Natasha Romanoff x reader smut

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Word count: 568

You and Nat had been dating for a while, and were currently at Tony's Christmas party. You were all sitting at the table and talking. Nat was sitting next to you.

She was getting bored, and decided to get frisky. She put her hand on your thigh. You shivered, and looked at her. She looked at you, and you made eye contact. She started moving her hand up your leg, and slipped a hand under your dress. She leans over. "No panties I see." She whispers in your ear. "I like it." She whispers.

She runs a finger up your slit, and then back down, bumping your clit. "Nat, can you wait until after dinner?" You ask, whispering. "Fine." She says.

After dinner, you both headed upstairs to your room. You start making out, and walking backwards towards the bed. You fall backwards, and Nat lands on top of you. She reaches around to your back and pulls down the zipper on your dress, and removes the cloth from your body. You unzip and take off her dress too, and you both remove your bra and panties.

She starts maki making out with you again, and kisses down your jawline and your neck, down to your chest. She takes your nipple into her mouth, and licks it, and starts sucking. She takes your other nipple in her fingers and pulls and twists it, making you moan. "You like that baby?" She asks, taking her mouth away for a second. "Mm... mhm" you moan. She moves away from your boobs, and starts kissing her way down to your pussy.

She kisses the top of your slit, and licks down to your entrance and sticks her tongue in. She takes her tongue out and licks back up, and back down again. She keeps licking up and down, and sticks her finger in. "Mhf!" You moan, loudly. She starts pushing her finger in, fast, and licking your clit. "Mmm baby if you keep doing that your gonna make me cum." You say, moaning a little at the end. "Alright, then cum for me. Cum on my face and hand." She says, speeding up. "uugh! MMMMM! AGH NAT!" You moan, it turning into a scream as you cum on her hand and face.

She keeps going in to help you ride out your high, and then when your done, you flip so that you are on top. You take her boob into your mouth, licking and sucking her nipple, and twisting the other in your fingers. She moans. You kiss your way down to her pussy, kiss the top of her slit, and immediately get to work licking and sucking her clit, making her moan even more.

You stuck in a finger, and keep sucking her clit. You move faster and faster, making her moan louder and louder. "UGHFH YN YOUR GONNA MAKE ME CUM! YES! BABY FASTER FASTER PLEASE!" She screams, pushing her pussy into your mouth. You go faster. "GAAAAAHHHH YN!" She yells as she cums on your fingers and mouth. 

You collapse next to her, and get under the blankets. You both fall asleep.

A/n- Hey guys! So that's the first girl x girl that I've written. Let me know if you like it, and if you have any requests just let me know! Im happy to make something just for you! Anyways, goodbye for now my loves!🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️

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