" "Soul Animals always find their way home" "And how do you know that?" "I'm just guessing, after all, Fafnir has never left my side." "So you don't have any guarantees?" "Yes" Lui got a little uncomfortable.

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