Tony Stark x Reader

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Word count: 1,108

This is part two to the last one since a few of you asked for a part two. Hope you enjoy it! ❤️

Y/n's POV:
Its a few weeks after Mr. Stark drove me home from rehearsal. Tomorrow is homecoming. I'm going with a few of my friends. Today, we have a pep assembly, and I don't really want to go. I was able to skip out last time. Mr. Stark was going to let me sit with him and the marching band, but another teacher said that I could go sit in her classroom. I was headed down to my draw and design class. I passed Mr. Stark's room on the way down. "So I'm coming in here when they call the freshmen down, right?" I asked, stepping into the room. "Yep." He said. "Ok. See you soon." I said, leaving and going a few feet down the hall to my class.

Once I had finished my project, I cleaned up my table and put my folder back in the closet with the other folders. "At this time can we have all freshmen down to the gym please, all freshmen come to the gym." A voice said over the speakers. I gathered my stuff and left the room, heading back to Mr. Stark's. "There she is!" He said as I stepped into the room. I sat down and got my headphones out, plugging them into my phone. I talked with the few other students that were in the room. After they left, Mr. Stark and I started heading up to the balcony. "So you are going to sit in the very back row, so you're as far away from everything as possible. If it does get to be too much and you have to leave, I'll come join you in the hall so you don't get in trouble." He said as we walked. He opened the door and I went straight to where he told me. I put in my headphones and started my music.

My music stopped playing. Damn Wi-Fi. The connection here sucks. I thought. I unplugged my headphones and put them back in my bag. It was too loud. I was shaking. I can't take this. I thought. And then the tears. I stood up and ran down the stairs and out the door into the hallway. I ran a bit until I was in a spot far enough from the door but not too far in case he does come find me. I sat down with my back against the wall and my knees tucked into my chest and cried. "Hey, I'm Mr. Rogers." Someone said. "And I'm Ms. Romanoff. What's your name, sweetie?" A female voice said. I looked up to see two teachers crouched down in front of me, both in the same position. "Y-y/n." I stuttered, gasping for air. "Ok. Are you okay, y/n?" Mr. Rogers asked. Both of them seemed very nice. "Y/n there you are!" Mr. Stark said, jogging over and kneeling down like the two other teachers. I quickly sprung forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug and crying harder. "Uh- ok. Hey. Just breathe. You're okay. You're safe. You're out of there now. It's okay." He said, gently wrapping his arms around me. I let go of him and pulled away a bit, leaning back onto the wall. "I'm going to grab your stuff. You two stay here with her." He said, getting up.

I stayed on the floor, the two other teachers came and sat next to me. "So... what was that response? When he came over?" Ms. Romanoff asked me quietly. "I trust him. He brought me up to the balcony with him and the marching band because I have sensory issues. He said that he wanted me to at least try to go to this one. He had me sit in the back row so that I would be as far away from the crowd as possible. I was doing so well..." I said, tearing up again. "Hey, it's okay. I understand. I had a teacher like that when I was in high school." Mr. Rogers said. Mr. Stark came walking over with my backpack over one shoulder and my chrome book and lunchbox in his hand. "Thanks." I said as he handed them to me. I grabbed my water bottle from the pocket on my bag and took a few sips. "Do you feel better y/n?" He asked me. "Yeah." I replied. "I'm glad that you tried." He said. We all sat in the hall and talked for a while until the assembly was over. The other two teachers went back to their classrooms. Mr. Stark stayed with me and we walked back to his classroom so I could get my instrument. "I'm going to say something to you that I don't usually say unless I truly mean it." I said, stopping after grabbing my instrument. He had started heading back to his desk. "And what's that?" He asked, sitting down at his computer. "I trust you. You are the person here who I clicked with instantly on the first day. That doesn't happen very often for me. And I don't tell people that I trust them unless I mean it because I'm afraid that they will betray me. Leave me behind. But I know that you won't do that. You've already shown me that you will protect me in any situation. So I trust you." I said. "Come here." He said, gently. I put my stuff down and walked over. He stood up and gave me a hug. "I'm glad to know that you trust me. And I promise you that I will do anything to make sure that you are safe and that you are okay. Anything. Do you understand?" He said. "Yes......... Ok now I have to go because my brother is waiting." I said. He let me go and I got my stuff and left.

A/n~ hey! So here's the part two that you asked for! I hope you enjoyed it! I will probably take these chapters and turn them into their own story (if I can figure out a title...). We do have pep assemblies at my school and I do go with my orchestra teacher because of my sensory issues so I guess part of this is technically in some way shape or form a true story. So yeah I hope you all enjoyed this and maybe look forward to seeing this become a whole story! Good night my loves! ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰

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