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"Hola, mi nombre es -
Lui Shirosagi. Tengo 19 años y soy de Beigoma. Actualmente...Actualmente...Actualmente..." Frustrated, Lui closed his Spanish book. It was so exhausting. He felt like everything and everyone was trying to rub it in his face that his decision was wrong. He just couldn't think straight, so there was no point in studying. The exams started in a week and Lui felt like he didn't know anything, even though he was always doing so well at school. If he didn't pass these stupid exams, his father would stress again and Lui could really do without that at the moment.

He took his phone and unlocked it. He had messages from Gabe again. The older one seemed really worried about him and tried everything so that Lui could distract himself from the whole thing... But he never really let it because he was afraid that Gabe would ask him about it. Still, he just felt the need to get out. Get out of the learning stress and out of the emotional chaos because of Free. He texted Gabe a quick message to come and that Gabe shluld get some beers before Shirosagi left the house. "Luinor" His dragon came up to him and looked at him curiously. They never really went anywhere that late at night, so the dragon wanted to know where they were going. But Lui said nothing more and Luinor had no choice but to follow his human.

"You're lucky, actually I wanted to go out partying with the others" Lui had arrived at Gabe's home. "Have you been waiting for a message from me?" "Not that, but Shinki had to work overtime, that's why I was still at home." Lui sat down on the sofa. "So, what's up?" "Stress when learning, you know that" "Hm...Yes...And anything else?" Gabe opened two bottles and handed one to Lui. "Nothing, everything as usual" "If you say so" Gabe sat down next to him. "How are you doing? Are you okay with Kyo?" "Everything's fine, can't complain" "You don't sound too enthusiastic." Brunai just shrugged and took a sip. "Well...My best friend seems to be having some issues right now and instead of talking to me about it he's pretending it's nothing" Lui rolled his eyes. "Cheeze Gabe" "I didn't force you to tell me anything. I'm just offering it to you" "I'm fine Gabe! It just fucks me up that you all want to talk about Free all the time!" "I never mentioned his name, it was you yourself." Shirosagi didn't say anything. "Don't you want to finally talk about it?" "Can I get drunk before that?" "If you're more comfortable with it"

Lui emptied one bottle after the other, under Gabe's gaze of course, who knew how much the smaller one could take best. "So, what's up?" Lui hung a little over the armrest of the sofa because he was a bit drunk. "I don't know either..." He sighed. "The thing about Free...It just makes me...it's exhausting...you know?" "Not really, explain it to me." Lui put the bottle in his hand to his lips and drank from it before continuing to babble on. "I love Free...His eyes...His hair...His body...His personality...Everything about him is so...is so...fucking sexy...He was... Always so nice to me...and I...asshole...was too cowardly...To tell him the truth...can you imagine?" "Yeah, that wasn't really nice of you" "I know...and still...I let him go...Before they flew away...I gave Free a letter...in which I have...everything written...my stupid reasons why I lied to him at the beginning...that I fell in love with him...and that I was a coward...to tell the truth...to his face...I'm a coward...A cowardly asshole..." This time it took Lui a few tries to get the bottle to his lips, but most of it passed while he was drinking. "That's why I didn't want him to stay either...Firstly...because I know...that he'll hate me afterwards...as soon as he reads the letter...secondly...because it is Best for both of us...I don't have to...look at his...handsome face anymore...I did that...because I love him...Fuck...I really love Free..." Lui wiped his hair out of his face and then tried to put the bottle on the floor. Gabe took it from him and set it aside. "Why doesn't anyone understand...my reasons?" "Well probably because you haven't told anyone yet and secondly because what you did was unfair to Free" "You think...that I don't know...That's the part...that makes me so freaking out...I regret every second...that...I...let...Free...go..." Lui had finally fallen asleep.

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