Tony Stark x reader

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Word count: 1,158
⚠️WARNING: this chapter does contain topics of self harm. Reader discretion is advised⚠️

"WELL YOU NEVER COME OUT OF THAT STUPID LAB! WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU CHECKED ON PETER? OR HELPED HIM WITH HOMEWORK?" "IVE BEEN TRYING TO BUILD HIM SOMETHING FOR HIS BIRTHDAY! IVE BEEN DOING EVERYTHING I CAN FOR HIM AND Y/N. IM TRYING TO GIVE THEM THE BEST LIVES THAT I CAN." "WELL YOU CANT GIVE THEM A GOOD LIFE IF YOURE ALWAYS IN THE LAB, CAN YOU?" Steve and Tony were fighting. "GUYS STOP!" You yell at them. Silence. "Dad, I think it's wonderful you've been building something for Peter." You say to Tony. "Dad, Peter has been asking me for help with his homework just as much as you because in the last 100 years they changed the way they teach things." You say to steve. Tony storms out of the room. A few other avengers (who came in while you were talking) stood there and watched him leave. Natasha started to follow, but you stopped her. "No, I've got this. You stay here, Natasha." You say, jogging to the stairs and running up them.

You stopped outside Tony's bedroom door. "Are you ok?" You ask. No response. Just a sniffle. It sounded as if Tony was right on the other side of the door. You sat down, with your back against the door. "Look. I'm not gonna say I know how you feel, but I will say this. I know what it's like to be mad. I know what it's like to fight." You say. "And there are ways that I deal with it all. When I get mad, I go up to my room and close the door and get on the bed and start moving. Just thrashing my body against the mattress. And it helps me be less mad. But, sometimes, that isn't enough. Sometimes, I still feel the need to hurt someone. In my finger tips. So, I scratch. I claw and tear at my skin on my arms my legs everything. And yeah, it hurts. But it helps. Sometimes, I break the skin. Sometimes, I bleed." You tell him. You tuck your knees into your chest and sit there. "You do?" Tony says. His voice was muffled, but he sounded concerned. "Yeah. I do. So, if you're still mad, go do those. Go thrash around on your bed. And if you have to, scratch. And when you're  done, let me know. I'll come in and take care of you." You say.

You hear him stand up, and get on the bed. You went downstairs for a second to grab some things. "Peter what's wrong?" You ask. Peter was sitting at the counter, sobbing. Clint and Nat were sitting on either side of him. Clint was rubbing his back, and Nat was combing through his hair with her fingers. "I heard mr stark and Steve yelling and I heard them say my name and I think they're mad at me and I couldn't find mr stark and now I think he might be hurt because Jarvis won't tell me where he is and I couldn't find Steve either." Peter says, looking up at you with tears streaming down his face. "Oh Peter. Mr stark is fine. He probably asked Jarvis to not tell anyone where he is." You say, walking over and rubbing his back. You give him a small kiss on the back of his head before grabbing what you need and going back upstairs.

"Tony are you done now?" You ask, standing outside the door. "Yeah." He says, breathily. You open the door and see him laying on the bed. You went into the bathroom and put the stuff on the counter. "Come in here." You say. He gets up and lazily walks in. "Sit down here and put your head back on the edge of the bathtub." You say, pointing to a towel you laid out on the edge of the tub and on the floor. He does as you say. "Did you scratch?" You ask. He nods. "Take off your shirt." You demand. "No!" He says. "Take it off! Take it off or I'm not helping you!" You say. He sits up and takes off the shirt.

He lays back, and you grab a Dixie cup. You put some water in it and grab a qtip. "What I'm gonna do is just go over the scratches with a wet qtip. Ok?" You say. You dip the qtip into the water and start going over the red lines. "Ow!" He hisses as you go over one of the lines. "If any of them are bleeding it's gonna hurt a bit. I'm just trying to fade the scratches." You say, annoyed. You keep going and when you are done, you grab a few bandaids. You put them on a few spots that were bleeding.

"Now. Go put on your pajamas or something. Come downstairs when you're ready." You say, throwing out the stuff and picking up the towel. You leave and go downstairs. Peter looked like he was still crying. You walked over, scooped him up, and carried him to the couch. "What the- how the hell are you able to pick me up?" Peter says, sniffling. "I have super strength. Now shut up." You say. You put him on the couch and sat down at the end of the couch. "Put your head on my lap." You say. He lays down and puts his head on your lap, just like you said. "What's wrong?" You ask.

He starts rambling and crying. You wipe his tears. "Peter its ok. Mr. Stark is ok." You tell him. "Now let me go make dinner." You say, shifting his head off your lap and getting up. You head into the kitchen and start cooking. "What're we having tonight, y/n?" Tony says, coming down the stairs in pajamas. "Soup. You actually own pajamas?" You ask. "Yeah." He says, going into the living room. "Huh. I said that as a joke. I really just meant clothes." I said. "Pete, what's up?" Tony says. "I heard you and Steve fighting and you mentioned me and I thought you were fighting over me." He says. He sounded like he was still crying. "No we weren't fighting about you. Steve was just mad that I've been in the lab a lot. That's all." Tony tells him. "Peter, cheer up. Your birthday is in a few days, and I'm making your favorite soup for dinner." You tell him.

A/n~ I know this chapter isn't much, but I needed to add something to this story. If you requested a chapter, I promise you I'm working on it. I've been really busy, and getting ideas for them is impossible for me right now. So I will get to it when I can. I hope you understand. Goodnight my loves!❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰

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