Bucky Barnes x reader

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Word count: 595

Running. The twigs in the woods snapping under your feet. Leaves crackling. A breeze blows. The sky is dark. It was going to rain. You could hear it running behind you. It was getting closer. But you kept running. You didn't stop. And then, it's gone. Silence. You look up from the ground to see you're in a field. The sky above you. A clearing fenced off by trees. Another twig snaps. You whip your head around but see nothing. It disappeared. You looked around. The wildred feeling taking over your body. And, the rain begins. Pouring from above. Back into the shadows you run. And, it's back. Chasing you. You fall. It's coming closer. It's going to get you. "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" Is all you can think. You're panicking. You scream. It's all you can think to do. Just scream and cry until it all goes away. But it got you. Your screams grow louder. They're screams of pain, no, agony. It hurts.

"Y/n! Y/n, what happened? Baby, you're okay. What happened?" You hear. You sit up, frantically looking around. Bucky. He was holding you. It was all a dream. Just a nightmare. "Sweetie why are you crying? Why were you screaming?" He asks, gently wiping the tears from your cheeks. "It got me." You whimper, your eyes wide. "What got you, baby?" He asks. The worry was thick in his voice. "The shadow monster did." You tell him. Bucky was holding you, protecting you. "The shadow monster did" you say, tucking your face into his chest. "Ohh..." He says. It was a reoccurring nightmare. Nobody knew where it stems from. Not even you. You've had it since you were a child. You were always able to wake up before it happened. Or be woken up. But this time nothing you did worked. You couldn't wake up. But Bucky. Bucky saved you.

"Do you want me to stay here with you tonight?" He asked you, holding you close to his chest. Your response was a muffled "mhm" and a nod. He did. He stayed. He stayed with you all night. You fell asleep against his chest.

The next morning, Bucky gently took you off his chest and put you under your blankets. He went to take a shower and left a note on your bedside table. "Don't worry. I just went to take a shower and get breakfast. Come down when you're ready. Ily baby❤️" is what the note read. When you awoke, Bucky wasn't there. You saw the note on the table and read it. You smiled.

You got up and went downstairs for some breakfast and saw Bucky sitting next to Steve. "So was she okay?" Steve asked. "Yeah she was fine. Just a nightmare. Good morning doll!" He says, looking up at you from the table.

A/n~ I know it's short, but this chapter was inspired by a word in John Koenig's book "The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows". I used the word in this story as well. Here's the definition. Wildred: adj. feeling the haunting solitude of extremely remote places- a clearing in the forest, a windswept field of snow, a rest area in the middle of nowhere- which makes you feel like you've just intruded on a conversation that had nothing to do with you, where even the gravel beneath your feet and the trees overhead are holding themselves back to a pointed, inhospitable silence. So I hope you enjoyed it even though it was short. ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰

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