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The rest of the night was at least pretty quiet. Fafnir had slept peacefully that night and everything was as usual in the morning. The two walked down the sidewalk while people around them looked at the two, or rather Free. He didn't know why...He was a human like them too. So why are they looking at him so critical? "What do they all have...?" The blond was a little annoyed by the other people. Fafnir nudged him a little with his head, which made Free look up. "Hungry?" Free reached into his pocket and pulled out some fish. "We should fish some more soon" He feed the dragon and looked around for some fruit for himself. "Have you seen trees with fruit anywhere?" Fafnir just snorted. Free found it a bit strange. Where did these people get their food from? No trees, no river...nothing. The boy stopped and so did his dragon. Free sniffed the air and sure enough, a delicious scent hit his nostrils. The two followed the scent and arrived at a building. Free entered through a door that opened by itself and looked around. It smelled really delicious and slowly his stomach made itself felt. "Good morning, how can I help you?" Free looked at the woman standing behind a table. It had to be some kind of market. Free took a few gold coins out of his pocket and handed them to the woman. "Please give me the tastiest one." The woman looked at the coins in his hand. "I'm sorry but you can't pay with that" "No?" "You need yen to shop here" "And where can I get these?" "You can try a bank" "A bank?" "Yes, you can find one if you take the next left and walk straight until you get to the end of the street" "And I'm not falling off the ground?" The woman looked at him in surprise, then laughed a little. "But no. The earth is a sphere and not a disc. You won't fall down anywhere" "Good..." "I'll put something aside for you in the meantime" "Thank you" Free left the building again and went to the way, Fafnir followed him. Next left. What did that mean? The blonde found a compass in his pocket and looked at it. "Left...Where is left here?" Free had no idea. "Perhaps I should ask again?" Just as the boy was able to walk back, he noticed that Fafnir had stopped. "Fafnir?" As his spirit animal turned the other way, Free got a weird feeling. "Fafnir! Do-" Free couldn't pronounce the word and Fafnir started running. Free after him. What was wrong with his dragon? Fafnir had never acted so strangely before. They ran for a while until Free spotted yesterday's dragon...Luinor. The two kites jumped on each other and shortly thereafter the owner of the silver kite came. "Looks like our spirit animals are happy to have relatives." The boy with the purple eyes looked at Free briefly before turning his attention back to the dragons. "Luinor! Back!" Luinor looked at his owner, but didn't move an inch. "Fafnir! Come here boy" Fafnir looked at Free, but would rather tussle with Luinor than listen to his owner. "That's strange...usually he always listens me" Free whistled, but neither dragon listened to him.

When Lui noticed how restless his dragon was getting, he had a hunch of what was about to happen. Within seconds, Luinor ran. When Lui reached his kite, he tussled with yesterday's golden kite again. The owner of the other kite was there too. "Luinor! Back!" Luinor looked at him but didn't come to him. Lui didn't like it at all. He didn't want that someone like that should be his soulmate. The blonde was wondering what was going on with his spirit animal, so he really had no idea what it all meant...Luckily for Lui. From the look of the other boy, he certainly wasn't from Japan, nor from the 21st century. There was no way someone like that could be his soulmate. He would rather die alone than be laughed at by everyone. "Do you know what they have?" Lui looked at the blond boy and just shrugged his shoulders. "Come on Luinor! We have to move on" Lui turned to go, which caused Luinor to look up again. "If you don't come with me, I'll go alone" The silver dragon jumped up and ran towards its owner. Just as Lui was about to leave, his spirit animal got in the way and spread its wings. "Stop being silly! You're not a baby anymore" Lui wanted to get past his dragon but Luinor wouldn't let him. Again and again he blocked the passage. Shirosagi looked annoyed at his spirit animal. "Luinor! I warn you!"

But Fafnir also opposed his protégé. "What's the matter? Why are you so bitchy?" Free cocked his head and tried to understand what the golden dragon was trying to tell him...but to no avail. Free looked at the other boy, who was also having problems with his kite. "Do you think...they want to tell us something?" The blue-haired somehow tried to get past his dragon. "Luinor only has his 5 minutes again" The Blonde looked at his dragon, which just pointed at the boy with the funny blue hair. "I don't know...Fafnir has never acted so strange...He's trying to tell me something but I have no idea what" Sometimes it was frustrating that humans couldn't communicate with their spirit animals. "Maybe they're glad they found someone like them? After all, there aren't many spirit animals that are dragons. Maybe they just want to be friends." "That's silly." "But they were playing together before. Let's let them have some fun. I have to go to this weird place where they can trade my gold coins into Ben to buy me something to eat. Come with us"

Connected Souls {Free x Lui}Where stories live. Discover now