Bucky Barnes x reader

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⚠️TW: m*rd*er, bl**d, death, g*n shots, explosions. This chapter does not contain smut. If anything listed above makes you uncomfortable, I don't recommend reading this chapter. Also, none of the events that are talked about in this chapter actually happened. This was not a real event.⚠️

Word count: 2106

Bang! "Ahhh!" Bang! Bang! "Stop please stop!!" Screaming. Crying. Glass shattering. Crackling of fires. You were in your room under the bed. There was glass on the floor, and there was orange flickering light filling the dark room. There were gun shots and explosions everywhere. You didn't know where your family was. Tears were streaming down your face. You were crying, but had to keep quiet or else you would get found. Suddenly, it all stopped. The gunshots and explosions and everything just stopped. The screaming stopped too. But then, suddenly, out of the silence, you heard footsteps. The floorboards creaked. You were terrified. Someone was walking right by the bed. The footsteps stopped. You saw a pair of dark muddy boots by the edge of the bed.

"I know you're in here." Someone's voice sounds through the room. "Show yourself." They say. "Show yourself! I know you're in here now fucking show yourself!" They yell. "I fucking knew you were in here. Get out from under there." They say. They noticed you under the bed. They had a gun aimed at you. "Turn around and put your hands up." There was someone else in the room. The person by the bed turned around. You heard glass crunching beneath the person's boots. "Now who are you to be tellin me what to do?" You hear the first person say. "Drop the gun." You hear. Whoever the second person was, they were a woman. The first person was a man. He wasn't British, like you and the woman. bang!" You heard a gunshot, and a very large and very loud thud.

You heard footsteps and saw a shadow in front of the flickering orange light. Then, a face peered at you. "It's ok love, come on out. I won't hurt you." The woman said. She must've shot the man. She sounded sweet, and caring. You trusted her. You carefully slid out from under the bed, still crying. You hadn't realized it, but you were bleeding. You could barely stand up, you were so weak. "Come here baby, it's ok." The lady said, helping you out and picking you up. The orange light was fire. It's light was shining through a broken window. There was glass all over the floor, and your mother's small ivory elephant statue had been broken. "Is there anything in here that you want to take with you?" She asked, gently. You were too scared to talk. You were still crying, and bleeding more than you thought. "You gotta make this quick, love, we have to get you out of here." She said. You pointed at the broken pieces of the elephant statue. She bent down and put them in a bag. She grabbed a few more things that she put in the bag. Clothes, a blanket, and two stuffed animals. The only two you had. She quickly threw the bag over her shoulder and quickly walking out of the room and down the stairs. She had to walk through the burning demolished living room to get out of the house. You saw your parents and your sister on the floor. Blood everywhere. They were dead. You started crying harder. Once she got outside, the air hadn't changed much. There was still smoke and glass everywhere.

The woman put you on a stretcher and someone wheeled you into the back of an ambulance. You blacked out. When you woke up, you were in a hospital. But it didn't look like the other hospitals you had been in. It was different. You had bandages all over your arms and legs. There was one wrapping around your middle. You look over and see the same woman who had carried you out of the building. "Hi love. Glad to see that you're awake." She said, you tried to sit up. "Nonononono don't try to sit up you need rest." She says, gently. "I'm agent Peggy Carter. We got transferred to an American hospital so that you could get the care that you need. I have some of your stuff in this bag. Can you tell me your name?" She says, quietly. "Y-y/n." You whisper, stuttering. You were still scared. "We thought we lost you for a moment there. You weren't waking up and you had lost a lot of blood. How old are you, sweetie?" She says, taking a clipboard off the table and writing something that you assumed to be your name. "S-seven. A-are my p-parents ok?" You ask, stuttering again. "Oh, honey. You're parents-um-were killed." She says. "Im so, so sorry honey." She says. "What about my sister?" You ask, eyes tearing up. "Her too." She says, regretfully. You started crying.

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