Tony Stark x reader

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Word count: 1,188

Y/n's pov:
It's the first day of the first week of my freshman year of high school. I'm so excited!!!! I immediately went to find my friends when I got to the building. It was a day for freshman only so we could get used to the school and find our classes. Me and my friends went inside to see what they had for breakfast. While we ate, the principal made some announcements but we couldn't hear her over the talk of the students. They let the rest of the freshman inside and had us go to the auditorium for some announcements and other things. They told us that we would go to our A day classes first, then lunch, then our B day classes. The way they had it set up was we had four classes per day, and what classes we had depended on the day. So one week would be three A days and two B days, and then the next week would be three B days and two A days. I went to my first class, which was English. Second was freshman seminar. Third was theater, which was the one I was most excited about because it was what I'm here for. If the school day were a meal, theater would be my main course. After theater I had orchestra. I walked into the classroom and the teacher seems really cool. His name is Mr. Stark. We automatically started talking and I felt really comfortable around him. I went to eat lunch with my friends and then we started our B day portion.

~time skip to a few weeks later~

It was a few weeks after the school year started. Mr. Stark and I were closer than at the beginning of the year. I had brought my mom to the open house during the second week of school and she got to meet Mr. Stark and he had nothing but positive things to say about me. I think it's pretty safe to say he likes me a lot. Maybe even loves me. But not like that. Not in a romantic way.

I decided that I would join pit orchestra. Not just to get to spend an extra bit of time with Mr. Stark, but because I had been wanting to do it for such a long time. But, of course, there was one problem. I had no way to get home. My mom doesn't get home until 5:30. My dad isn't around anymore. And even though I go to school with my brother, he can't take me home because his boyfriend drives him home when I have pit. So, I walk. And yeah, it's a pretty long walk, but that's ok because I'm still getting home in one piece and that's pretty much all we can ask for.

I made it through the day and went from the art room to the band room to put my stuff down. I grabbed my instrument from my orchestra locker and brought it into the band room to unpack. I set up my music and all my stuff and we got started. The music was definitely coming together and was starting to sound really good.

After pit I packed up my stuff and put my instrument back in its locker. I started walking back to the main doors so I could leave. Mr. Stark was a few feet behind me. He couldn't leave until the rest of us did. We got to the doors and I saw that it was pouring rain. I stopped to get my umbrella out of my bag. I set my computer bag down on the floor and opened it. No umbrella. Maybe I put it in my backpack this morning. I closed my computer bag and set my backpack down. I unzipped it and started digging around inside it. Nothing. "Shit...shit...shit!" I said, sitting down and looking in a different pocket to see if maybe I put it in a different pocket. Still nothing. "What?" Mr. Stark asked me. "I forgot my umbrella and it's pouring rain. I'm such an idiot!" I said, putting my hand on my forehead. "I'm wasting time. I have to go." I said, gathering my things. "So what if all of my notebooks get ruined? I'll just.... Buy new ones and try my best to copy the stuff in." I said while walking to the door. "You're not seriously going to walk home in that are you?" Mr. Stark asked. "Well yeah.... I don't have any other choice. I decided that I wasn't going to let my current situation get in the way of me doing something that I've wanted to do for years so I told my mom that if I have to walk home from school then I will. And that means in any weather too." I said, turning around to look at him. "Walk?! In the pouring rain?! Absolutely not. Nope. I'll drive you." He said.

We stood there and waited until the rest of the pit orchestra students left. We headed back to his classroom so he could get his stuff and lock the door. Then we headed out to his car. "Alright what's the address?" He asked. I told him as I got buckled in. He turned on the radio and one of my favorite songs was on. I started quietly singing along. Cause it's the story of a queen who's castle has fallen to the sea. I was staring out the window. I could see from my peripheral that he was looking at me. Knowing there's no one who will be a king that will come and save his queen.
"What can't you do?" He asked me. His question startled me. I thought we were going to sit in silence the whole time. "Pardon?" I asked, turning to look at him. "You're a good actress because you're in the theater program, you're a good artist because that card you gave me is adorable, you're a wonderful violist , and you sing like a friggin goddess! What can you not do?" He asked me. "I can't really dance." I said. "Interesting." He said after hesitating.

He turned onto my street and parked in front of my house. I got out and got my stuff. "I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for the ride." I said, walking around to the back door. I unlocked it and went inside. I put my stuff away and waited for my mom to come home before starting dinner.

A/n~ hey!!!!! It's been forever since I've updated any of my stories. And it's because I've kind of fallen out of my writing phase. I'll keep writing, but it may take longer before new chapters are out. I've also been very busy lately. Staying after school for pit rehearsals, and then having a show four nights in a row, and also having my regular classes and concerts. I'll do my best to keep updating with new chapters and writing but I'm gonna take my time. I'll see you later my loves. Good night! ❤️❤️🥰🥰😘😘

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