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The golden dragon landed and the blonde dismounted. "So this is Spain. Some of our ancestors are said to come from here." Free looked around. He had already been traveling for 2 years and in Mexico he had learned that he would probably find answers here, so they immediately made their way here. "Where should we start, Fafnir?" Free looked at his dragon, which was looking around. Of course he knew that Fafnir couldn't give him an answer. "We should go find a library" Free started walking and Fafnir followed him. The two had already seen quite a bit of the world. From Asia, via Europe, to Africa and America. The two years flew by, literally. Free had seen a lot so far and partly he had already forgotten why he had set out. The two walked through town and looked around. "Where is a library here?" Free was lucky that he understood the language spoken here. So he could communicate. "I'll ask around. Wait here." Free entered a small café. There he could ask for directions and buy a bite to eat. He walked up to the counter and waited for a waiter to come up to him. "Have a wonderful day. What can I do for you?" He was greeted by a beaming smile from a boy with dark blue hair and hazel eyes. "Hello, I would like to take some pastries with me for a longer trip" "Hm...yes, I have something. How much can it be?" Free took euros from his pocket and put it on the counter. "As much as you can give me for 20 euros." The blue-haired nodded and began filling a bag with pastries. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, where can I help?" "Do you know where there is a library here? I have to look something up but I'm not from here and don't know my way around" "Sure, I can accompany you if you want" "That's not necessary. It's enough if you explain the way to me" "I'm really bad at describing paths, to be honest" "Oh, I'll ask someone else then" "Oh, what. As I said, I can accompany you." The blue-haired handed the bag to Free and took the money. "I'll just let you know that I'm ending my shift and I'll change. Then we can go." The blue-haired disappeared through a door. He was definitely very odd.

Shortly thereafter, the other came back and he took Free's hand. "Come on" The two left the café. "Valtryek! Over here" A very interesting creature emerged from behind the café. Probably the soul animal of the blue-haired. "Is that your spirit animal?" "Yes, Valtryek is a Valkyrie. A warrior on a winged horse" "I've never seen anything like that" "She's something special too" "You can tell. Fafnir" The dragon landed next to Free. "A...A dragon?! You actually have a dragon spirit animal?! This is insane! I never thought I would ever know anyone who had a dragon spirit animal! How cool is that?!" Yes, very odd. "Yes, dragons are very rare spirit animals. My best friend has one too" "How cool!" "Hm...yeah" "Okay, let's go" The blue haired started walking and Free followed him. "By the way my name is Valt" "Free" The two walked across town towards a library. Valt was a little unsure a couple of times, but they finally got where they were going. Free walked through the ranks of the library while Valt followed. "What are you searching for?" "I need the behavior pattern of a dragon when it finds its soul mate. In Mexico I learned that some of my ancestors came from here and according to the records in my home country dragons were very common soul animals many years ago. Unfortunately I haven't stayed long enough on the island to learn more about it" "You were born on an island?" "Yes, left when I was 17 to find my soul mate. Stayed in Tokyo for a while and moved on shortly after my 18th birthday. That was two years ago" "You've been looking for your soul mate for two years?! " "The world is just bigger than I first thought." Free scanned the spines of the books and then took out a book. "Did you find something?" Free opened the book and flipped through it briefly before putting it back on the shelf. "We're very close." The blond kept looking around. "And you're sure you're on the right track?" "I hope so"

Free looked at shelf after shelf and finally reached for a book. "The Story of the Sola Dragons?" "Sola is the name of my home island. Dragons are like the symbol of our island." Free took the book and sat down at a table. Valt sat down next to him and Free started looking through the book. "What's in there?" "Most of it is just records of people who lived tens of years ago...I just don't understand how these records got here...Our island has been sealed off from the outside world since time immemorial. Nobody is allowed on or off the island, even getting close usually means death" "But that means that there must have been someone who had already left the island before you did" Free continued to leaf through the book, but in it, there were only notes, some of which also existed on the island. Sighing, he closed the book. "That was probably nothing..." Valt took the book. "Normally, even in such books, the names of the authors of such notes are written" Valt opened the last page again and read it through "Here, Wren Dokata" Free pulled the book towards him and looked at the name. The name didn't sound familiar to him. "Maybe we can find something else from him here" The blue haired got up and started walking. Free took the book and followed him. They searched any books whose author began with W or D, but to no avail. "I guess it wasn't such a smart idea after all."

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