Stephen Strange x Reader

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Word count: 1,573
Requested by: @AbiDhab1

⚠️Quick warning⚠️ this chapter is going to be a little dark. Sorry I haven't been doing any smut lately, I just haven't felt like doing anything romantic....

Y/n's POV:
I wish that I could tune out the world. Retreat into my mind. Live the life I want. With the people I want. The people that I need to survive. Close my eyes. Make it all go away. Take a deep breath. Hope to open them and be in my own world. But no. It won't work like that. I open my eyes and I'm in the same gloomy world that I'm in every time I open my eyes.

I sat at the desk in the dark of my room. The only light being from the light that sits atop the desk. Writing. The sound of my pen scratching against the paper. The ink shining slightly in the light. I glanced over at the clock sitting on my bedside table. 11:09. I could hear the rain gently tapping the glass of the window pane. I put the pen back in the small cup on my desk, and put my notebook back in the drawer. I got up from the chair and got in bed, turning out my light.

Knock knock. "Y/n! Time to wake up! I made you breakfast!" Stephen said, opening the door. "Y/n?" He said, setting the tray of food on the desk, gently shaking me to wake me up. "Y/n!" He shouts, shaking me harder, and getting slightly worried. After a few seconds of him vigorously shaking me, I woke up. "I'm up, I'm up. Oo breakfast!" I say, sleepily at first, then I sit up with energy. "You scared me. I thought you died or something." He said, kissing me on the head. "No I'm just a heavy sleeper. I stayed up late writing." I told him. "Writing, eh? What about?" He asked curiously. "Just writing poetry." I told him with a sigh. "Ah. I thought you'd be writing more for that novel of yours." He said. "Nope. Major writers block on that." I said. Stephen got in bed next to me and we ate breakfast together and talked a bit. Then, we got up and got dressed and headed down to the living area. "Morning guys." I said to the other avengers with a yawn. "Morning." They all replied sleepily. We hung out for a while and then Stephen and I went out to do some shopping. Tony's birthday was coming up and so we all planned something for him. Stephen and I went out to get decorations and other stuff for the party. Then, we stopped to get some lunch. When we got back, I hid the decorations and other things so Tony wouldn't find them. Stephen had to leave and head up to the hospital. He took the afternoon shift so he could be with me in the morning.

I went up to my room and pulled out my laptop. I opened up the document that I had my novel saved in and did my best to write some. But, as I told Stephen, writer's block. After about an hour of trying to write, I put my computer away. "Hey Jarvis, where's Steve?" I asked the ai. "He's in the living room." The ai replied. "Thanks." I stood up from the desk and got changed into a ports bra and leggings and went down to the living room to find Steve. "Hey Steve." I said. "Hi y/n." He replied. He didn't look up from his book. "Wanna go for a run? I'm bored and can't write anything." I told him. "Sure why not. I'll go get changed." He said. He put his book down on the coffee table and went to get changed. I hung around in the living room and got some water bottles for us. When Steve came back in, I tied up my tennis shoes and handed Steve a water bottle. The two of us stepped out into the hot summer air.

We walked from the tower down to Central Park. It was our favorite place to run. We started jogging along the path. Running. Running. And still, more running. After a while, we stopped to breathe and have some water. "Alright. You ready to head back?" Steve asked. "Yeah I guess." I said. We started jogging back to the park entrance. "I'll race you back to the tower." I said. "Oh yeah? I bet I'll beat you there." Steve said with a laugh. "Three, two, one, go!" I said. The two of us took off running. We stopped at the crosswalks so we didn't get killed. But once the light turned green, we sped off. The streets were pretty much empty because it was the middle of the summer, middle of the week, and early afternoon so most people were at work. Then, suddenly, boom.

A car horn blaring. The sound of a large explosion. Glass shattering. Metal crunching. It felt like I was flying. Smoke filled my lungs and dust flew into my eyes. Then, slam. I hit a wall or something.

"Y/n? Y/n are you okay?" Someone's voice said. It sounded far away. My ears were ringing. Everything hurt. The taste of blood filled my mouth. "Don't worry y/n I'm right here. You're gonna be okay. EMS will be here soon. Just hang on for me please." The voice said. It was Steve. He sounded scared. Worried. Almost like he was crying. I blacked out.

Someone was shining a light in my eyes. "Pupils equal and reactive." The person said. I was staring up at a tiled ceiling. Where am I? I thought. "Y/n it's okay I'm right here baby. You're gonna be alright. Don't worry." Someone said. It was Stephen. "It's okay I'm right here. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me baby." He said, taking my hand in his. I squeezed it. I can't breathe. "She's losing air. We have to intubate." Someone said. I blacked out again.

When I woke up, there was a tube down my throat. It was not very comfortable at all. Stephen I'm scared. Where am I? Stephen please. I'm scared. it hurts. Stephen please don't go. Please. I thought. The tube was preventing me from talking. "We have to take her to surgery. Book an OR." Someone said. Stephen let go of my hand and they started rolling me out of the room. I blacked out before I got to the OR.

"Oh thank god you're awake. I'm so glad you're okay." Stephen said, taking my hand in his and kissing it. I looked at him and tears glistened in my eyes. I had so many questions and not a single answer to any of them. "Oh baby does it hurt that bad?" He asked. I shook my head no. He pushed the little call button and a nurse came in. "Ah I'm glad to see you're awake." She said. "Is there something I can do for you?" She asked. "Can you bring me a dry erase board, a marker, and an eraser?" Stephen asked her. "Yeah I'll be right back with those." She said. She left the room for a moment and came back with all three items. "Thank you." Stephen said. "No problem." She said and then left.

Stephen handed me the marker and the board. "Here. Write what you're trying to say." He said. I took the lid off the marker and started scribbling on the board. What happened? "There was an explosion. You got hurt, and they brought you here." He answered. Why did I have surgery? "They had to stop some internal bleeding." He answered the rest of the questions I had.

Stephen and I "talked" for a while. Alarms started going off. I blacked out.

Stephen's POV:
Y/n and I were talking when suddenly her heart monitor flatlined. "Shit!" I said loudly. "I NEED A NURSE IN HERE! CODE BLUE!" I called. I hit the call button. I started doing chest compressions. "Come one y/n. Come on honey. I need you to be okay. Please y/n. Please stay with me." I pleaded. "Im not giving up. No not yet. Even when I'm down on my last breath. Even when they say there's nothing left. So don't give up on me. Im not giving up. No not me. Even when nobody else believes. Im not going down that easily. So don't give up on me. Please y/n honey." I said. A nurse came running in and took over for me. The code team ran in shortly after. "We got a pulse." Someone said. "Oh thank god." I said, throwing myself on her. She lifted her arm and wrapped it around me, pulling me close. She scooted over, making room on the bed. I lifted my legs and got in next to her. I snuggled up against her. "I'm so happy you're okay." I said.

A/n~ omg an actual chapter? No fucking way! Uh yeah so this is the first actual chapter I've written and finished and published in a while. I have a field trip next week so I'll probably be able to write then when I'm on the bus and not exploring Columbus, OH. So yeah look foreword to another chapter soon! Bye my loves!😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️

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