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A day had passed since Lui and the others had landed on Sola Island. This day was when the chief's son was punished for his treason. The tribe was in favor of beheading and so everything was prepared for the execution. Lui was incredibly nervous every day, why not, after all it was about his partner. Abelia kept encouraging him, but he wanted to see Free himself...take him in his arms and kiss him....He just wanted to see, hear, feel him...He just wanted to make sure Free was okay and to be with him again.

All the inhabitants of the tribe had arrived at the place. It was really disgusting to see how many people want to watch Free get punished. The four were among the core members, Valt and Shu and Gabe and Lui. "Don't forget what Abelia told us. You must wait for her signal and you must not start blindly, even if you see Free" "Yes, I got it" "Good" Lui looked at Luinor, who was hiding in the bushes.

"I was able to learn a few things from the villagers. As soon as the sun is at the westernmost point, Free is brought to the square" "At the westernmost point?" "Sunset" "Oh, got it" "Anyway, it's important that none of you attack at this point. It's very dangerous, as fire arrows are used to start the fire. As I'm the best at recognizing the dangers, wait on my mark" "All right mom from Free" The friends got up and started walking. "Lui" He stopped and looked at Abelia. "You really have to be patient. I can understand that you would like to free Free immediately but no one knows what will happen to you or him if you underestimate the situation." "I get it." He walked on.

The inhabitants fell silent around them. Lui watched what was happening and finally the man who was responsible for all this, Free's father, Angi De La Hoya, stepped into the circle. Lui would have liked to jump on the man and hit him, but he held back.

"It gives me pleasure that you all have come here today to celebrate with me. But in addition to the celebration, it is a day of mourning, as today we will execute my family's one-time heir after he defied our law, left the island and re-entered it. I'm in deepest sorrow and cannot tell you how difficult this is for me today. But that is the way God wants it and we must follow His decisions no matter how cruel it may be. I can't find any words to describe my son's betrayal...His death will definitely leave a big void in all of us"

Lui clenched his fists. He always thought his father was a bully, but the fact that Free's father would kill his own son and feel no grief in the process couldn't be beat. "You have to wait." Lui looked to the side where Gabe was standing. "I can understand your anger but everything has to go according to plan"

"Once we have the right timing, it is important that you, together with your soul animals, prevent the residents from getting too close. In the meantime, I will free Free and get him out of here together with Fafnir. Once that is the case, you will come. The only important thing is that you must not kill anyone. None of the residents are guilty and none of them deserve to die."

"Can you guys stop pretending I'm incompetent?! I go it with the first time!" Lui walked on and his dragon followed him. "I really don't understand why everyone thinks I don't get it? I would have destroyed the entire island to find Free, so why is everyone making such a fuss?!"

"Free De La Hoya's beheading should be a sign that we will have no regard for traitors. It doesn't matter whether they are friends or foes! Put him on the scaffold."

Free was brought onto a small stage of sorts, and when Lui saw the state his partner was in, he became angry.

He wanted to destroy everything!

Connected Souls {Free x Lui}Where stories live. Discover now