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The weekend passed quite slowly. On the one hand, it annoyed Lui because he heard his father's nagging. But secondly, and more importantly, he had more time with Free. It was already too perfect, which is why the night from Sunday to Monday passed very quickly. Lui couldn't sleep a wink that night. Knowing that today was the day Free left him hurt him.

Free, on the other hand, slept soundly.

Lui turned on his bedside lamp and got up. He felt like he had to say everything somehow, but he just couldn't put it into words. Lui took a pad from his desk, a pen and an envelope from a drawer. With that he sat back down on his bed. If he couldn't speak the truth, he could just write it down, right? When Lui placed the tip of the pen on the paper, it was almost as if it moved across the paper by itself. Lui wrote down everything, his thoughts, his feelings and above all...the truth. The whole truth. Perhaps Free would understand his reasons one day? He didn't know but he needed to try it. Lui sat up all night writing down any feelings. He wanted Free to know how he felt about him. All the joy, the happiness, the love but also the guilt. He knew he couldn't ask Free to forgive him immediately or ever, but Lui knew Free deserved to know the truth sometime. Maybe they'd never see each other again...Maybe Free hated him after that, but it was worth it...After all, he deserved it after lying to him all this time...

No matter what will happen...He'll love Free forever.

"Good morning" Free smiled when he saw that Lui was already awake. Normally a good morning from the smaller one always came back immediately, but this time, it didn't come. Lui just stared at the Nothin. "Lui?" Free pulled his blanket aside and stood up. "Are you all right, Lui?" He kinda was worried. Lui never was so zoned out. Free sat down on the bed with the blue-haired and pit his hand on Lui's, which made Shirosagi look up. "Is everything fine?" "Hm? Yes...Yes...I'm fine..." Free was a little concerned. He had the feeling that Lui seemed pretty tense the last few days and was often lost in his thoughts. At first he thought it was because of Lui's father, but the fact that Lui was still so upset worried him a bit. "Let's have breakfast...Anyway...are you traveling on today?" "Yes...I would just get some fish for Fafnir first...Would you accompany me?" "...Yes...Of course..." The two boys were alone, Lui's father was away again and his mom was working. It was quiet between them and even on the way to the market, it was quiet. Free bought some fish so that Fafnir would have something to eat and he also bought something for himself. When he wanted to give the seller his money, Lui intervened and paid with his own money. "You don't have to do that" "No, it's okay...It's the least I can do for you now" They made their way back to Lui's home, where Free packed the rest of his things and prepard Fafnir for the trip. Lui stood next to Luinor the whole time, who kept nudging him and trying to make it clear that he should finally tell the truth to Free, but Lui couldn't.

He wanted them to part on a positive note. Coming out with the truth now could mean never seeing Free again...Also, he couldn't tell the truth to Free's face...It just wasn't possible...Once he opened his mouth, there would only come another lie out and he had already lied to Free too many times.

"Well then, I think we've got everything." Lui was snapped out of his thoughts again when Free spoke to him. The blonde walked up to him and smiled. "It was really nice here. I was very happy to meet you and to have you as my friend. It really means a lot to me. Thanks for everything Lui" Free took Lui in his arms and hugged him tightly. Lui immediately returned the hug and would prefer never to let go again, but he had to. "Well then. It's time for us to go" "Before you go..." Lui took the letter and handed it to Free. "Promise me... you read it when you find your answer" Free looked at the letter. "Okay...I don't know why, but if it's important to you, then I'll do it. I promise I won't open this letter until I find my soulmate." Free took the letter and put it away safe in his bag. Lui hugged him one last time. "Take care of yourselves" "We will" The two broke away from each other. "I'll come visit you again sometime" "I'm looking forward to it" "Well then...Bye Lui and thank you" "Bye...Free" Free went to Fafnir and got on his back. "Go Fafnir. We're on our way." Fafnir looked at Lui, who had lowered his eyes. The golden dragon slowly took off. "SEE YOU SOON, LUI!" Free waved before the two left.

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