Bucky Barnes x Reader smut

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Word count: 1435 (yes, I know I haven't done this on this story yet)

*just a bit of backstory: you have healing and fire powers. You joined the avengers to give yourself something to use them for.*

The avengers were on a mission. It was an overnight trip in Belgium and you and the other avengers in a hotel. You arrived to the hotel, and pulled your suitcase in. While Tony was checking you all in, Steve put everyone into pairs. Wanda was with Natasha, Steve with Tony, Peter with Stephen, and you were with Bucky.

You got your room key from Tony, and went up with Bucky to put your stuff away. When you enter, you see there's only one bed. You walk around and find Tony. "Hey... Bucky and I only have one bed." You say. "Yeah I know. Are you uncomfortable with that?" He said. "I mean, not really... but is there a room that we could have two beds?" You ask, fiddling with your fingers. "No. That was the only room we could get you. Sorry, y/n." Tony says. You walk away and go back to your room.

Bucky found a gym and was training with Steve. You were lying in the floor. A little later, you got a text from Tony. "Meet in lobby at 6:30. Dress nice. Really nice. Dinner reservations. Do not be late." -Tony. You look at the clock. 3:00 pm. Bucky walked into the room, sweating. "Hey Bucky?" You ask. "Yes y/n?" He responds, looking down at you. "Do you have nice clothes packed?" You ask. "I don't own nice clothes." He responds. "Alright we need to go shopping." You say, getting up off of the floor. "I-what? Why?" He asks, putting a shirt on. "Tony texted me saying 'meet in lobby 6:30 dress nice really nice dinner reservations do not be late.' And neither of us have nice clothes. So we need to go buy some. Now finish getting dressed so we can go." You say, pulling on shoes. Bucky finishes getting dressed and you both head out.

The two of you were walking in the rain for a while and found a shop with nice clothes. You had asked Tony for his card and he told you to get whatever you needed. So, you walked into the shop and started looking around. Bucky found a black velvet suit, and you decided to find something black as well. After a while of looking, you found one that you liked. You and Bucky paid for the clothes, and then went to find a shoe store. Once you found one, you got black high heels, and Bucky got dress shoes.

You started walking back to the hotel, and found a cafe. "Hey Bucky wanna stop for some coffee?" You ask, stopping. "Sure why not?" He replies. You both walk into the cafe and get your drinks. Then, you go back to the hotel to start getting ready.

When you got back into your room, Bucky looked at the bed. "There's only one bed." He says, placing his suit on it. "Yeah. I talked to Tony about it and he said it was the only room we could get. So... we're going to have to sleep next to each other I guess. I hope you don't mind." You say, carrying your dress into the bathroom. "I guess it's fine." He says, sighing. "If you want I can sleep on the floor. Really I don't mind." You say, looking at him.

You quickly ran to Nat and Wanda's room and knocked on the door. Nat opened it. "What's up y/n?" She asks. "Do you guys have makeup and hair stuff that I can borrow?" You ask, frantically. "Yes! We do! What do you need?" They ask. "Hair curler and makeup." You say. Wanda did your makeup and Nat did your hair. You ran out and put on your dress and shoes. (Here's the dress and shoes.)

The dress:

The shoes:

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The shoes:

The elevator dinged

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The elevator dinged. You and Bucky stepped out to see the others waiting. "Alright. We ready to go?" Wanda said, looking gorgeous in a navy blue dress. "I think so." Tony said. You all left the hotel and made your way to the restaurant. You ordered your food, ate, laughed, and drank. Probably more than you should have, but you didn't care.

When you got back to the hotel, everyone went to bed. You slipped off your heels and dress and put on pajamas. You removed your makeup, and stepped out of the bathroom. Bucky was pulling his pajama shirt over his head. "Why don't you take the glove off?" You say, sitting down on the bed. "Why?" He asks. "Because I know you aren't going to hurt me. You can take it off. It's fine." You say, gently. "Alright." He says, taking off the sleeve and glove that he uses to cover his metal arm. He climbs into bed next to you. The bed was kind of small, so you were pressed up against him. "Are you uncomfortable?" You ask. "No. It's fine." He says. "Ok. Just checking.

Your ass was pressed up against his cock. "God damn it. She's making me hard." Bucky thinks to himself. "Damn. I'm making him hard. Maybe I should keep going..." you think. You start pressing harder and moving your hips a bit. You turn onto your other side and start kissing him. You throw off the blankets and he takes off your shirt. He turns so that you are on your back and takes off his own shirt. He starts kissing down your neck and starts sucking on your breast. You moan a little at the pleasure.

Bucky takes off his pajama pants, and pulled yours off after. He went back to kissing you and pulled off your panties. He quickly stuck in one metal finger, making you moan. He started pumping it in and out and added another, and then another. He licked a stripe up your pussy, and then sucked on your clit maki you moan even more. He pulled his fingers out and quickly grabbed his cock and shoved it into your pussy. "OH!" You moaned loudly. He starts thrusting, and you moan, louder and louder as he goes faster and faster. He leans down and starts licking your nipple, and twisting the other in between in his fingers.

You kept moaning, and eventually they turned into screams. "BUCKY!! Y-YESS! OH KEEP GOING! FASTER PLEASE!" You scream, rubbing your hands all over Bucky's back, scratching every now and then. "Are you close, baby?" He asks, leaning down and sucking on your stomach. "M-mhm! Daddy! Faster!" You moan. "Oh, so you're going to call me daddy now huh?" He says, slamming into your pussy as hard as he possibly can. "D-DADDY IM GONNA CUM!" You screaming, tightening around his cock. You cum all over his cock, moaning, his shooting into you.

He pulled out and brought his cock up to your mouth. "Suck, baby." He commands. "Yes daddy." You say, putting his cock in your mouth. You lick one long stripe up from the base to the tip. You lick up his slit and start circling the tip. "Mmm baby yes." He moans. He puts a hand on top of your head to guid you. He makes you move faster and faster. "Mmm baby I'm gonna cum down your pretty throat." He moans. "Then do it daddy." You say. "N-ngha!" He moans and grunts. He cums again, this time down your throat and you swallow it all.

The two of you collapse onto the bed, exhausted. You both lie awake and stare at the ceiling. "Hey y/n?" Bucky asks. "Yeah?" You reply. "Y-you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks, nervously. "Yeah, sure. I'd love to!" You say, turning over and kissing him on the lips. The two of you fall asleep.

The next morning, you both got up and got dressed. You step out of the elevator and see Tony and the other avengers standing there. Peter was blushing, and the others just looked stunned. "What?" You say. "You-you" Peter stuttered. "We could all hear you last night." Tony says, crossing his arms. "Keep it down next time?" Stephen says, annoyed. You all walked down the street and found a small bakery and had some breakfast. Then, you went back to the hotel and got your suits.

A/n~ Hey guys! So this was requested by @Nadia_thesimp_13. I hope you enjoyed this! Goodnight my loves! Bye!❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘

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