Steve Rogers x Reader smut

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Word count: 816

"FINE!" You yell, and storm off up the stairs. You and and Tony had been fighting. You stormed up to your room and flopped down onto your bed. You started crying. Tears were streaming down your cheeks. You wanted to scream. Finally, the tears slowed to a stop. Your face was blotchy and red. You walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. You let the water heat up and placed a towel on the heater. You got undressed and stepped into the shower. You sat down on the floor of the shower and pulled your knees up to your chest.

You sat like that for a while and then turned off the water. You stood up and stepped out of the shower. You grabbed the towel and wrapped it around you tightly. You sat down on the floor and once again pulled your knees up to your chest. You were staring off to the side, when you heard the door knob turn. You looked up to see Steve leaning on the doorframe. You stared at him for a moment, and then smiled at him slightly. He stepped into the room and closed the door. He sat down next to you and pulled his knees into his chest to match you. You turned your head to look at him.

"I saw you fighting with Tony. You okay?" He asked. He had walked in on the two of you fighting, but you didn't notice him. After you had left he sat down to talk to Tony. "Yeah I'm fine." You mumbled. "Good." He says, wrapping his arm around you and kissing your forehead. He runs his hand through your wet hair. He kissed your forehead again and rubbed your back. You lifted your head to look at him, and stared at his lips. You leaned up and kissed them. He kissed back. He wrapped his arm under your legs and lifted you up bridal style.

He carried you into the bedroom and gently dropped you onto the bed. You removed your towel, and Steve took off his shirt and his belt. He quickly threw off his pants and boxers, revealing his hard cock. It sprung up and hit his stomach. "Mm baby are you hard for me?" You ask, seductively. "Ooh baby look what you've done to me." He says, climbing up to you. He lowered himself down in between your legs and licked a long stripe down your pussy. "Mfh!" You squeakily moan, startled at the touch. He slipped his tongue through your wet folds, making you moan more. He started sucking your clit and stuck a finger inside your pussy. "Mmh! Oh! Steve!" You moan out. "You like that, baby?" Steve says, pumping in faster. "Yes! Stevie!" You moan.

He stopped licking, and moved up. He grabbed his cock, stroked it a few times, and lined it up with your entrance. He started licking your nipple, and shoved his cock inside your pussy. "Oh!" You groaned. Steve moaned at how tight you were. "God your so tight." He moans out on your nipple. He started thrusting, making you moan louder and louder. You felt so good you could cum on the spot, but you didn't. He kept pounding into you, making you moan and scream as loud as you could. He slides his finger down and rubs your clit. "AHH STEVE! GOD RIGHT THERE AH!" You scream. "I-IM G-AH! GONNA CUM GAH STEVE!" You scream, the pleasure becoming too much. "Cum all over my cock. Yeah, that's it baby cum all over daddy's big cock." Steve moans out as your walls tighten around him. Your squirt on Steve, cumming all over his cock. "God baby that was- mfh! Beautiful mfh!" Steve says, moaning and slowly thrusting as he shoots his cum into your pussy.

"God, that was so good." Steve says, panting and collapsing next to you. You flip over and move down the bed, taking him into your mouth. You lick a stripe from the base to the tip, swirling your tongue around the tip. "Mh!" Steve moans. You start bobbing your head up and down, sucking his cock and making him moan. He starts gently thrusting into your mouth, making you groan and choke a little. You keep licking and sucking and making him moan. "Mm baby if you keep going like this you're gonna make me cum." He says, thrusting his cock into your mouth making you gag. "Cum for me cum all down my pretty throat I wanna taste you daddy." You say, taking him out to a second to talk and putting him straight back in. He moans loudly and thrusts one last time and shoots his cum down your throat. You collapse next to him, both of you panting. "That...was...amazing." You pant out. The both of you fell asleep next to each other.

A/n~ I hope you enjoyed this chapter of the story! If you have any requests just let me know and I will get to writing them as soon as I can. Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! Good night my loves!!❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘

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